Page 299 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 299


           2-Subsides pour lei chemins de colonislltion, par comtés électoraux, de 1946 il 1952.
           2-Subsidies for Colonizlltion Roadll, by Electoral Countlel'l, from 1946 to 1952.

             COM'r~-COUNTIES    194.6-46  11)4(1-47  1047-48  19·1849  1949-50  1050-51  195]-52
                                  •      S      •       $      $       S      S
          Abitibi."" .. "., .. ,., .... ".  416,4114  841,6372,505,6162,199,668 1.077,84Q  063.03,~ 1,748,057
          Argenteuil.  " .. "....  1,002   774   4,G02  6,692   Il,122  9,08-3  14,807
          Arlhnbl\8kn      "       297   3.0lJ7  25,596  10,338  7,478  12,480  17,8'17
          nagot      "."       ""...  .."  ".    1.035  2.731   1,500  1,'\81  2,076
          Benuce"  "      ,.....  22,1i18  17,382  6.J,1l30  HO.OQ4  65.213  83.719  103.578
 .. .. .. .. .  5.4 0  3,388  1.772  3. 4QO  4.081  ".093  g. 008
          Bertbier  "              li'IO   998   1.39521.020   7.950   7.90')  12.843
          Bona,'onture, ,,,  ,,.  28,726  39.733  33,6,10  (j1.201  20.666  30,322  43.728
          BrÔllIe        "   "     700     300   1,009  7,490  2,500   2,000  5.087
          Chnmpll1in  " ".........  ...... .......  1,000  1.000  1,000  1,000  986
          Cbarlevoix-Saguent>y."........  30.7l5  38.973  110,938  03,633  54.624  10,111  56,082
          CMteaul(ut>y                                                 6,1)24  4.086
          élucoutimi..:::::::::::""·''aï.iwti ""40:438 ""73:3:i4 "lsli;'i&4 "'2i6:025  7l,m  217.7!il
          compton          "...   12,642  24,251  103,0'H  176,230  2li,674  47.200  56.684
          Deux-Montegnes,  ,",.,.,.  1.004  7,24712,50514,035   6.000.",      21.983
          Dorchc~ter..... " , .. , .. .... ...  38,001  00.825  146.00"  307,256  341.380  290,188  32'1,207
          Drummond...................  6.104  6.298  12,530  11 ,357  5.000  7,886  18.108
          Frontenac        "...   14.91  20,147  34,0(18  M,H8  72,035  42,462  72.080
          GB.Bpé-Nord  ".........  42.720  32.084  37,556  45.006  16.453  27,507  10,257
          O""pé-Sud  "..............  22.658  30.831  75,750  78.017  27.830  29. 45  33,759
          OUtI00UU  ,      , .. ,.  3,640  3,903  17,112  34,076  :'16,353  21,753  50,073
          HulL     ,',."..........  .,.....     22,608" .. ,  '     "        .
          ~~Tet~~~.M.ll<ie.lei~e..:::,  3:507 '''ïfi;'iio "'''2:403  5~:lb~  2~:~~  2~:~~R  2~:~g~
          Kamouroskl1 ........ "........  6.534  2.824  2.3Dfl  IILW7  j'I,751  14.080  20.095
          Lubello........         21.170  32.893  64.2-1'1  200.731  103.632  nD,120  139.604
          Ll1eSt-.Jenn   ,...     :l,013  3.021  (I,L:18  0,689  '3.183  14.(155  2·1,()25
          Laviole~~e  ,,,..       16.669  39.4,42  76.4-11  75.092  100,540  79.394  123.484
          E1r';Ï"ot.·,·.::::::::::::::::::::: .... ïo,i20 .....'s7:iliil 241,m ....64:i28 ....36:888 ....;j·Ù.55
          {,otbinière"  ,  , ' •....• ,..  7.242  8.0!H  8,942  16.817  20.142  .11,692  22,023
          Mnskinongé    _........  4.382  7.354  0:1,058  51,010  9.514  16.649  28.820
          MutI1De   ,    ,    ,   85,312  227,452  305,753  335.922  124.859  228,571  210,933
          M:atup~diu....................  32.642  ~7, 1'37  78.415  81,373  24.372  27,591  33,667
          M6guntic.............. .......  29.430  37,2613  75,070  79,'18n  61.810  30.:1,17  65.528
          Montcl'Im.....................  10,606  10,706  24,011  30,080  10,036  20,8GO  . 28,777
          ~~nt~~~~~·y.....·........ ·  4:008 ....:i:àli6 ""z.;;üio ....SiÙ62 .. · 2<ùio  i&:670  1n~
          MelOtlllorene)'.......•..... ,  600  500  1.0M  l ,28n "  ,         ,.,  .
          Nieolpt   ,',.,.,........  8,186  6,063  30.1~~  20,371  2.560  l.ll07  \l,005
          Pl1pineau....... .........  16,470  20,100  45,~~  71.142  47.3·H  68,;;:'7  73,186
          Poutiao......           1,714  1,700    608  30,'132  47,195  0,7'11  48,(1)ol
          Portneuf   "........    6,011)  5,206  7,658  13.983  7,269  7,MI   7,880
          ituébec......            40~     597   4,020   700     133   1,900  2,000
          Ri~~:~~i:~ci.·..·.·..::::::::::::::· ·.... iÙli7 ....&:g,ii "'''8;062 '''iO:602 ""i6;0<i0  1~:~g~ "'ï2:7lii
          Rirnou.ld.................  56,HI  (11.617  360 ,S9"  292.00(j  01,93::!  1l1.78B  12-1.115
          Rivil\ro-dll-LoulJ...............  (Il  5.434  6.176  12,613  8.971  12,074  11.069
          Roberv"'-,             :!1.M\  75.0032211.223  201.40IJ  68,R85  70,928  80,536
          Rouyn-Norund". .       4:J,JoI7  ,18.3H  62,81G  124, 711  9~ ,479  114.. 676  8 ,971
          St-~1Y8eintho.""               2,201 .""   "               "      ..
          8t.-.J""n.. "  ,       '"   "         4,230    ,,'   3.000    400
          St.-Mllurieo     "...  .  7~760  7,2·io  1I.03~  22"115  9,9'19  12,F,23  IS,3al
          8hofford .. ,.,,',  ,',....  .. '7',0',:17'  '4' ,'0'0';'  2.000  3,000  "  ..  1,(J00
          B}ler!)rook~  " .. .. .. . .. .  "~3. 497     4,008  3,004   7, 7R3  7,498
         'IéIl11S0l'mlOgue  ,  "...  38,02L  SO,O'.:l  108,761  121.29L  50,110  l00,9liO  09,383
         T6mi80ou:lln .. "  ,,"  59,606  SO,276  203.8f>O  17S,642  85.~~~  75,0:16  70,(\00
         Torrobonne"  " ""........  10.50L  6.810  Il.239  15,237  8,3~?  8.8-34  34.418
         VeroMres           ,,'            171  1.864   lI,IQoI  2.406  7.1124  7,B30
         Wolfe." .. ,",  "."....  1103,,920474  2147',~8~~  23.86:!  51,733  14,864  30,397  30,6 Il
          Divera-Sundrio•. "...........   'O>Q  06.452 (2) 168.802  65,000  65.001)  00.3111
              TO'TAL"" •• , ..• , ..•..  1,241,U8  2,107,868  5,592,114  5,924,2653)3,137,571  3,060,64;7  4,520,255
           (1) C mprLs dans Komouraska.         (1) lnoluded ln r<,,.noum.ka.
           (2) y compris 52,000 pour 10 eomté de Huntingdon,  (2) 1001 udillg 52.000 lor Hunt.ingdon counl,y
           (3) Lo ~otal oompr nd lino con~ributien de 148.200  (3) Totallnduues 148;200 by the pm-
         de lu pro'~nee de l'Ootario,          villee of O(l~ario,
           NOTA.-Les ebiffres des années 1034-33 li 1037-38 se  Non.-Figura8 for lb ycara 1034·31i t.o 1~37-38 will
          trouvent Il lu POliO 1 0 d }'Annullire 1038, CCliX de 1930-  he found ,\t, r-"'a  180 of tbo 1038 Year nook. fo, the
         31 A 1933-31, Il la ""iC 17/1 dl, l'Annuaire 193f>, ceux de  years lOaU-31 to 1033-3'1 Ilot page 170 al tbp 10M Y"ar
          1867 li 1920 Il la pa~c 155 do l'Annuaire 1031.  Les  Book: for ~he years IS07 to 1020 at pa~e 15f> of the 1031
                                               YCll.r Book.  Figur,s (or the years J'.l2U 1.0 1930 hl'vO
         ohiffres pOlir les ..nn~cs 1020 li 1930 ont été puhliés dans  b"en nuhlieheci yl'l\rly ln the nonual edition. of lhe Y""r
         les édilions snnuellCl! des annuRires 1022 Il 1932. Ceux  Dook frorn 1922 to 1932.  Tb08e for 103\1-44 appenr 10
         de 1030-44 pl'roi.sont dooo l'Annuaire Jn48.  the 1048 V"o.r Book,
   294   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304