Page 239 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 239


         S-Cla8llification d". prisonniers admia, auivant l'âge, l'étot civil et l'instruction
         S-Cla68ificotion of Pdaonar8 Admitted Ilccording to Age, Conjugal Statua and

                     tNUMJ!;RATION             Ave.  1060  IU('l  19~2  1063
         ----------------- --------------- ---
         Age.:               Agel:
          Moi." de 14 an•............  Under l , Yt~nNl.•.......  46  112  fl8  77  00  70
          De 11 Il 16 ana.............  From 14 ta 16 Y ara ....  2/12  216  281  319  446  308
          Do 16 Il 20 aoa, ......... , . ,  From 1fi ta 20 yearo ,.' .  1.812  1.914  1.862  1,953  2.407  2,2
          0" 20 h 2" noa......  From 20 t.o 25 yea rs ....  2.553  2.007  2,507  2.866  3.30/1  :l, ·11~1
          Do 2" il :lU una...... , : : : : : :  1;'fUfll 25 ta 30 yeaJ1l .••.  1.807  2,178  2.026  2.478  2.UOO  2,mu
          00 30 0\ 4f1 Ilna.••. , ........  From 30 Ln 40 yon", ....  1,869  2.346  2.232  2,604  3.114  3 ,4tH")
          De 40 li. 50 1>u0••••. , •••....  Froru 40 ta 50 years .. , .  1.212  1,F.2·1  1,607  1.760  2,101  2.700
          Do 60 À 6U aDO•.. , .. , ......  From 60 tl) l)() ycara ....  M8  ~1t1  956  8(13  1.011  l,?;lfl
          60 an. eL l,lue.. ............  60 yenre aod ovor.. ,., ..  367  438  449  413  462  5'G!'i
         Elal c;.il:        ConjuGal. Stnl·u.:
          C~lIb"talre•. , .. , .. ,  Unmarried ..•.... , .... ,  0.837  7,331  7,620  8,438  10,120  10,38r,
          Mari6o......... , ... : : : : : : :  Murrior! ....... ", .....  3,371  1,603  1,030  1.380  5,054  6.071
          Vou ra, .. , ..... , •..  Widowod.. ............  3G1  Li74  000  601  607  1386
         l ".truettDn..'    Li/trccv:
          Ne eMlmnt DI lire ni éorlre ..  Unn.ble tu T••d or wrlt•.  727  1,107  1,773  1.303  1.312  2,231
          SnellLlnt liTe ot 6crir~.. , .....  Able ta rend nnd wrÎI.O ..  8,480  8,772  8,128  10.01\1  12.792  13,700
          10oLruntloD pluR développée,  Hi@er eduoatioo. , ..... ---------- ---------
              TOTAL.. , ......•. , .... .....................  10,516  12,601  U,Ul8  13,128  16,111  11,145
                 6-ClaaBification dea prlaonnlen admia, auivant l'occupation
               &-ClaBBl6cation of Pl"laonera Admitted, accordlng to Occupation
                      OCCUPATIONS              Ave.  10110  10111  1952  1053  1054
         Agrioulture  ~êehe, ohoa.e.  Agri.ulture. fiaberl••, trnp·
          nbaLl\go du  oi•. " ..... ,'  plng. IOggiDg... , ..... , .  766  889  8B7  1,060  1.133  .,635
         Mine., oo.rri~re••.. '" .....•  MllIi0f,' QUDrTyIDg...• , , ..  a07  242  130  251  256  310
         Manll!BOtu1'Oll.............•  Ml\uU llcture!l...•...•.•..  106  360  299  121  030  015
         COl18t.ruotr'()n~.•.•...•..•..••  ConHtTuotinn.............  084  g~2  1,017  1,250  1.250  1,743
         Transport"  et  oommunie&--  Trnl\ilportntinn and Com·
          tioolll.•..•......•...•.•••  munJéatlona.. , •. , ....••  622  547  055  677  530  757
         Cammore•..... , , ....•.. , ..  TrBd•.. , ..... , , . , , .•... ,  271  337  286  862  166  711
         Pror"""lon. libéral........ , •.•  Prof_lona\' ... , ........ ,  17  51  20  aa  01  117
         Servie..... , ..• , , ....••.•..  8ervict~.................  763  1.088  1.244  1,286  1.204  1.700
         TrDvnll de bureau..••••..••  Clerloal. .•••. , . , ... , , ..• ,  387  820  840  551  708  307
         Manœuvr••. , , .... , ... , •••.  LaboureMl.. , , ..•.... , , .•.  4, 118  6.128  4.431  4,572  6,330  6.400
         Foro•• AroOti.O..............  Anned Foreoo, , .....•....  183  80  128  107  183  252
         Autr... oceupntioWl (1). , .•..  Othor oooupatioo8 (1), . , ..  244  276  234  286  320  151
         SB.tlll ooo-upR.lioQ.••••••.• , ••  Witboul oocupoUon...... ,  1,010  1,73a  1,090  2,372  2,830  1,622
                                             --- ------ --- --- ---
              TOTAl.••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••• 10,615  12.,1101  12,168  U,SD  15,1U  11,145
          (l) C<>mprl>lld 6nao08 81 "..Url'o...... 6~udllUlla n ad·  (1) lnolud.. Flnane. &nd lnallran... 8tudon!ll IUld
         minl.II'ALion publique.              Publl. AdmJnJ.~rnHon.
   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244