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Martha M. 1907-1908, Daniel H. 1905-1933, Albert T. 1435. CRESWEll, Moses 1837-1889 his wife Martha I
1909·1936, Clyde 5.1913-1964, Florence 1923-1972 MOREll 1845-1912. Euphemia 187801942
1422. Roy S. ELLIOTT 1904-1963 beloved husband ofMirna 1436. CRESWELL, Robert 1882-1967 his wife Margaret
MORRISON 1894-1956 BROWN 1891-(-·). William CRESWEll 1873-1955 I
1423. In loving memory of William MORRISON 1861-1948 1437. GOODfELLOW, George 1840-1882 interred in
and his wife Margaret MITOlEll 1863-1945 'When Belleville Ontario also his beloved wife Maria STE-
mourning for companions gone, we double feel our· WART 1852-1914. James E. GOODfEllOW died April
selves alone' 11,1920 aged 42 years and 7months
1424. In loving memory of Olive Dorothy MOORE 1899-1965 1438. COMBIE, Georges 1914-1978 husband of Imelda
wife of George H. MORRISON 1897-1978 There is rest NEVEU 'Ever remembered, ever loved'
in heaven' Their son Howard H. 1919-1976
1439. COMBIE In memory of Annie born November 25, 1903 I
1425. In loving memory of Hannah Gertrude W. RODGERS died February 3, 1921 aged 17 years and 2 months 'She
died May 3, 1911 aged 19 yea,.. 6 months 'Weep not fa· was the SW"lShine of our home'
ther and mother for me for I am waiting in glory for 1440. 1m memory of Eliza Edna Elizabeth daughter of George
thee. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord' (side and Ellen COMBIE died July 11, 1920 aged 10 years and
face) In loving memory of M.G. Russell RODGERS 1441. GAMMON, Richard F.1840-1927his wife EllenS. •
2 months
born July 3, 1893 died January 25,1974 'At rest' his sister
Ruth Rodge,.. GRAHAM born November 29, 1896 died
July 24, 1977her daughter Margaret GRAHAM born HAWES 1853-1932. Beatrice Gammon DEMPSTER
August 23, 1919 died July 24, 1977 1887-1945. Arthur GAMMON 1884-1959. Lome Duncan •
CAMPBELL 1886-1976 his wife Selina Ellen GAMMON
1426. Ernest BERUBE 1902-1945 his wife Laura Mary 1895-1984
POITRAS 1901-1956
1852-1904 his wife Margaret Jane RODGERS 1856-1946 I
1442. Erected in memory of Robert KYLE (Lakefield Quebec)
1427. 1850 Margaret CURRIE 1920 'Lovely and pleasant in
life, though departed yet speaketh' wife of 1848 Rev.
JNO. R. MaclEOD D.O. 1936 and their son Gordon their daughter Annie Maude 1877-1902 and their son Ly-
man George 1880-1913 (rear face) Austin F. KYLE 1886-
MaclEOD died October 22, 1958 and his wife Veda 1968 his wife Amy BAKER 1880-1956
ADAMS died January 29, 1953 I
1443. Isaac Cleland McRAE born May 4,1853 died December
1428. Thomas OlRISTIE 1854-1934 and his wife May
1936'At rest' and his wife Margaret A. PATTERSON •
MaclEOD died February 24, 1940 14,1929 also his wife Annie Amelia LASKY born July
12,1854 died April 14, 1932. Frank Edward McRAE July
1429. In memory of William J. McNAUGHTON died Febru- 20,1884- February 6,1938
ary 14, 1927 age 74 years and 7 months 'Kind father of
love thou art gone to thy rest forever to bask amid the 1444. John P. SCOTT born December 1859 died September
joys of the blest' also his wife Prudenchie ARNOLD
died November 14, 1931 aged 78 years 'Rest Mother rest born June 1863 died December 1949 and their daughter •
Ruby Evelyn born September 1887 died April 1939 and
in quiet sleep' (side face) Allan Higgins
McNAUGHTON born June 28, 1894 died September 6, their SOn Wallace J. April 26, 1896 - February 1,1961
1926 'Tread softly for an angle band doth guard the si· 1445. Russell BOYD born July 30, 1929 died August 15, 1937
lent dust and we can safely leave our boy, our darling in I
their trust' 1446. Lucien N. ROSSAERT December 2,1931- April 22,
1989 his beloved wife Marjorie J. HAY October 1, 1939-
1430. In loving remembrance of Daisy BOURNE beloved (-)
wife of Herman ZIMMER born in Sommerset England
August 20, 1890 died October 21, 1979 1447. Gordon James HAY September 27, 1905- February 18, •
1991 his beloved wife Janet I. MORRISON March 7,
1431. Ernest John ZIMMER May 8, 1872- July 6, 1931 his wife 1912-(-)
Elizabeth Catherine REDMOND January 8, 1869- July
30,1955, Ivaleen Elizabeth ZIMMER August 5, 1905- 1448. In memory ofClifford M. lEISHMAN 1899-1958 be- •
loved husband of Lilian C. BAll 1901-19- Thy will be
February 13, 1987 Alfreda Anna ZIMMER November 5, done'
1449. James lEISHMAN 1862-1937 and his wife Catherine E.
1432. Horace RIDDEll 189801943 his wife Olive A. KERR
1901-1964 their sons Cpl. Gerald E. RlDDEll 1922-1944 MORRlN 1875-1940 •
interred at Cdn War Cemetery Bretteville-sur·Saize, 1450. In loving memory of Alexander SlOGIE died May 18,
wife of Alexander GRAHAM died September 28, 1920 •
France. William H. RlDDEll 1929-1930 1914 aged 70 years a native of Edinburgh Sootland, his
1433. Samuel T. ROGERS born October 3,1867died Novem- beloved wife Margaret SPENCE 1853-1947
ber 27, 1950 Lucinda WOODS beloved wife of Samuel 1451. Alexander GRAHAM formerly of Arundel died March
T. ROGERS born February 12, 1875 died October 24, 2,1940 aged 85 years. Euphemia CAMERON beloved
1936'Asleep in Jesus'
aged 66 years and 8 months
1434. Edna R. GRAHAM December 17, 1905· December 28, I
1966 wife of Douglas R. BRADfORD June 10, 1900- 1452. In memory of Matthew ELDER born Janury 7, 1875
April 22, 1989 also his wife Myrtle Cummings died December 18, 1968 his wife Hannah RIDDEll
JENKINS, their daughter Marjorie 1937·1940 (side face) born April 20, 1881 died April 17, 1967. Hazel E. Han-
Howard Grayson 1955-1973 son of Floyd and Mildred nah beloved daughter of Matthew and Hannah ELDER I
BRADfORD born Novembr 1, 1909 died February 25,1921 'She was
46 I