Page 449 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 449

           [Il. sooiété Prieo Brothors a l'éalis un progrès  Brothers and Company made good progress
           notable dans la construction do deux; cen-  on two hydro-electric developnwnts ou the
           trales, Stll:· la riviôre shipsllll.W, de 70,000 et  SllipshltlV ni \lm, one of 70,000 h.p. and on
           de û,OOO HP. re 'pectivernent, pour inallgll-  of 0,000 h.p., with operation planncd Cor
           l'liMOn on 10!j~'.                   195~l.

           2-PuiB8ances installées aUlI: principaux harnachements de forces hydrauliques,
                               duns la province de Québec, 1953.
                   2-Turblne Installation of Principal Central Elcctrlc Stations,
                                in the Province of' Quebec, 1953.

                                                           Slto 1'I~.r:~.m do
                  COMPAGNIE                Rivièro                         en HP.
                   COMPANY                                8itun.tion or oarce  Inatallation
                                                           of tilC atatioo  inUP.
           Beauharnoia  Light  Hent  &:  P.  Co.
            (~lydI'0·Qu6bo.)       . St-Laurent       . B nuhnrnoi•..............  1.813.000
          Alurnlnurn COIlII:>any .•................ Saguonny.......•.....•.... Chute· ·Caron no 2  .  1.200.000
          Snguenay Power Co        .  8lI~uenuy............•..... 110 Malillno  .  MO.OUO
          Shfl.winigfLo \Vntar dt Pow r Co  . ~!,"MlLurice......••.•....... Shn.wiJligan fnJle no 2, no a.  41G,500
          Shawilligll.J1 WnL(·r &. POWOt Co  .  ~t,..Ma.urico,•.•...•• , , .•. , ..  ~~ 'J'mnehe  '  325.000
          Alumiourn CflITJplLny..•.•...... , , . , .. , S guenay..•.........•..... lJhuto-...·Caron no 1  .  300,000
          Aluminum Co. 01 Utlnada Ltd  . P6ribolll a  ,  . Chuto du Dlablo., •... ,  .  275,000
          H.E.P. '. of Ontario  ' ..  OutlLouai8.•................ Dfl/J Jo"ollioo•............  2-18.000 (3)
          Gutineau PO\\ÙI' Co....• , ,  .  Gat.inoau  . Paul(atl. .......•.........  238.000
          St-Mauriru Powor  orp."  ,.  St.MllUrlCO  .  La Tuque•..•.......•....  222.600
          H~'dro-Qu6bo  .      .    St-L"urcnt        . LeB CO'droa    .  2011.400
          Shnwinillan Wolor & Power Co ..  St-Maurioo  ,  . Grand'Molra  .  201.000
          Shawinignn Wator & Power Co ..  St.Maurico.......•...•..... Rapide Blaoe  .  ~(JU.OOO
          Shawinlgou Water & Power Co ..  St.-1vlllurlcc  . I~~ Gabelle  .  172.000
          Gutlneau Power  0       . Oo.tinoa\l ........•..••. ,  . 1~!lCl"ea  .  170.000
          Mnolarcn-Quebcc Power Co  . Lièvre (du)  .   MM""".•................  136.000
          B.E.P.C. of Out.",in...........•...  Out."ouai  . La Care (OtLo lloldon)  .  1~5:ggg (3)
          MacltirOn-QI' boo Power Co  LièvTe (du)     . Bigb F..II     .
          GaUueau Power  n        .  GaLfll03u        . I·'anner. Hnplds  .  120.000
          CHlawa Vn\lcy Power Co  . Ou t.oounis   0" ••• Loa Chnt      .  llZ,OOO (3)
          Manico\li:tgo.o Power Co  , .. ,  .  f\1unicOuO'Q:llo•.........  M.ConujoK  .  00.000
          Northorn l,lllebcc Power Co. LW .. '" .  Qulnzo (do.) .........•..... Section no 3 ..........•...  84,600
          RE.P.C. of Ontario......•.......  Outaounia  .  'Laa CI,el1t\u,;  ,  .  84.000 (3)
          Gatineau Power Co       . OullJoulLl"  .     Uryaon  ,       ,   78.400
          Qucbec North Shore Puper Co  . Outardea (aUl') .........•.•. Corncau  " ..•....... , ..  77.300
          Gnuvernemonl Provinein1 (1)  . Outnolluie  ,  . Hapido No 7  .   li4.000
          rrydro-Q1I6beo   '"     .  Prairiea (d a)  . SauIL-au-R600Ilet..•....•.  62.  0
 011 l)owur  '(l .•••....  Ol.ll,nounift................•. Chute. Cbuudière no 1. no 2  30.UOO
          SoulherD Cannda l'owor Co  St-.·'mnçoia  .   lJemming FnlJa  .   33.600
          GatinNLu l'owér Co  .     Gordon           . 1 lpawa         .   27.u.'O
          Prloo 131'08. & Co. Lld  . Sabl. (ILU) •.•...••••...•.•. Kéllogaml ..••............  26.200
          QUéboo Powor  o. Ltd  .   Ste-Anne-do-Doaupr6  . Sept Chut.oa..•.......•...  24.000
          Sbawinigan Wnwr <\, Power Co  . Ralisonn   . St-Narci8Bo     .   22.200
          Tho .Jalll"" MaolaTon Co  . Lièvro (du) . .  .  l3uokinlllll\lll  , ,  .  Hl. 700
          Snulhern Canada Power Co  .  SI-[o'rancoi  .  DrumUlond v-llIo  .  18.400
          1'1'100 DrOII. & Co. f.ld  . Ship.lmw     .  Let! Galet.a  .     17.600
          Cie de l'nuvoir 1u IIJL8-S~Lnuronl  . Il'16ti•......... ,  . Mitla 110 1 ct. nn 2  .  l'.;.000
          Ill. B. Eddy Cn. lAd    . Qutaoual         . Chu 1  Chaudière.......•.  13.600
          Gulf Pulp & PaPOl' Co. [,td  . Stf>oMnrguorlto.•...... "  . Clarke Cilq  .  12,850
          Poml>roke El .trlo LlgU Co  . Noire.................•.... W"lthnm  .  12.600
          Quebeo Pulp &: Powt)T Corp. Ltd  . CllÎooutimi  . Chlcoulirn;  .  II, 220 (2)
          Prl"e Draa. &: Co. Ltd  . Ship.lrll"' ......•........... Chut Murdook .•........  10,600
          El.l'trio Reduotion Co  . Lillvro (du) ....•........... BuukingbalfJ  ..  10,600
          Prie" Brot.hers Cl'. Lt.d... . . .. .  . ChicoutimI  . Chieoutimi.  .  10.000
          Cit6 rio Shorbronl<•................... St-lo'rnncoiA  .•... " .  Bromptonville...........•  0,075
          Quobeo Pulp do Paper Corp. LW  . Chicout.lml.  .  Cbloouthnl.  .  0,.4110 (2)
          Donobuo Dro             . Malbuie          . Cbul.c. Nnlrn   .   8,000
          DronlPton Pull> do Paper Co. Ltd  .  St·Fr/lnçoie  0 •••••••••• Bnet. Angua•...........•.  7.850
          CunlLda Paper Oompan;\'  . St-F'Tllnçoia   . Wlnd.ol· Milla.........•.•  7 .•975
          Quoh 0 Pulp &: Pnp l' Gorp. Ltd  .  Ouilltohouan ....•.......... Val Jnlborl  .  7.300 (2)
          Quobeo J'lIlp &; Paper Corp. LW  . Chiooutilnl. .. . . . . .. . •..... Port Arnn.ud ..••....• ,  ,  7.200
          Gutln03t1 POIVOr Co     .  Rou~e         .  nella Full•...............  7.200
          Vi.lIe do Jonquière     . Au Sablo.........•......... JOJ)Qulère............•...  a.n:1O
                                   Nord (du) ............•.... Laohut•..•....•......•..  6.000
         èrt%d~§1,;'rbr~~i,~::::::::::::::::::: S~Frsncofa  . Weatbury  .  5.000
          Ci t6 de Sherbrooko  ..  St- r'~rll.llçoi8l...........•.•.. Wcedon ..............•..  5.100
          Donrlllcnna PnpOr Co.........•....... .Jnequo"..Cartier ..• " •......• Donnacona  .  4.800
         QU"bon PoweI' Co. LW .......•........ Chaudière  .  Joffro.••...........•.....  4,800
         Prioe Bmther. Co. LW.............•.. Au Sabla  .  JOuQuiàre•.............  4,625
         Quobeo PO\vel' Co. [,Id .........•...... Sud (du) ..•................ St-RaphlLel.  "  .  4.600
         Quebeo Power Cn. LW ..•.............  Mootmorenoy  .  Cbu  Montmorenoy •....  4.400
         Ogüvlo Flour Mill. Co  .  S~Lauroot.        . Cnnal Laob.ine  .   4.B·1O
         80uthel'll Canada Power Co  .                Sherbrooko   .       4.000
         ShawiniJV!.·o. & Power Co  .  ~r:.~\~~~,j .l:n:· S~Alb..n..........•.  4.0UO
           (1) Admin.iotrt! par Hydro-Québec.   (l) Mnnllolled by H~·dl·o-Quobeo.
           (2) l nncUvo.                        (2) ldle.
           (3) Ln moltl~ de \'in.t..llotlon.    (3) Hnll al tbo ill.8tnllat.lon.
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