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             OFHS, SEpT. '92

             1483. In loving memory of W. Thomas McCAMBLYdied         BOUCK 1900-1976 husband of Gertrude L.M. MAR-     I
                  April 23, 1950 aged 75 years beloved husband of O1ar-  SHALL 1902-1990 'We will meet again'
                  lotle MOORE. Florence May PARXER beloved wife of  1503. LEES In loving memory of James 1884-1954 'Deeply
                  W.T. McCAMBLY died October 21, 1929 in her 38th    mourned'
                  year. 'In Thee, 0 Lord, have I put my trust'                                                          I
                                                                 1504. In loving memory of Jessie R YEUDALL beloved wife
             1484. In loving memory of Father and Mother, William TAY-  of James LEES born at Galston Scotland March 10,1886
                  LOR 1863-1934 his beloved wife Margaret GRAY 1872-
                 1945                                                 died at Lachute December 12, 1939
                                                                 1505. MUIR Allan Edmond 1893-1955 Marion Alma MUIR     I
             1485. Elspeth TAnOR 1892-1954 beloved wife of Harry     1892-1981
                  PARKINSON 18%-1959. Uly LONG 1910-1966
                                                                 1506. Mary Armstrong FOWLER 1866-1950
             1486. In loving memory of Theodore R. HAMMOND Septem-
                  ber 24,1888 -January 11,1935 beloved husband of Eliza  1507. In loving memory of James CATTON July 13, 1868 -Oc-
                  READ July 19,1892 - April 19, 1983                  tober 20, 1940 'At rest' also his wife Margaret A. KET-
                                                                      TLE December 7, 1874 - June 2, 1949
             1487. Archibald J. COWAN 1912-1974
                                                                 1508. Laura Laurin BIGRAS March 25, 1902 - February 3,
             1488. Janet A. COWAN 1911-1940                                                                             I
                                                                      1977. Richard G. BIGRAS 1925-1947
             1489. Ida M. Bathurst COWAN 1923-(-)
                                                                 1509. Robert DOIG January 27, 1878 -June 5, 1958 his wife
             1490. David infant son of F. &: D. PAYNE June 20,1967    Eva DOIG January 4,1881 - August 15, 1969, their son
                                                                      Howard L October 29,1919 - August 27, 1942 buried
             1491. In loving memory of Harriet Elizabeth ARMSTRONG                                                      I
                  beloved wife of A.A. BOA died December 17, 1931 aged  Brookwood Cemetery, England
                  64 years and 9months. Andrew A. BOA died April 1,  1510. Isabella 5. STEPHEN 189D-1973 beloved wife of Arnold
                  1940 aged 76 years and their daughter Dorothy H. died  5. MAXWELL 1893-1981. Frances G. TOMALTY 1927-
                  July 13, 1917 aged 13 years and 9 months 'Precious in  1954 beloved wife of Roland E. MAXWELL 1925-(---).  •
                  the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints'   5gt. Nav. W. Harold MAXWELL RC.A.F.1921-1943
             1492. In memory of Elizabeth E. STEWART 1883-1956 'At  1511. In memory oOohn R MacKlMMIE September 8, 1922 -
                  rest'                                               June 2, 1976                                      •
             1493. In memory of William ScOtl SMITH died January 10,  1512. In 10vin13. memory of Katie Isabella WALKER February
                  1929 aged 70 years'At rest' and his wife Ellen J. UR·  3,1898 -July 2, 1970 beloved wife of William 5.5.
                  QUHART died August 8, 1932 aged 71 years. Thomas    MacKlMMIE November 4, 1891 -January 24, 1973
                  U. SMITH died May 2, 1915 aged 20 years 4 months 12                                                   •
                  days 'Tho lost to sight to memory dear' Kenneth C. (G.?)  1513. Douglas H. MacKIMMIE June 1, 1919 - (---) beloved
                 SMITH died December 7, 1928 aged 39 years buried in  husband of Eleanor M. MORRISON March 22, 1917-
                 Saskatoon 'Gone home'                                July 12, 1990
                                                                 1514. Franklin W. GRAHAM March 31,1884 -June 22 1969   I
             1494. In loving memory of Robert COPLAND born May 12,
                 1880 died September 21,1942 his wife Ruby SMITH      his wife Elizabeth M. MILLER April 8, 1889 - Ma"rch 24
                                                                      1964. William A. GRAHAM October 9,1886 -January ,
                                                                      16,1911 - (-) their son John December 5, 1937 •
                  born January 29,1885 died August 7, 1924 their daugh-
                  ter Freda born March 3, 1905 died August 8, 1927. Ever  24,1967
                  remembered by Roberta &: Edith                 1515. Jubal C. John MacDONALD December 12,1888- Sep-
             1495. Margaret DOIG born 1833 died 1920 Native of5tirling-  tember 19,1902 his wife Gladys Evelyn FlNDLAYMay
                 shire Scotland
                                                                 1516. Lee P. CAYA 1907-1972 his beloved wife Yvonne
             1496. In memory of Jane GRE1R died April 28, 1920 aged 65
                 years. Native of Scotland. 'Faithful unto death'     PETIT 1904-1989 'Rest in peace'
                                                                 1517. In memory of 5ilas VoM. ELDER October 29, 1903 - Feb-
             1497. Wilbur G. WALKER December 6, 1887· November 4,
                                                                      ruary 3, 1986 and his wife Myrtle E.M. PATTERSON
                 1948 beloved husband of Helena SIMON June 28, 1889-  September 19, 1909· April 8, 1988                 •
                 November 29, 1977 (rear face) their beloved daughler
                 Joyce Emily December 26,1928 -September 4, 1967  1518. Gerald W. WALKER January 24, 1919 - February 11,
                                                                      1986 his beloved wife Anna M. KNECHT January 18,
             1498. In lOVing memory of John SIMON died June 20, 1935
                 aged 76 years Mary A. McfAUL beloved wife of John    1923· (-) 'I know that my Redeemer liveth'        •
                 SIMON died November 28,1924 aged 67 years       1519. Donald BEERS August 1, 1897 - March 16 1975 his be-
                                                                      loved wife Irene HAZEL March 29,1909 - April 15 1987
             1499. Ala memoire de Peter BIGRAS decede Ie 21 aoul1928  their son Wyman January 15, 1938        '
                 age de 72 ans epoux de Perside TOUCHETTE 1856-                                                         J
                 1933. George A. BIGRAS 1898-1979                1520. William NICHOLS born 1850 died 1925 his wife Isa-
                                                                      bella J. ALBRIGHT born 1862 died 1940. Mabel Nichols
             1500. WARD Laura M. LYSTER 1892·1961 loving wife of Er-  McDONELL born 1895 died 1977
                                                                 1521. Emily E. PLUNKETT beloved wife of Archibald MacK-  I
             1SOl. Alexander J. McGIBBON died March 19, 1930aged 76
                 years and his wife Mary MITCHELL died September 9,   ENZIE born December 28,1917 died June 1 1947 'Peace
                 1943 aged 91 years                                   perfect peace' Archibald MacKENZIE October 14, 1913-
                                                                      May 15, 1975
             1502. In loving memory of Martha KNOX wife of Thos. MAR-                                                   I
                 SHALL August 1,1860- May 17, 1933. Wm. WaUace

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