Page 260 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 260


                 9a-Etat des dépenses de la province de Québec, 1954·55
             9a-Statement of Expenditure of the Province of Quebec, 1954-55

       D(;:l'~~NSES OIW1NAlFtv.R:-  ORDlNARY EXPENPITl:llE:-
        Ann.irC8 municipales  .  Mnn;c'ipnl AlTairs  .                !L 2!lO, l  .~7
        A~ril·"ltur'"  , .       AgricB1t\lr(~  .                    17.flfl ,3fi2,ti;')
        BlCn-fltrc 80 io.l et. .Joun "ISO, ..  Socinl Wdfur••.od 't'outh.  27,'127.773 .09
        Ch"""             .' •.••....... , ..             2, J80 .41~r) :19
        (;oloni&\ t ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..  nlonÎlUltinn ...  0.1>.17.1:17.43
        <'uoACil ox~olltir (y compris 18,330,500
         Iluyé. il mOm 10 produit do l'imJ)ô~  l'xccuth'" Cm,"ril (inchIClilll> SI8.3~0,r.oO
         sllr 10 reveou pour 1'6ducnt.ion, lb  IIlIt of Incoll1C" Tt\.x for )~ducation. Puh-
        ...nnlt publiqucct1" léj(islnl,ion sooifL\c)  )i  Il 31th and 801,i,,1 LogisluUon) ....  25.012.,,91.20
        l l mo.JHws  -  -  .     lllor~n('  , ............•.......    r.,377.200.09
        lndustr'ie l·t COIl1111f'r(' •••••...•.••..  Trudf' ond ConllrlArC'C •••...••....  I l .).-)8 •.1SH. OS
        JnsLTtwt.inn 1'>'lbli1UE' (cxC)l1n.nlle 1lun-
         tfl.nt. pn.yj't (lit r  0 Conf;ie.i1 ~x~ ut,if :\  Edllcnthn (ex 'ludinA ulI1c)unt nnid l.IY
         mtune lïml ÔL ~l r 1(" l'evcnu)  .  E~ecl1tiv  Olln ·il out. of IlleOIT'); Tu.x)  40. 8Ml. 833.10
        T,(.~i"1a tion  .        l",gislntion  .                      1,152.567.6S
        Min        .             I\'fincs   .                         J .27\.~  .5l1
        Pêcllorit".Jl     ,    .  Fishorie9  "  ..                    2.(11;\1.[1.12.,17
        Prcli IITcur ~611(\rnl.  .  AHornoy·acnom!. .. .. . ........•.  lU. 2·13,:J3+. 71
        llcmwnTCcs hydru,uLiq1l4)8  .  Il.1'droulio Re" lIreCil  .    1.224.0<J:l.72
        Santé (y compris 56.892.954.08 pay~"
         ,\ I)1Pme 1 produ,it do l'impôt sllr 10
         revenu p01l1" l.'\ ~lI,nt.é publique mniA  Ilealth (including  6.892,[1.;4.08 O\lt IIf
         C'xoluant le Inuntllllt payé po.r le ·l1n·  [ncom" l'nx lor Pllhlic Health xc.l\lsivc
         aoil CX~CIl tif). . . .. .  .  01 Mn '\lnt pnill by Exc""li\"c Counoil) .  oll. 908. ·107 .OF;
        flecrHn.rin.t do la pro"ine  .  Provincial S  rC'tnry  .      4 .05·1. R99 :!Il
        T rre" d FoTÔL8  ,     .  Lands and Fore9f.8•...................  G,4 2.760 r)2'
        "transport,.. et CommunilH\t.ions•.  TranHportntion und (·01nlllllll)c~atlOnM•.  2M .r,0.~ 05
        Trll.\'l~il.  ,  ,  ".   Labour... . . ..  .  ,.              2.242.223 ..
        Trl.\~I,LllX publie.'J  , . , .  PuLli" WOl'k>o..  . ........•..  11.$19.111".14
        V .rle ..... , .............•.......  'Rnl\d~    .           35 .lm7 .1I10.f>6
        AUalOt:ntH.l,iull cl 13 l'éservp ponr comp-  IIH'l"ûnso in Rù8en"C for Doubtful A
         w~ douteux  .            COllot.s  .                         2.Q01:l,IOO.OO
                                                                    271,273.1'97 01
        Ddw pJlhliqll!'?:        Publie Df-ht:
         I~t.~r~~s ~m'>ot.nnt net)  .  IlIt.('T(,F.t cha.rge:s (net Û.1I10IHIf,) •••.  n. 240 . lOCI. 5:l
          .OJnIll18!'Jlons, etl.l. . . . . . . . . . •.  .  .  CoulInisR.iDUq, ctt..  .  ,  .  50, lüO.72
         AOlol·t,inscl'Jl nt d'eacomptc rt de pri-  Amort.izat,ion of Dl~ 'nunt nnd Pr nlitll"ü
         Ff:~ld6au~1~:'~~~;~"~~?M~'4t;,'O~I;i..(,;)~~t~;,t  OnlOLLnq i  lI811 •.••.....  683.l\05.71
           nct) ...               ~inkins: !·...llnds (1'Jt-t filllOllJH).  1.1. W4. o:~r>. ,13
                                                          1------127, 167.902.~O
             '1'()TAI, •.             TO'fAI  ,  .                   298,4'1,58'.40
       l':XGÉI)A NT D~~S REVENUS f)Un.  EX ESS OF UI!.:Vl':NUE aVEn. ORD!.
        LES D(.;PENS\!;i:) 0l1fHNAITW8  NAHY ~;Xl'E:NDI't.'t:RE  .    36,634,&66.27
        r:;diflCCM flllhlir.e et nut,rcl"J actifs..  Pnhlic: BtlildiuAljI nnd oiher fiilBe!S ••  ~.:l85,7r,1.3ii
        l)()!l  •.............••  Bridj("'l    ..           \l,881,20a.32
        ConBtl'lIdion de rOllt("R.  ROF\d  Con~tnl tinn  .  37.554,7.1".2($
        Pures lU\tionllux      .  Natiollal Park  .           5(1 ,004 . (;.'
        Chell1in~ de lI1ill~ •..•.•.......  Minin" Ronu•..... , ..  2. G()(J.OOO. on
        (;hfll1lill~ do co)onisllf..ion  .  Cnlunizilt,ion llouùs. , '. ....  ..  '"  1, 7811. HJ~ 611
        Barru" 'S et t,l'UVùUX iwdrulIliquet:l  .  Wutt'J' Stol1\'les anl) H~'drü\.llic 'VW·}{fl •.  :2 ,l'50, 168. bO
        néJ}Gn~8 (Jx~rHordinf\irr~  .  l~xtTaordinal'Y l~xpf.'nditu,·(l.  .  .113.010.00
         TOTAr. Ub~ DJ~1·Egag8.AU OOMI"TB DU CAL'I·l·.... k-To'J'.AI. C.\I·J'I·~I~ B ·I·I·:~DITURU .... , ••.....••  57,937,lS4.78
        Sourc": Compt~~ tJtlblir,  1 Qtl~b c.  'j\lrer; } 'lIblir Ar.cormts, Qtl~bFC.
   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265