Page 160 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 160
SI-Sexe et occupation des immigrantll arrivés au Canada
Année civile H)54
SI-Immigration to Canada showing Sex and Occupation groups
C:llendal' Yel1T 19.54
O'outro- Des
mer .Et.l1ts·Uniij
From From
OvOr800Jl U.S.A.
Hommes (odultes)-Adult Mllles . 00,08 0 3,566 (14 .Mi 1
Femmes (adultCB)-Adult Females . 48.002 3.1}88 r, 1.690
Enfunt. do moins de 18 t\fis-Child.. n ullde.r 18. a5.130 2,85(; 37.986
TO'rAL.••...... 1U,U7 10,UO 154,227
A vgO 'rnAVAIL 1{~I\1UNénf.:-GAIN.fI'ULI.'rOCOfJJ'lJwO
Âdmilli!itrlLtioo-ManngorLo.I. . . .......•....•.......••.. 811 Jl22 1,633
Professions-'Pro(c.'lilional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . 7,2(iO 1,08L 8,3!i0
Bllrooux-CI ·rielli. , .. , , , , , . (l.~31 '144 tl. 775
TrnnsportB-'1 mnB)lortalion , .....•.............• ' 1 A67 /lG 1,553
·OllllIlUuicu.tiona-CommurUcntion , " •....................•....... 3114 21 :l85
Comnlcrc()-C0I11.1nercinl ...................................•...... , . 2,217 3,1-4 2.5Gl
~inü..llce-Fio~ncia.l .... , .,..... . . . . . ...•..... 138 3n 174
Scrvlce-ServlCo. . .. . , . . . . . . .. . ' , . ' ' .. 11.735 23û 11.070\
Agrlcllltllro-Ap;ricultllrul. . . .. . . JO, 70~ 211 JO.020
1"001,0, ch_A ut abatag..-Fi"hin', Truppillg Ilnd Loggiug . 277 68 335
~;ib~~~~iO:"6'c~~iq~o' '~t.' .~~;I~ir'I1'[~'tiQr~':-:1it\J~~i~o't~'ILng,' ' M~d'I~~.ic·~;\· '~J~ri 390 38 ·128
Canstruetloo , . . . . . 25.00:' 60·1 2.'1,699
MunœUvres-Labnurers ' .. 12.924 87 IJ.OII
Aulrcs-Other , . '178 100 m8
TO'CAL.•• ' 80,205 4,171 84,376
SANS '1'1tAV.-'\.IL ntiHo1uN~né-No'r GAINJ'1.ILLY OÙCUP(EO
('POUBes à. charge-Oep ndent Wives . 26,H7 2.480 28.807
Enf'Ult.• à. chnr/,\e--Depeodoot Cltildren . 32.09·1 2,809 35,503
Alltr 8-0ther , . <\'.801 13ÜO 5.'151
Tao'AL , ..• ' . 63,912 5,939 69,851
TOTAl.. UÉl'-"ÉUAJ.. - GRANrJ ....••..•.••••.••.•. 144,U7 10,UO 154,227
S2--Classification des immigrants au Canada, selon le port d'arrivéll
S2-Classification of Immigrants into Canada, according to Port of ArrivaI
POIns 1951 1952 1953 195'1
1935·~9 10'10-44 1045-49
Gander..... , .. , ........•........ , , . 6,624 6,882 6.086 4.906
St-Jello-St. Jobu'8 (T.• N.-Nnd.) . 85:l 84B 744 585
Q1l6boc , , . "'ÙÙ3' ""244.' 16:205' 51 ,6:~8 4.&,286 66,412 61,233
8t.-J n-St. John " .. 118 121 401 6,012 6,120 4. ,024 :~.500
HaHfan................... . •....... ,. 1, loi.8 1,271 36,064 93,76B 71,245 53.12û 4;) ,393
ydne)'-Nord-NorLh . 364 1.589 2.013 1 (\ 1
Syllney ,.. .. ' •. 8 l4a 1,106 192- 1(\1 37 20
Montréal , .. " , ,' . 95 4(1 893 1, lû4 1,8:10 1,79(1 1.722
DorvoJ-At.roport--A i,port ......•.....•..... B.07\1 0.027 7,0,18 6.3'10 (L 75:~
Malton-A~roport--Airpurl.....•...•....•..• ... '230' 1,1l1(\ :Ir.. 1,178 1,1185 2,230
Vancouver..........................• , .•... 131 398 1,264 2.000 2,200 2.725
Vlo\Oriu , .........• " . 15 32 70 713 103 125 138
New York.. , .' .. , , ..•....•... ,. 1,080 41& 7.863 10,4fJll P) m IL)
llOBton , . 8 18 \ID 142 Il 0
i~r~~~\7~[:':-:'F~;r; li.·s:.·.·,·,:·.::::::::·.:: 6,441 6,6'17 2,062 4.,10.; 12.578 15.702 10.822
--------- --- --- --- ---
TOTAL, .••••. , .•.• , .•••• , .•••••. , • 13,306 9,906 76,846 194,391 164,4981168,868 154,227
(1) Comprie dans "outre"'. (1) locluded wiLh "othon".
8ourco: Serutcl!l d'immioration, Ott.a.wa. Source: Intffl'",r{Jt1o'f~BrfJncn, Ott,nwu.