Page 264 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 264
l1-BsAe de l'impôt dana les corporations municipalea de la Provincll
Il-Baais of Taxation in Municiplill Corporations of the Provinee
Évaluntilm de. bions-lonJ.
A_monl of Real E.t..l1e Au Ires
Nombre de Vl\)"urs
ANN~E UluoÎt;ipo.liW8 Imp08able. imposables
- - Impo ahles lllai elCf)Hlpt~Li1 Non (1)
YEARS Numher 01 eL ,mpo:ws temporairoment imposable8 Other
U1UIliolpaiitics - - - Taxnhl<1
Taxable Taxa1'>l. bul Non· V.lues
nnd tued 1'empnrn.ri!y tn,mble
s S 8 S
UIJti ................ 1,4R'1 2,1411,101.583 00.837.0·10 638.230,706 .5:1 ,268,251
111:17............... .. 1,47:1 2,120,594,112 100 .402.530 647.676,361 ;'0,200.046
!G38., ............. .. 1,484 2,144,048.879 03.28.1,061 652.457,323 .,1,331.272
1939 .......... , ...... l ,40~1 2,11,8,166 .048 l00.2IH,70:1 661.2:l4,MI 5:\ ,556 .262
10·10 ............... , . 1,40{1 2,190,1131,242 88.688,1)42 675,382,283 53,701, ,000O
1941 ..........•..... 1,502 2 ,222, 82[J .311 87,1187, nu 1109,'171,(\73 55.348,319
19l2 ....... . , ........ 1,50(\ 2,262,977 ,061 81,572,103 7l4,230,SOI 5ll,620,202
J\l4oL ...... .... ..... 1,511 2.3011,425,191 (\9 ,G04 ,275 768.HO.M1
1\HI ............. ... 1,51:1 2.342,876,610 lI3,154,01>8 780,427,SOI 2)
1945............ .. 1.517 2,436,210,884 '13,0:12,(;G3 700,251,43:\ t 2)
1948.......... .. 1,552 2.870,033,000 (H,MO.OOO 8<14.021\,000 (3)
1950................. 1,68:1 3.2r,o,013,000 74.7:l1 ,000 956.191,000 (3)
1951.." ............ 1.597 3.570,370.000 7\1.155,000 1.020,187.000 (:lj
HI52................. I.OOU 3.868,464,000 1l2. L63 ,000 1.110,221,000 (:~
1053........•..•..... 1.616 4.000.77,<;.000 06.651.0nO 1,101.152.000 (:1
$ $ S
10311 .. , . 20 1.·132.0H,2iiB 50,fiI3,770 4BI,029.7,58 47 .0~0,4ll2
HI37 . 26 1.415,145,322 fi3,739,878 488,779.941, 4-1 ,00(;,679
1938 .. 26 1,4tB,Sf)I>,Otl2 48,252,061 ·\00,040,'105 44,020,644
19:.19 .......••...... ,. 26 I,H7,86U,408 57,381.197 497,190,625 46,OH,435
1940...........•..... 26 1,430, OM ,020 49,723,870 505.082,078 46,350.774
10,11., ....•....... , .. 26 1,440,2011 ,832 'IB.712.725 520,282,05t> '17,772.201
1912., , '" . 26 t.'lllIl,2711.5·17 4li.140,OBI 620.721, lolO 18,328.&03
1943 , . 26 l ,'IR7,077 ,1117 12,061,52r. 567,770,306 Cl)
1944 . 26 1,5111,608,884 3B.405,OllO 573,181,702 (3)
1945. .. .. 26 t. 51.7,302,707 23,655,928 677 ,226,361:1 (3)
1948 . 30 1,801.8ll5,000 30,028,000 600,2:H,000 C31
1050 .. 30 2.0·14.806,000 53,377,000 6IH.OI0.000 Cl)
1951. . 3') 2.2,';9.0 Iï2,000 f,8,(\2<!.OOO (.08.081,000 (3)
19.52............•.... 3·1 2,481,0-15,000 70.36:1.000 7['2,806,000 (~)
l053 . :l5 2.576,0-16.000 7B.784.0oo 78U,'1.33 ,000 CIl
10'~ 204.~81,218 33,~4.:11!1 58,3~3,652 S
1936................. ·1 ,9ll8. 123
1937...... 100 207,8112,0'12 38,191,132 (\0,780, lM 4,9:18.118
1938................. 107 214.5tlll,!lIl1 36.364,70. 00,732,,'j87 5.065.484.
1039 .. , , .•. 108 223,ÜIl,,';IJ4 34.923,035 M,MO.253 6,715.179
1940.......... \08 230.8·18,lIOI 32.584,1l7 04,557.115 6.020,080
HI41.......... 109 242,111,281 30,822,4111 6\),88:1,775 6,049.2a0
llH2.. 112 25r,,2<\7,IH5 26.80.~,862 74,3:11,27:) fi, 625. S,,3
111-13.. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. W! 268, OS2, Oill 19.864.840 80,853, Mf>
1914...... .. .. . .. .. .. 112 27\l ,672 .000 16, !l(l8 .053 8û .027,633 ~l
1045. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. Il:1 298,850.(;,,0 14,068,3 Hl 87,011. 82B .1)
10'18................. II~~ 401 ,ll!>7 •()lIO 21,236.000 95,179.000 ~ 3)
1950................. _Q 488,24(\,000 20.032.000 127.781.000 (31
1051............ ..... 1:l0 549,110,000 19,3(16.000 142.685.000 31
1052.... ,............ 1:12 587,525,000 20,~~.I,(JOO 101,[,3!l.nOO :1)
10:.:1.... 131 O(J.5.8lù.OOO 15, ""U.()OO IBi1.283.000 1 3)
S S S $
1936................. 1,336 509,779 . 107 6.378.051 Q7 ,917 .20ll 1.212,Gl\G
1937...............•. 1,341 500,5M.848 8,H1,520 9B, 107.262 1,347,149
1938...... , .......... 1,3i11 510,552.956 8,OM,81l8 101,08,1.331 l ,:14,1j, 14,1
1931l..... , ........... 1.359 1116,872.076 7,050,'171 10:1,·l85.473 \,407, 48
19l0................. 1,36i; 521.019,161 6.380,fH6 104.842.100 1,41- ,327
1941 ................. 1,367 531.472,108 8,1,52.595 lOf!. 30·1, 913 1.526.789
19'12................. 1,368 54 \,1(;4.229 8,625,100 1I0.175.3!l8 1,671.806
19,1:3., ............... 1,373 550.604 ,028 7,7(17,901 111,110.4S:l 1,705.8f'8
194<1 .........•. , ..... 1.375 ,';61.00;',717 7,600,95r. 121,218,376 1,717.681
I\H5 ................. 1,378 580,057,627 ,Ij ,308.319 125.983,2·10 l , 1.\~18, 794
1948................. 1,308 607,412,000 4,395,000 1'13,51fl,OOO (3,
10 0... ........... 1.'1211 717,771,000 1.322,000 163.800.000 (31
19,; 1. ........ ........ 1.135 771.108,000 1,1(l.'j,OOO 178,521.000 (:1
1952... ..... . ........ l,HO 71)0.884.000 1,039,000 I!):;. 871;. OOf) (:l 1
If)J3. ............... 1.4411 848.\lI!l,()()() 1,001.I.X1O 2111.,II(),OOO (:1,
(1) Imposé"" eo verlu des art. 608 et I"ivonlll du (1) Tllxad under Art. 098 l\od lollowill~ of the Muei-
Code rnunioipaJ rllLns les nlul1icip8lité~ rurales et. cbo.p. oipal Cod in rura-l InunlciFl~litj08 anu Cho.p. 2:1:~. A..tft
233, art 623 ct 811iv""ts de. 8. R. Q. (10'11), dUl18 1.. 523 and fullowill" 'lf the (~. n. 8., HH 1. in citi·. nod
cités cl villa. town.!i.
(2) hiffres compilé. pour les lI1uoieipalilé. mrnles (2) [iigurcH eOUlpiloù for rllrl",l IIlUoilJipuliti .3 Ilnly.
(3) Ronaeigo611leut non diaponiblt'. (3) Data nol u,\'ailtLhh."
f-Iour 'C: ta islù/1l6' mun~"p(Jletl.Québec. SOllrl~e: J\f IUl icipal S'l1filctiL'~. Q\I cbc<.:.