Page 62 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 62

44                              POPULATION

          6--Population, 1921-1956, superficie et densité de la population, 1956, pro\'ince de
                    Québec, par régions économiques et di\'isions statistiques
          6--Population, 192:1-1956, Area and Density of the Population, 1956, Pro\'ince of
                    Qu"bec, by Economie Regions and Statistical Di\'isions
            NOTIl:: Pour les roconaomentB RDLéricU11i1 1 voir Annuaire  NOTEl-: FOl previOU8 ecnsueea, BOB lQ55 Yoar Boalt,
          19&1;, pp. 50-51.                    pp. 50-.~1.
                                                                     en miIJes  Par )nille
           RÉGroNS ET DIVISH)NS  1021   1031    10H    1951          cn.rr~·8  oarré
                                                                     ArBa iD  Per BC)U(\ra
                                                                     sqllare  mllo
          PROVINCE    .        2,360,510  2,874,662  3,331,882  4,055,681  4,628,378  523,8&0  8.84
          1-0ASI'E: IE-[W\r'g"SUD
            G AePE~I.\- OUTI:I BnonE... ,  239,470  270,363  319,899  360,785  393,730  17,898  22.00

              Bonaventure..      29,002  32.432  39,196  -11,1~)  43.240  3,461  12.48
              CIl.8Dé  .         40.375  45.017  55.208  62,&30  7) .8~0  1 J;'18  15.47
              KamournsJH\  .     22,014  23.954  20,535  26.672  27.817  I.W8  26.80
              L·Ialet   .        17.859  19.404  20,589  22,095  21.047  773  31 Il
              MnIRne     .       36,303  45,272  55.414  64.1 2  71.042  3.3R2  21. 01
              Mon~lOil~ny  .     21,997  20.239  22,049  24.514  25,909  o:m  11 .22
              R.iJ.Uou~ki. _. . . . . . .. ..  27.520  33 . .151  44.233  5~,220  61.357  2.0~U  2\1 37
              Rjyj(\ro-du-Loup  .  44.310  50.294  57,675  65.550  68.362  1.874  36.48
                                 73,117  105,977  143,187  197,910  234,&72  41,523  5.65
              Chicoutimi.  .     .~7, 578  5r..724  78,8 1  115.004  137,9no  17.BOO  7.75
              L"e-Sain~-J00n  .  35.0.39  &0.253  64.300  82.006  9(j.673  23,723  -1 08

                                316,372  400,256  452,543  531,.219  587,520  12,219  48.08
              Beauce     o •••••••  40.308  '14.793  48.073  04,913  ;'0.957  1.128  fi3.15
      .   21.813  22.000  23.676  25.332  20.203  0-3  10.1.1
              CI,orlovoix.. .. . .. .  .  20.708  22.IHO  25,(lOZ  28.2&9  30.203  2,215  13.00
              Ooroho.~cr    .    26.788  27.994  20,869  33.313  :H,ll02  842  11.20
              T,,;l'·i.. .. . . . .. .  33.323  35.656  3B,119  43.625  'In.839  272  172.20
              Lotbinièro  .      21.8:37  23.034  26.6 4  27,O&;  aO.116  726  41. 48
              Monlmoronc}',      14.008  16,955  18.602  21,389  24.098  2.198  11.19
              Porto ur.  .       32.811  :1:i.903  38.996  43.453  4(;,098  I.HO  32.01
              Québeo  .         124.776  170.01ô  202.  2  252.890  288,75·1  2.745  105.19
          4-Tn.OIS-RIYIT::HB8 ..  171,336  1&3,175  217,933  254,130  283,201  15,22&  18.&0

              'Tlertbi.r  .      20.500  IO.50G  2) .2:i3  24.717  26 ..159  1.1\16  1'1.51
              Chnmplain  .       54 .034  59.862  68.0;'7  85,745  102.574  8,[J(:Hi  11.96
              .~.ll.8kinollg6  .  16.253  16.039  18.200  19.'178  20.870  2.37~  8.78
               lenlo~         .  29 .f\9.~  28.673  30,08.,  30.33fi  31,218  621;  49 92
              Sniot.-Mallric~  .  50.845  69.095  80.352  93.855  102,050  1.820  56.07
          6--C A"TON8~Dl:-LtEs'T
            EA~TEHN  TaWN8FlJl';'J ..  261,346  281,494  324,035  396,475  432,2&2  7,230  59.79
             Ar~h"boab        .  21.848  27.H.O  3n.03n  ;1fi,!)!i7  11.422  666  02.20
              Broloe  " ....••...•..  1.1.(181  12.,1:1:1  )2 .4~,i  13.:1!l3  13.790  188  28.2G
              Compton         .  2:1. ~71  21. ~17  22.0;'7  23.K:ôO  25.057  !J:13  21\.80
              Drumnlond .....•....  IU,07"  2r., 17\)  30,CS3  53.·1~1;  55.ul:,r;  b;j'':!  10·\.15
              Frontenao,  , .••... , .•.  24.000  ~~;). nRl  28.596  30·Z~~  31.43:l  1, :170  2~.94
              Mégamio         .  33.\033  35.492  40,357  45 .......  53.0~!:l  780  07.98
              Richmond"."     .  24.0H7  2'1 ,,)r1li  27,403  34 .IO~  38.641  541  71.03
              Shefl'ord  .       2.~, 734  28.2li2  33.3>\7  18 .1'~2  18.00;;  567  /l.,j 83
              Sherbrooke  .      30.7an  :H.3Hfl  16,i.74  62.lf\5  70,.~(;1\  238  2H(j .[10
             Stanstol.ld      .  n.:IHO  2.~,118  27,972  3·1.(;·12  3S,3W  132  81. 7b
              Wolfe  .           18.181  11i,O (l  17,4Q2  18.153  18,774  680  27 61
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67