Page 61 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 61

RECENSEM ENT-CEN8US                           43

        Toutes les J'égion~ éeonomiqul'" de la pro-  Ali the ecollomic rcgions of the Province
      vincp cio Québec nnt enregisl.l'(' c1es ho.usses  of Quebec recorded an of more thun
      supi'rj"urcs il. 9 pour cent de 1951 il 1956.  9 pel' cent (rom 1951 to 1956.  As wa~ tho
      Tout comme en 1951, 1.." l'l~~iolJ~ de Côte-  case in 1951, the North Shore-New Qupbec
      Nord-1\ouveau-Québec et de S:.lguelJay-Lac-  und the Saguenay-Lake St. John regions
      Saint.-Jean ont marqué les plus fortes uug-  showed t.he greate t increases, thereby indi-
      ment,ations, montrant pur lA que le dépla-  cating thllt the movement of the population
      cement. de la. popu!lttion, constnté depuis le  toward thcse regiODS, which set in al. t.he
      début. du siècle, s'est continué au cours de  beginning of the ccn tury was still in pT'ogrü!!8
      cett.e période quinquennale.          durlng the past five years,

      5-Population, augmentation numérique   et en pourcentage  par périodes de
              dix ans, province de Québec, par régions économiques, 1911-1956
      6-Popu!ation, Numerica! and Percentage Increuse for each Ten-Year Period,
                 Province of Quebec, by Economie Regions, 1911-1956

               nG:OIONS          1011    1921    1031    10,11   1001    1950

              PROVINCE         2,005,776  2,3&0,31.0  2,874,662  3,331,882  4,055,681  4,628,378
         Caspesin-Sou~hShore, , ... , , , ..  20G,710  2~9,470  270,363  319,890  300,786  ~D3.730
       2-Sagllonny·LlIc-Sninlo-Jean. " . ' , ..  50.48tl  ta,117  105, g77  1'13,IR7  107,910  231, 1;7~
       3-~llé.bco... '... , . , ... .............  303.765  .nO.~72  400,21;6  4,j2, ,..13  [,:n ,219  ,j87 ,[j'JO
       4- rO'8-RIVlÔrCS.,." ............  HG ,347  171.330  193 .175  217.!I:i3  2"'\,130  283,201
       Ô-Cantons-do·1 'Est
         EuaterD Townships.............  237,070  251,34r.  281. 194  32,1,035  300.475  4~2, 252
       O-Montrénl. .............. , ... , ..  :J58,120  3n,OUO  305,750  417,230  662,375  OJ2,310
       7-Mon~rénl Métropolanin
         Montreal Motropolitlln.. , ..•....  582,879  700.131  1.0-10,819  1.170,886  1,436,005  l,Ob,\) ,042
       8--Outnollni•. , . , , ...... , . , ..... ,.  ~}I)l {:135  101,5JJ  U·1.357  118.59[  142,060  10l,Oln
       O-Abilihi.Témiscaminl(uc..... , , ...  1O,3ôO  26,57L  14,301  108,lM  14 1.458  1.57,2.39
         North Shore-New QlIebue... , .. , .  1.5.402  lB .603  22, lOI  20,419  42,004  57.3&4
              PROVINCE          356,B78  364,734  514,152  457,220  723,799  572,697
       I-Gaspésio--Ri va-Sud
         (il\SpesÎu.-Suutb Shorù...  32,80.•  33,700  30,893  49,636  40.880  ;l2.fH5
       2-SagIJellIlY-LlIe-SlIi nt·Jenn.  13 ,'l'J~  22,031  32,860  :J7.21!l  51,723  :lO,762
       3-Québec,." ... ..... '.1 ......  :l.;, 170  32,607  B,1.8M  1'>2,287  78,070  50 ,:~Ol
       4-Troi8-Hiviôre•....     21,019  25,089  21,839  24.758   30,197  20,071
         P.n.'.:Itern TnwnslJips..........  28,006  21,270  20.118  12,641  72,1'10  35.787
       O-~IQntr~ll! ................ ,.  li ,OGY  15,801  21. 769  01,171  103,145  70.070
       7-MunL"<'1l1 Métl'''polit~iu
         lV!ont,o,,1 M0.I.rolJOüt·an.. ,. ' ....  190.0H  177,2.55  286,685  121,00n  265,121  253.030
       S-ol1tILI)lI;lÎ&................•..  6,637  4.870  12,846  '1, 23~  24,068  18,H4
       O-A hi tjhi~T'érniscl\lllinp;ue..........  3,071  10,215  17,730  63,850  :J3.208  15,781
         North Shore- New Quehe•..  4, l30  1,201  5.498  7,258  13,245  1t. 700
              PHOVINCI':         21.64   17.69   21.78   15.91    21,72   14,12
         OnHI>Mitl-Sriubh Bhore......  19.03  HI. 41  12.90  18,32  12.78  0.13
       2-8ulluonay·l.<>",Sui nt-Jeun....  30 :Jo  44.83  44.04  a5 Il  3B.22  18.57
       3-Québee............. ,   13.00   10.7.3  IB.YO   13 116  l7.30    10.00
       4-Trois-Rivière.'), ........  16.91  17.88  12.7ô  12.82  10.(lL   \1.44
         Ba.tern Town8hips... , .  13.89  10.24   7 71   15.11   22 36    9.03
       6-Montr~nl..  . ......    3.16     4.43    5.82   13.01   23.51    li ,18
       7-Montréol Métrnpotil.Ain
         ~'Iontrcn) Mct.rupl)lilnn ...... '" .  'JI,IH  60.41  37.72  II 8r,  22.01  17.02
       8--Outn.ouais.. , ..• ' . ,. . .......•.  7.37  5.0~  12,M  3.70  20.20  12.8G
       9-Abi Ubi-Témi~{'.n11linp;\Ie. .......•.  54,01  150.67  M.n  144.16  30.79  II. 10
      IO-C6te-Nnrd-Nuu v.-Qu~bee
         North Shore-New Quoheo. _. ' •.  30.75  8.19  33.00  32.76  45.02  34.40
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66