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             OFHS, SEpT. '92                                                       LAcIiUTE PROTESTANT CEMETERY

             1749. Ula M. CARLIN May 30,1917 - April 4, 1986 beloved  1771.1945 Geraldine McGILL 1988 beloved wife of 1935  I
                 wife of William A. GAIN July 23, 1912 - (-)         Roger LAFOND (--)
            1750. In memory of Eliza Jane GAIN born December 30, 1888  1772. Peter GORDON November 5, 1882 - April 6, 1943
                 died November 9, 1971 beloved wife ofWm. Edmund  1773. Peter GORDON November 5, 1882 - April 6, 1943 Kath-
                 CARLIN 'Rl.P.'                                                                                         I
                                                                     erine BOA March 10, 1888 - August 18, 1984
            1751. U. Ida CARLIN June 10, 1921- (-) beloved wife of
                 Ralph T. COPELAND March 15, 1922· (-)          1774. MIDDLETON
                                                                1775. In memory of Oswald G. THOMPSON April 27, 1904 -
            1752. Gordon DAVIDSON died April 2, 1984 beloved hus-    October 19, 1950                                   I
                 band of Queenie DAVIDSON died April 27, 1991 '0 for
                 the touch ofa vanished hand and a sound of a voice  1776. In loving memory of husband and dad S10Ul Nor-
                 that is still'                                      mand A. May 14,1904· December 9, 1950 his wife No-
                                                                     rah HADLEY April 4, 1912 - February 14, 1973 'Ever
             1753. Duncan MacDOUGALL born February 1, 1866 died      remembered ever loved'                             I
                 March 19, 1944 his wife Margaret Ann MURDOCH
                 born March 23, 1875 died October 20, 1952. Hartland  1777. Frank E. EARLE 1889-1958 his beloved wife 1901 Sally
                 John MacDOUGALL born August 24, 1908 died Febru-    MacDOUGALL 1991 and their daughter 1929 Elizabeth
                 ary 15, 1943 'At rest' (rear face) George A. MacDOU-  EARLE 1991                                       I
                 GALL September 1, 1899 • January 8, 1958 his wife  1m. In memory of Robert McfAUL died July 26, 1960 his
                 Dorothy MATIHEWS September 7, 1906 - March 23,
                 1970 Kenneth Duncan MacDOUGALL July 12, 1903 -      wife HannahJ. McARTHUR 1888-1980 'Asleep inJesus'
                 July 12, 1974                                  1779. Rachae! Maude KENNEDY October 17, 1878 - May 27,  I
                                                                     1959 wife ofjohn S. DIXON. John Samuel DIXON
             1754. Lyall Archibald MIDDLETON March 7, 1902- May 5,   March 31, 1877 - January 30, 1972
                                                                 1780. THOMPSON Alma M. SILVERSON 1905-1990, hus·
             1755. Elsa Elvira ruST wife of Lyall Archibald MIDDLE-  band James R.1900-1963                            •
                 TON September 28, 1909 - March 22, 1966
                                                                 1781. James Angus TAYLOR May 31, 1897 - October 31, 1964
             1756. James Archibald MIDDLETON January 1, 1869 - July 8,  and his wife Irene Elizabeth SCOTI July 18, 1900 - Feb-
                                                                     ruary 1, 1989                                      I
             1757. Ruth Anna RIDDELL wife ofjames Archibald MID-  1782. Frank PRING January 9, 1895 - May 5, 1963 his wife
                 DLETON June 7, 1878 - February 25, 1959
                                                                     Mary Ellen WILLEY February 11, 1897 - (-)
            1758. James Eric MIDDLETON June 6, 1910 - Oclober29, 1989
                                                                1783. James T. WILSON December 6, 1895 - September 20,
             1759. Margaret Irene RIDDELL August 10, 1893 - November  1968 'There is rest in heaven'                   •
                 21, 1967 beloved wife of George Gordon MITCHELL
                 November 10, 1883 - October 30, 19n             1784. Andrew James WOOD 1904-1974 Elien M. WALKER
                                                                     his wife 1905-(-)
             1760. Harry L.L. PARTRIDGE December 3,1884 - April 22,  1785. Remi N. CREPELLE July 18, 1904 - April 18, 1976 his  I
                 1951 and his wife Jessie M. McfAUL May 27, 1885· July  wife Josephine Oose) HEBERT August 25, 1905 - Sep.
                 22,1970                                             tember 5, 1977 their son Louis December 22, 1929 - (--)
             1761. In memory of Elizabeth POLLOCK 1872·1951 wife of  1786. Joey McARTHUR 1982-1983 precious son of Marc and
                 Allan J. HAMMOND 1875-1956. Joanna POLLOCK      1787. CFTSMN Lawrence H. HODGE 1910-1985 R.CE.M.E. •
             1762. McMAHON
             1763. Kenneth Ross SLY December 12, 1895 - November 3,  1788. Helen ALLEN 1922-1989 William BROWN 192J.{--)  I
                 1965 beloved husband of Alma GORDON May 7, 1899·
                 August 19, 1970                                 1789. Edward C BARRON May 8, 1912 - October 31, 1987his
                                                                     beloved wife Doris E. MONTGOMERY July 1, 1909-
             1764. SLY Gladys Elizabeth STYLES 1924-1976. Gordon Ken-                                                  •
                 neth SLY 1922-1974                                  (-) and their son William J.E. BARRON May 13, 1949·
             1765. Andrew A. NICOLL November 21,1894 - February 27,  1790. WALKER Charles beloved husband of Alma DIXON
                 1968 beloved husband of Catharine J. JONES February  October 11,1885 - May 27, 1943 'None knew thee but to
                 3,1900 - August 18, 1986'At rest'                                                                     •
                                                                     love thee'
             1766. Wilhelm BAGINSKI September 16, 1928· July 27,1965  1791. LAVIS William Robert 1883-1981
                 beloved husband of Marie POMOR1N 'Ever remem-
                 bered, ever loved'                              1792. In memory of Jane LAVIS 1891-1947 beloved wife of Ar-
                                                                     thur John LAVIS 1890-1975                         •
             1767. James A. BATES November 13, 1907 - January 4, 1968
                                                                 1793. Jean JAMISON 1933-1979
             1768. T. Edmund KETTYLE September 19, 1879 - July 31,
                 19n and his wife Jessie May TODD August 7, 1886 - (-  1794. John Kennedy DIXON 1919-1977 and his beloved wife  I
                 -) (rear face) Marjorie YOUNG wife of William TODD  Grace Lavis CRUISE 1918-(-)
                 died in 1890 interred in SI. Andres East, Quebec
                                                                 1795. In memory of Henry John McDONALD 18n-1951 and
             1769. Peter BRANEY 191Q.(-) his beloved wife Leola BE-  his wife Laura Maud BOYD 1879-1950'At rest'
                 LANGER 1912-1985 'Love is etemal'                                                                     I
                                                                 1796. ARRAN Roland 1870-1950 Bertha 1870-1953
             1770. Elsie Brown LEES May 16, 1916· February 24,1989
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