Page 349 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 349

332                          AGRICU LTU RE

            3-RltCIONS ACRICOLES                 3-ACRICULTURAL DISTRICTS
       Pour les fi.ns de la. sta.Li~tique agricole. on  For 1.110 purpüso of :'.~ricllll:'I,·nl statistics,
     divise la pl'o\'iuoo de Québec en onze ré"'ionR,  t.1lt! Provincc of Quchœ is divicll'r! into alovou
     Pour fixer les do ces régions ou a wnu  clisl.rjc.l.s.  G('o.f~l'aphy of tho soil, p"dology and
     compuJ nOn SCli k111rn t d(\ la géographie dl'~  cliJnatology as wdl as l'lirai 4,,"11I0'I1IY and
     !\oIK, do la ]>4'"lolnr,!;in lit do 1... <,lima.l."I()~h, 'JlI:li~  demogl'aphy \Ve)'o norlsid"rod in fixing- the
     au,si d•.,l'''''OJ''llllin ml'al" ,,!, cie 1:1. d(\Inu~raphie,  limits oi' tbe districts.
     Région No 1; GASPf.:SIE.-Cette région (loro-  Di~(rict No. 1: GASPESIA.- Tbis district
     prend les comt<i.' do Bonaventure, Gas~Nord,  includes the oounties of Bonavollture, <ta.<pt;
     G~$pé-Sud, Ml1tarw,:vln t.n,pôdia et le~ I1e,~-ll<r·  NOI'I,h, Gnsp~ Nouili, .Mu.t.ane, Matap("lil1 Mid
     ln-Madeleine.                         1110 MlIgclaioll lsland",
     l'rincipalee prodnotions:  rJ.(';ril·ulture,  forcît,  Cllief products: II€'riculture, forestry, ûshcties.
     Prinojpaux cent·rcs: Ma.I.n.Il(', Gaspé.  Chief (~I'IlLnlS: Matane. aa.spli.

     lliif~ion No  2: BAS-SAlNT-LAURF.NT,-  District No. 2; LOWJΠST. LAWRENCE.-,
     ~o:mprolld les nomtés de KlI:momaska, L'l~let,  Includes IJlII counties of T\a.mouraskn. U1slet.
     Montmagny, ltimouski. Rhd re-<!u-Loup et  Mont.magny, Rimou;'ki, Itivièrc:Kiu-Loup and
     rrémiSCOllll.l~.. Géograp1ti1lw,mcnt cdl.o rli.don  Tél Iliscouato..  Ji'J'()JH the point, of view of geo-
     se partage en uoux j)..1.rti()s uistinctes: clos t'~ITeB  gmphy thi" uistl'if~t l1l(\,y bo sllhdivided into
     basses eu bordure du  Sllint-Laurunt; des  two ~eotions: lowlands along- tho shore of the
     plateaux eo arrière.                 St. Lawrellce; risiog bnhind the Dl'llt.

     Principales  productionB:  grandes  cultures  Cilief product~: field crope, live ètock. dairying.
     élevag-ll, industrie luiLière.
     Principaux centres: R.ivière-<lu-I.oup, Rimouski.  Cbief centres: R.ivibre-du-Loup, Rimouski.

     IUigÎo!l No 3: Qur~nm~.--ComprendleB com-  lJis(.t-i(~t No.  3:  QUEBEC.-Tnc'.lm\C'R  the
      t6~ d'Artl:lll.hasb\', Beauce, BolJccha~se, Dor-  countî0~ of Arthabaskl1, Bc'allce, n(\II('(·lws~C',
     chester Lévis, Lotl.Jinii:ro, M.'/.,'ll,ntic, Mont--  Dorch(>~ter, I.évis, Lotlini~·w.Mégantic, Moot--
      moroncy. Portneuf et QlIélJoc.       morenoy, Portneuf and Quebee.

      PriocipaJos produotions: culture mixte, élovage,  Cbief products: mixcd orops, live stock, veg&-
      1égumos, fruits, produite cle l'érable, forêt.  t.ables, fmits, maple proèucts. foreatry.

      Principal centre: Québed.            Chief centre: Quebeo.
      Région No 4: CANTONS DE L']<:ST.-Com-  District No. 4: EASTERN TOW1,.-RlllPS-
      prend les comtés de Brome, Compton, DI1IT1l-  Includea the coulltios of Brome. Compton,
      mond, Frontc.nac, Hi()lunnnd, Rhd'f0l'd. Shor-  Drummond, Fronteollc, R.iclunond. Shefford,
      brooke. Staodst.ead et Wolfe.       Sherbroolce, Stanswnd and Wolfe,
      P!'illcipo.lee  producliuns:  élevnge,  industrie  Chief prodncts: live stock, dairyiog, mixed
      lai\.ii,re, cultllre mixW.          cropa,
      Principal centre: Sherbrooke.        Chief centre: Sherbrooke.
      Région No 5: RI(;HELfF.U.-Coropl'end les  District No. 5: RICHELIEU.-Includ,'s the
     comtés de Bagat, Cha.mbly. Ih()rvillo. Laprai-  countied of BS'l;ot, Chambly. lbervilJl', Ln-
      rie, MiRRisquoi, Nnpinrville, Richn!i(!ll, Rou-  prairie,  MiRsiRquol,  Napicwville,  nicl'f.ll(,u.
      ville, St--Hyn.cinilie, SWean, Verchères, et  Rouville, St. llya,<:iuthe, St. John's, VeroMres
      y llJIl8,sl,a.                       and YII.ll1.Mka..
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