Page 262 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 262
,,) ?IICC s-ion cie $40,000.(XJ; huit, nflLnts de fi) Eslutlj of $--IO,OOO.f)f)j pigli1- chiidnullinder
moills do vingt-cinq nll~ {lt domioilips dall~ la I:wl.'lll•.\'-ftV(· ~"ofU's or I~g-{), r!ümic'i!r'd in t·his Prov.
Pro\r;lIce: t~X mpLiou iWoordé(l, $22,O<JO.OO; inee: nmount 1','\"lI1pkrl, .~22.000.00; :~mount
O1ontaut imp, ,'able, $l8,000.UU; droits, $üI8.00 ta.xuhle. :';1.8,000.00; dulios, ~M8.00 irlRteac! or
au li u d $1,<]·10.00; ~I,+IO.OO.
C) SlICC ssion de $40,000.00; cinq (Infants do cl Estal. of ..40,000.00; flv' chi/rlr'I'll IJllrler
moula de \riugt-cinq nIlS ct domioilitÎs dan~ la tWl'ncy-fh' y ars of age, and clomi(,j,If'r1 in this
Provi no ,: eX("mptioD sm' $17,500.00: mont:wL Proyivce: amounl. exemptc.\ $17,GlXl.OO;
ta.xabl, $22,500.00 au lieu cie $40,000.00; alllOunt LILxablû :822.500.00 in~tead of
dl' its, $7GO.00 au liou d $tA-IO.oo: :s.1O.000.00; duLies, $750.00 instClli.l Jf., 1,1-1.0.00.
d) suoe 'ssion cl $2v,OOO.OO; aucun enfl1J1t ri) F;;;t,al,e of $25,000.00; no RlIl'vidllg chil-
8Un1\'l1ot: !)xf'll.IpLion slIr $10,000.00; montant rh'PIl: I1IlJCJllDt mwmpt(,d . 1O,(.J()(J.(Xl; Uluount
taxahl , $1!i.OOO.OO; dmits, $450.00 au lion de 11Ioxahl(, :f,;lG.OOO.lJü; duti,'s 'lfoO.OO in~t"'R.d or
$750.00; ,~7;jO.OO.
e) succc'ssion de $40,000.00; 1111Clm t C') Es111t(J of ·'i$40,000.00; no Sl.lrVll·lug chil-
survivant: excrnption SlIr $lO,OOO.uO: monta,nt ciron: a.lnouut exempte<\ $W,fXlOJlO; D.1I101111t
impo able, .':30,000.00; droits, $1,080.00 a,u taxabl ::tiao,ooo.oo; duties $1,080.00 illstead
lieu de 1..j,cIQ.00, of 81,440.00.
10-Droit~ 9ucceuorllUX à payer l'ur des Bucceuion9 typique., province de Québec
10-SucceuÎon Duties Payable on Typical Eatat"9, Province of Queb"c
Nombro Droio. p,,~{llbl~ par-Dulies l'II.I'abl0 by
VlLlcllr totnl... d'héritier:,
UJ,tnc dircde Colh,lé""lJ' F:lmn"cr!j
AggreKatt, Valllo Nurnuor 01
HOlldiciari... Direcl Linc Col'aLeral. St.rnll"er~
• 10,000.00 l 2 S l'III $ ;'·10.00 $ 1,:lOO.OO
;-I~~O. on
Nil :,l~.OO 1.300 .00
(1) ~')
25,000.00 7~O.00) $ ,1 fi.OO 2, J2fi.00 ~.6~fi.I)O
7r,o.00) :,00 .00 I,DOS.DO :1.62!'i.OO
3 r 7G{).00) 34S.00 l,On5.OU 3,6~5.00
40. oolJ. 00 1 [ 1.·110.110) l ,O~lI.OO 4.240.00 6.400.110
2 1.410 .I~l) 072.00 ~ .!l20.00 li ,401l,on
3 ,. HO.IlI!) 918.0H a .lj(I!j,OO fi .'100 .00
50.000.00 1 2,000.00 6,000.00 8,f>OO.OIl
2 ~.OO().oo "."'00.00 ~.500.00
:1 2.000,00 n.:320.00 8.500.00
100.0,10.00 R.OOO.OO 16.000.00 2~.()fIO,00
7.000.00 1·' ,000.00 2~.t)OO.OO
3 7.000.00 l:l, 3~0.00 2~.OOO.0Cl
~11(J, 000. 00 1 ~Il. fW)O. 00 :lb,a~:lAO ,19. (lOt). 00
2 I,~,OOO.OO :3·1.000.00 4S.000.0fl
J 17.320.00 ~1l.280.oo 4",000.00
:300.000.00 1 all.OOO.OI) 57.000.00 77, ~;'O.OO
2 :il.500.00 M. fiOO.OO 76,12a.00
:.lO . 000 .O(j 54,000.00 75.000.00
500,000.00 1 77,noO.OO 108,:J:l3.liO HI,250.00
2 (i7,rlOO.OO 104,1i}6.50 13R, J2r,.0,1
a 6:1,300.00 102,7llll.50 1:17,075.00
800.000.00 1 160.000.00 205, :13:1. 60 25fi. 000.00
2 1401.000.00 104,006.41'1 ~48.0()().00
~ 13:3,2Sfl,00 UIL ,90:) .60 24,". :::~O. 00
1,000,000.00 1 230.000.00 :1:33.300.1)0 345,000.00
2 205.000.00 2i}U .!l6? 00 3:12,500.00
;l JU6,Ol>O.OO 261. LOO 00 3~8, 3~5 .00
(1) Lea o]lil1'rllll ooLr. pllronth~8p., indiquent loa droit·s (1) Tho figurlltl oholl'o bolwcon lmrenthe"e" j",HolLt<.
axillibleo not.ériouroDlunt ~ III loi 1-2 IW•. Il, ch. ·16. tl,. dllU"" exigible prior 10 th e"uctmont 1)1 Act 1-2
E1i•. II, CILApt<lr 4n.
(2) Cet! chifTre••nppl;llueoL aux .nluot. vi.6. pnr lu (2) Tho figures "l'ply 10 children ". d.Ctocd \.>y
i 1-2 Eh•. Il, ch. 46. Act 1-2 Elix. Il. Chapwr 45.