Page 349 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 349
/'A NCS f' nov [Ne [A UX-P1W l' 1NC H /_ l'A IUU, 327
5-Location, Year E.tabli.hed, Area and Fellture. of Quebec
Provincial Park.
P~. Looallon ••Ieb- Ar••
L..urentld. 26 nill.. north 01 Qu.h•• 18Q6 2,312.100 Altllude 3,000 U., numerou. lah.
City On holh .Id.. or Que- tumulluou. riv"... Spookled lroul,
h.",Chlooutiml hl"h..ay. 1000ae, deer, bls.ok be.r•. wolvfl!I, ete.,
No huntln". Tbre. hotela and 60
Mont TrembLAnt 80 mil•• north of Montr••1. 1806 782,720 Famoui r8lort. are., .ummer Ilnd
Mont Tr..mblAnt Villal. .Ioter. Ski 80hool and UI.... 40 1'",10.
010•• 10 .ou Ib.rn •••tion 01 of .ki Iral1., 0 .kl .Jon.... Lao Tr.m-
Park.. blant 760 It. abov....,,-Ievol. Rilhe.
peak Monl Trembl..nt, 3,100 fi.
Gup...LAn O...~ Penlneul.. 1~37 328,060 E.tabU.bod 10 pr••erve ••ribou and
wlldlif.. on .oulh ..Id. of SI. Lawr.n•••
Aooeealhle Iroro Ste. An"e d... Monta
and C...pA. Bpeokl.d tToul, 6 Ii.hing
ClAmp.. One botel ..t Ste. Ann. de.
Monl.. Inolud•• hlKb..t peaka of ,he
8hl...Shoo. MountaIDa. HiKh••1 peiÙ<,
Mont Jaoque. ClL1"llor, 4,200 Il.
Moun~ Orford On Orfon! Moun\&ln 16 1038 AI~llud. 2,860 fi. Skltoll aod 1l0181lll,
roU........t of Sherbrooke.
L.. V~r.ndrye ln .....tefll perl of Prol'iooa, 1030 3.008,000 Altitude 1,200 U. Numerou. Jake. and
140 mll.. north lol Monl- rivera. Trout, pike. piek:erel Bond bLLlll.
real on botb .Id of Moot- T",o ••t..hli.bmente te aooommod..le
r...I-Abltibl route. teuriate. T",.lv. fiahioK O!lmDa meln-
tlLln..d by DepL 01 Fiah and
ChlboullllJll.&U Flah ..nd 30 mU.........1 of Lak. SI. 1046 2,170,000 Altilude 1,300 tt.. NumerOU. J~ k.. and R"'rTe John. 80 mllae lonl 01> riv.r•. Troul, plk. nnd piok.rel. FiV"
both aido. of Lake Chlbo..- Ilohlnll o!lm~. and one oampln~ ~ouod
Ilamau h1Ilh....ay. mail\&LAod y 001'1. ot Fish and ume.
llhio-8ho.. Fieb BDd AdJacenl te ..nd oompletin. 10.9 200,960 Bee "GnweBian" above.
Oame R....rT. O ...peai.... P..rk.
Kin...... Lak. Flah Ind AP'(lro.lmate!y 8 mil.. north- 10&0 0.0,000 Ailitud. 1,000 It. Num.rou. lake. sad
Gam. Roe"",. • ...1 of T&mla...minru'" riven. Trout, plk. and piokerel.
Mlata.-inl Flob 3.328,000 Altitud. 1,300 ft. Nuroorouo large
O"",e R"'rT. LAkea. Sp.ekled Iroul, Jake lroul, p' k.
snd plob••1.
Littl<l C""o!lp.di.. River UODBvonturc Count.y 10~6 105,000 AIlj~ude 1,800 leet. Al.", lako8 nnd a
F'ieh snd Gama Ro...rvo river. Trout. And salmon. ft'ivo oamp!!!
maintained hy tho DupnrlmenL 01 FlJob
!lDd Galoo.
Port Dsniel River FIIlb Bonavonturo COlJoty 10.8 7,200 A fo", ll'k•• nnd e riVOT. Sai moo and
and Came Re••rve .pe.okled lrouL Tbreo onmp. loain·
teinod by the DepartlOont of Flob and
Matane River Fishinll Malan. County 10.6 Tbia rooorve oomprises threo ohaine on
Rœarvo eo.oh tilde or tho ri VOl, from t.ho rOBr liDe
of tbo Matano Seigneurie as far ...
Qr!lnd Lao M..tnno. Salmon ti.hing.