Page 232 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 232

            2-Etat de la dette consolidée, 1896-1956, et dette nette, 1936-1956, province de
            2-Statement of the Funded Debt, 1896-1956, and Net Debt, 1936-1956, Province
                                            of Quebec

                                             Dette con.olid60
                                              Fuod  Dcbt
               ANNJl:E8-YEARS                                             DcUu l1ot.L6
                    (1)                       Fonde d1n.mor-                 (5)
                                   Brute       ti88l1mon~     Nette       Net DeM
                                   Oro.s        ~inkiog        Net
                                    S             Il           S             •
             L806-07..     .     .H.190,M4      0,994,000    2i .202.054
            18\)7-08       .     34,283.842    JO ,001. 078  24,270,101
            1808-00        .     36,128,84.8   10,026.748    25.103.100  ...................
            IB99-1000      .     36.072.027    10.040,016    25,022.381     ............
            1000-01.  .          36,007,898    10,074,4M     24,033.<IH
            1901-02          .   34,034.872    10.100,143    24,8.14,720  . ...........
            1902-Q.1...............•...  34,867,744  10, 120,635  24.7.11,100  .., ............
            1903-04          .   34,771.409    10.154.010    24.017,300  .................
            1004-06          .   34 ,fiR1 ,086  10,182.212   2·1. 502,473  .............
            1006-00.........•... ,  .  2B, 760 .970  3,67fi,017  25 ,085. ,1,12  ............
            1006-07.........•.........  28,M8,1i12  3.706,GBO  24,962,932  . ...... " .....
            1007-08       .      28.56·1.024    ~,720,9IB    24.833.100   ............
            1908-09  _..         2.~, 700.404   1.070,188    24 ,OUO ,210   ............
             lllOO-IO       ..   ~5, 6U1. 284   1,102.018    21, (;';8,366  ................
            1010-11. ...........•......  2r;tfJ1~.l)1l2  1,136.638  24,400,36<l  .................
            1011-12          .   25,3-11.157    1,171.370    24,100,781  ................
            1912-13          .   24. 71i0. 709  1,20'7.1/\5  23.552,6:14
            191.1-14         .   25,847,085     1.2118.810   24,570.160  ............... "
            WI4-16           .   34,488,916     l ,30r, . n:16  33,123,281
            1915-10         _..  38.346.128     1.487,347    36.BIi8,781
            1010-17    ,     .   30,402,900     1. 046 ,068  37,817,938       ... .....
            1017-18         ..   :](1.827,770   1,812.115    38,016,M'>     - ...... " ..
            1018-19          .   a9,706,014     1. 91!0,327  .17.716.287
            1919·20  _.•........  40,708,114    2.176.362   .18,6-11,7(;2   .... .......
            192O-2t. ....•......•. ,  .  6l.052,114  2,374.r.10  40,277,696  ............
            1921-22          .   56,604,026     2.870.074    62,726. 2.J2  ...........
            1922-23............•....•.  60,60G.22H  3.4011.046  67,106.280  ............. .....
            1923-24..  _.. ,  .  7lL60n.22ti    3.900.425    7l.038.801
            1024-26         ,    81.04.'!.,!J:lli  4,700.1121  77.2:18.105
            1925-20    " "  .    78.004,!J2fl   0.834.018    72.170.308  ........... . . .. ...
            1926-27          .   70.212,220     li. 100,737  74,100,480  ................
            1927-28.   .   .     80.731.877     0,172.672    1'1.550,206  .............
            1928-29     ,    .   80,3.14.702    7 ..330.5;)1  73,004,241  ......... , ..
            1029-30          .   70.73",2112    8,mO.lô4     08,106,138
            1930-.11.  _  "  .   84 ,2.3."i 1 202  9.843.842  74 ,391.41)0  ............
            1031-32        ,  .  01,087.092    (1.33] ,5a1  80,01i0.HI   ..............
            1032--13........ .• _...•....  110, 2:J7 ,802  13,046.2:16  07,101,657
            1033-34      .       120,518,007   15.085,353   111,432.0:.4
            1034.,36         .   149,748,007   17.605,506   132,142J.02
            [935-30          .   10'1.747,607  21.112,125   143,635,4.B2  170,0C,O.8!l0
            1030~17  _       .   19.5.170,109  21.626,005   17-1.643.234  212,020,351
            1037-38.       .     257, li76 .000  25.351,171  232,224.928
            W3B.,30       _.     204 , 67:1. 000  29. 676, 5~1  264 .096 ,505  257,128,180
            1939..<\0        .   383 •8,10.099  32,026.641  35I.8J!J,468  300 ,~(H),1163
            1040-41 .. _..• _  .  397,446,090  30,402.790   301 .O·t:1 ,300  318.009·,:J51
            1941-42    .         388.810,000   42,258,000   340,658,000  313,151.016
            1942-43...  .    .   aoo ,301 ,000  1i0,527.000  348.074.000  31 J ,912,083
            1043-44          .   386,781,100   68,488,5.11  328.292,669  a05,078.00l8
            1944-40  _       .  100,781,009  3) 78,418,1i:10  328.362,609  308,213.441
            1046-40..............•....  412,811 ,000  72.008,006  340,713,00.1  291>,412.173
            1940-47          .   408,31 1,000  4) 81,677,2R2  323,633.817  ~84,91ü.01l
            1947-48............•......  300,274,78:\  70.102,001  311,172,722  274.912,456
            1048·40         ..   437,800,78.1  80.450.370   361,443,413   200 ,364 ,031!
            1040-60       .      410,440,783   0l..5!i5,003  327.89·1.780  2~.131.7B5
            1060-61        ,  .  420.400,783   91. 2:15.120  320.264 .063  207,428,336
            1051-f.Z.....•.............  436.2119,783  105,881,071  330,418.112  248,776.04.1
            1962-63    ,    ..   401 ,024,783  100,606,903  356,317,880   273 .V33 ,265
            1003-M      ,   ..   470.44.7,782  115, 50G. B5!1  303.850,023  280 ..139,501
            10.'i4-0.; '.....•........•...  477 .132. 782  103 .388.404  373,744 ,378  286,267,880
            106',..56        .   407.607,782  110.032.741   3r.0 ,67& ,OH  :.l60.322 ,3-46
              (1) Antérieurement ~ 19<11, l'onnéo fin01\cière do ln  (1) Prior to 1941 the Province'. fiacnl rcar codod 00
            l'rovioo••0 wrminoit le 30 Juin; dopui., cllc .'étend  Junc 30th; sincc then il cdeode fronl Apr; lat to Maroh
            du lor lLnillLu 31 mlL'•.            31st.
              (2) La delto conoolidée <:t le (ondo d'umnrlisoomcot  (2) Tho (unded dout and l.hc .inking fund tnku ioto
            e.ienDent (~OOlpt.c do l'Ilu~i8f!ion dr. "H~,OOO.OOO d'oLJligll.-  neeollnl the 516,000,000'0 wnrtb o( lJondo i••uod to tbe
            tions. émi~(1l:1 à ln Bo.nquo Cnolldif'nno Nntionn]0 OJ1  Ç"oadian N.. liooal Bank by l';rtue of the Acl14 Geo. V.
            l'ertu d lu loi 11 Coo. V, c. 3. QUi. n'ayant Pu. élé Ill';•• 00  Cbnp. 3, which IUO exc)llded {rom certmn 8Lall))t~ca &9
            "ceto, Cid, ox.clue de aeTI<11inp~ ALnti:üiQu~!s..  th bon dOl bn \'0 001 be.n l'U t on the market.
              (3) y oompris un dt.pM "flé"i!,1 do 115,000.000.  (3) .10cludüOl a I;fJCeinl depoBit o( $15.000.000.
              (4) Y compris Ull dépôt opécial de 12,MO,626.  (4) 100Judes a speolul depoeit of $2,040.625.
              (5) Oi.lf6i·cnco IllllnJ le pl'l5$if direct ut l'aohl ré  (~) Difference between (.he dir<:ct li,,1>;(itie. nnd 1.1'0
                                                 l"üolizobh" Il ~ Ot,8,
              Soure,,; Compte. l".blle<. Québeo.   Seurce; P·ublic ACCOlllllo, QlI6hoa.
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