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I 1700. In loving memory of Waldemar HEIMANN November 1724. MacKRITH 1910 Catherine (-). 1913 Dorothy 1982.
30,1922 - November 9, 1981 1920 Violet 1985
1701. Frank MAIDENS 191~1900 beloved husband of Edna 1725.1923 HarryH. MocKRITH 1988 'Rest in peace'
I McADAM 191~(-) 1726. John James ROBERTSON August 6, 1909 - (-) and his
1702. F. Elizabeth STANTON January 5,1920 - October 22, wife Edna Mary HADLEY September 17,1910- January
1987 'Beloved teacher and good friend' 10,1981
I 1703. William C. MacMILlAN B.A., B.D., D.O. 18~1959 and 1727. Walter J. JONES 189~1971 his wife Winifred H.
McKAY 1896-1964 their son Walter ElI.sworth 1920-(-)
Ilia wife Jessie I. COlJRTNEY 1885-1968
1704. Albert H. COPELAND 1884-1948 Ilia wife Jessie O. 1728. Nat W. BOYD February 14, 1905 - September 28, 1990
POLLOCK 1887-1981 their son Lloyd W. 1921-1922
his beloved wife Bessie I. MORRIN January 18, 1909 • (.•
I 1705. Karen STEEVES December 6, 1960 - February 3, 1961 -)
1729. Thomas Albert BIGNELL June 5, 1913 - December 9,
1706. WlLSON 1967
a 1707. Edwin H. ROBERTSON March 20, 1913· November 1730. Brent Stanley NOBLE son ofStanley .It Marjorie NO-
19, 1957husband of Isabel M. scon December 12,
BLE brother of Heather July 7, 1961 -July 31,1974
1925· (-) 'Ever remembered, ever loved' 1731. Irvin James lAIN October 12, 1907 - September 11, 1981
• 17~. Walter Wm. ROBERTSON April 7, 1911 - November 1732. Wesley James COPELAND July 26,1904· September3,
his beloved wife Hazel Jane HARPER February 25,1912
- July 27, 1990
1709. In memory of Ethel E. MORRISON 1908-1981 wife of
James HAY 1903-1986
I 1710. Kenneth Charles FRASER October 28, 1905 - March 14, 1733. Elsie Gladys MASSEY July 11, 1913 - September 10,
1979 wife ofWesley James COPELAND
1711. James Wright McGIBBON December 5, 1901 • October 1734. Edgar O. DlON 1910-(-) Ilia wife Lucienne A.
I 10,1965 and his beloved wife Muriel WALKER January DENEAULT 1912-(--) 'Ever remembered'
3,1903 - March 6, 1981
1712. Donald C. ROBERTSON January 5, 1922· August 16, 1735. John (Jack) HODGE 1912-1983 beloved husband of
Mary 'Ever remembered'
I 1713. Milton M. McFAUL May 26,1912 - February 13, 1976be- 1736. James Rory LEARY 1929-(-) Marion Elaine CLARK
loved husband of Ruby E. CAVES
1737. James MacDONALD died January 19, 1943 in his 64th
1714. Ruby E. CAVES May 12, 1915· May 5,1978 wife of Mil· year and his wife Harriet MacKenzie BAIN died Febru·
I ton M. McFAUL ary 21, 1964 in her 93rd year
1715. Joan RANKIN 1931-1977 wife of Kenneth HANLY
1738. HILLS
1716. In loving memory of J. Gordon POLLOCK August 5, 1739. Charles George JOSS April 28, 1892 - September 28,
I 1890 - August 13, 1987 and his beloved wife H.M. lillian 1962 and his wife Margaret Frances HILLS 1891-1969
ROGERS September 10, 1897- January 1, 1983 their
daughter Gladys POLLOCK May 27,1919 - September 1740. Infant daughter of Harold .It Marion DEACON January
11,1988 'Safe in the Arms of Jesus' 28,1952
l 1717. Rose ARNAULD 1912-1983 beloved wife of Ray Mac- 1741. David Alexander BRASH May 24,1882 - August 8, 1958
and his wife Matilda GALLACHER 1884-1980
RAE 1910-1988
1718. George PAUL 1911·1988 his wife Pearl V. McNEIL 1915- 1742. (Masonic crest) Joseph McMAHON June 7, 1877 - July
I 1719. A Leslie COOPER July 13, 1914· July 5, 1987beloved 1743. Mary McALLISTER April 9, 1878 - February 20,1966
25,1958 'Till we meet again'
husband of Marion S. McGREGOR May 3, 1914-(-) beloved wife of Joseph McMAHON 'God be with you'
I 1720. Gordon Peter DOBBIE 19Q6.1984 his wife Margaret Sel- 1744. In memory of George V. GRAHAM 1894-1976 and his
kirk LANCEY 1910-(-)
wife Alice JACKSON 1897-1972
1721. Peter DOBBIE March 11, 1868 - July 21,1945 and his 1745. William McKay CADORETIEJuly 23, 1922- January
.. wife Sarah Jane McGALLIARD January 5, 1871 •Sep- 26,1989. Tina VAN DER POORTEN June 19, 1922·
tember 12, 1948 their daughter Maud Bothwell GREIG
(-) 'R.I.P.'
May 1, 1903 - January 24,1980
1746. In loving memory of Jennet M. McMEEKIN May 12,
1722. James Noel GILLIES December 25, 1899 - November 8, 1894· April 19, 1966 beloved wife of Edgar W.
HOTCHKISS March 20, 1896 - May 3, 1977. HOTCHK-
1 1986and his wife Margaret Grace DOBBIE May 25, ISS Norman H. February 28,1927 - September 21, 1987
1901 - November 25, 1985
1723. Ella C. RIDDELL died December 2,1975 beloved wife 'Ever remembered ever loved'
of Albert Arthur HILLS Albert Arthur HILLS July 19, 1747. Stanley DODD 1903-(-) his beloved wife Mabel
L 1887- May 2, 1947 beloved husband of Ella C. RID- GOLDEN 1909-1990 their son Robert DODD 1941-(·-)
DELL Thy will be done' Alice RIDDELL died January
IAt rest'
6,1964 daughter of Margaret RIJ:,DELL
1748. NOBLE