Page 165 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 165
2-Principales statistiques des unités sanitaires de comté, province de Québec.
2-Principal Statistics of County Health Units, Province of Quebec, 1927-54
Population Alimonl.ll Inspections
Ann"e. Unité. Camu\', desservie confisqué. (lb.) IULoÎtaires
Ye,u'S Units Conntles PopulaLion COn6.06tod SUlliLu.ry
sorv d food (lb.) Inspcct.ions
10~7............ 1 0 Iii!. 300 ..........
11128.............. 8 10 200,300 ·· ...... ·iJ;7'5
1029..... 13 17 477.000 . 'i;:SOS
wao... .......... 2:) 29 752.800 20,I1S 18,080
10:11 ......... 25 31 SOl. 000 12,17'1 2ll.:lS6
1932....... , , 28 30 0<17 ,300 15,174 32,421
11l33. .......... , 23 :)0 91:>1,000 15,037 4!. 322
1931.... ...... , ... :JO 38 1,002,900 27,688 44,640
11l35.. :JO :19 l,OU! ,700 lB,OO<! 'In.707
1030, .. :: ::::::::: 30 30 I,OS3.ROO 22.4056 4',436
11137" ....... ,' . 3l 10 l, )22,000 17,844 50,128
11138 .... , ... , 30 'le 1,2,12,000 40,32:1 uO,ll66
10;19 .... .......... 'la 5l 1,421,800 57,010 74,050
1040.... 43 1\4 1,5055,000 134,0'1:3 11<1,917
IlYlI .... 10 fil 1,625,700 7,5,618 87,143
1042.... 51 63 1.706,600 87,407 75,200
1943.... 53 65 l, IJ1Z, 300 14:.1,58(( 7i>,600
1044.... 55 1)7 1,047,200 124,48(1 78,031
1045... , 58 69 1,055.725 142,325 70,339
)1l10.... 59 7rt 1,071,880 132,36ti 87.0 '0
1947.... ilO n 1,01l9,870 140,081 91,122
1948..... ::::::::: (\3 71 2,078,278 201,307 00,905
1049" ......•.. , .. 64 H 2,168,000 138,012 98,806
19bO.............. 05 75 2,349,015 1112,28.3 10:1,322
lQGI.. , .. , ...... ,. (\7 77 2,533.1'190 224,586 100.725
1952... ,. 67 78 2,818,050 194,278 115,719
1953.......•.. 07 78 2,850.()()() 243,4012 128,788
1054 .. , ...... 67 78 2,80~ ,000 251,'187 1:12.021
Maladl cootngiousea
- Tuberoulo.e - Tuboronlosi.
Communle..!.>lo diaeaaos
Années Cu. po.iti!.
- CM CIlS Contnets Personnes - Vi,iles 11
Yoor. déoltLré. dépislés c:tf:t.tninés Cliniquos e~..min6'l. Posltivo CI>IlCS uomicile
- - - - - - Casos ConUlels Clinie. PerRons Nou~aU'1 Anoion. ViaJIs in
roportod detectc<J cl:o.mined OXAlllincd - tbe hOJ11Elll
-- New Dld
1029.... ... ...... 1,005 2,303 30 4,(.61 nos :3,173
1030......•...... .. Z,077 4.371 535 0, (;.52 1,023 7,298
lU:j!. ...... ....... 4,565 7,008 855 23,7 9 1,0(;5 n,595
1932 ... . ...... . . ... 5,089 13,04ll 1,040 23,803 923 1,237 13,540
W33 ........... .... 6.01}8 21,680 1. lM 29,018 080 1. 704 Il.787
1931 ...... , .. , .. (1, 777 18,123 1,529 2n,5(17 7t18 1,469 11 ,035
10:35... , '., ....... 5,a71 8,673 2(1,739 1,137 24,776 838 1,101 10,385
1936.... , .•....•.. , 3,35) 8,783 35,107 1. 07~ 24,162 7011 1,600 10,861
]\137...... , ........ 4.,958 11,901 62,(;65 006 23,403 740 1. 644 15,.192
1938 .... ., ... 1,927 0,11;,. 37,0:\1 1,030 22,217 911 2,187 10,011
1939 .......• , .... , , ii,215 6,~n;1 30,246 1,200 .15,536 1"104 2,0 2 Il,841
1940 ............... 7,180 1;.1,610 50,410 2,402 60,9\01 2,nO 5,782 111,702
1941. ... " ...•..... 0,402 11. ;'11 63,427 1,081 63,0'4 2,00 4,358 10,010
1042., .......... , . 7,82) 11;,1"1 02,'154 1,001 51,200 2,277 4,7\01 11,380
1943....... , ... .... 7,655 1~, 1.,1 Oii,012 J ,9511 n5,778 2,0:30 5,098 15,6 Il
10-14........ , ...... S,3l!) 1:1,911 71,118 1,945 (l:3,7~0 3,107 5,812 18,018
1945....... , ' ...... 8, BSO l~:, 2tiH ~O,O80 1,880 Ol.ll\l3 2,582 5,(\57 17,180
1046........... 8,871 12,071 115,500 2,046 U.., 745 2,489 5,813 Hi,H2
1917 ............ ::: [j.Dtk 7.29G 72 ,359 2,131 0:3,740 2,348 5,562 18,8:37
1948 ...... , ........ 7,20n 14,814 93,231 2,290 82,828 2,4711 a,485 19,596
1949,., ........... , 7,375 9,981 100,585 2,402 93,820 2,414 6,7~3 22,flR8
1050" ...... , ...... 7,030 14 ,(140 105,73a 2,550 117.8·13 2,6lJ7 7,117 22,008
lon\. .............. 6,774 15,130 10a,057 2,402 112.705 2,091 7,815 23,273
1902... " ...•... ,' . (,,951 H,tu5 112,358 2,789 131,251 2,101 0,110 23,127
1053" .. ", .... ... ~.O5~ 12 ,~19 124,673 2,731 112,073 2,001 9,014 26,081
1\l54.... '" ..... 8,1l!Ü 1:1,077 lW,638 2,87fl 117,736 2,088 Il,359 2.5,248