Page 289 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 289


       2-Subsldes pour lu chemina de coloni.ation, par comté. électoraux, de 1945à 1951.
       2-Sublidlea for Colonization Roadl, by Electoral Countiel, from 1945 to 1951.

         COMT~OOUNTIEB      19H-4G  1946-<16  1114tH7  11147·48  11148-49  19411-60  IQ50-&1
                              S      S       $      $       Ils
      Abitibi ..............•........  803,782  416,104  841.637 2,1;06.616 2,1911,608 1,077.&19  Q63,035
      Argenteuil  '" ......•......  3.172  1,002  77~  4,002  6,692  5.122  Il,OS3
      ArtbabllSlm        ..    2,463   297   3,0117  21i.6116  111,338  7,·178  12,486
      Bagot       ,       .                          1.035  2.731  1,500   1.481
      B uuee.. , ........•...........  .. ïi.ÎlÎliJ ... "2i,.5IS ... Ïi: :ix~  63.030  146.994  M.213  83.710
      BeJlech_e.............•......  6,310  6,180  3'938988'  1.772  :I,1!l9  4,084  1,993
      Berthier.......•.. , ....•...  2 0 .16  .540   1,:111.5  21.029  7,050  7,991
      Donnvcoture         .   30.266  28,720  30,nl  33.61.'i  01.291  29,OGO  30.322
      RrÔme.......................•  .... ......  796  300  1.009  7.490  2,500  2.000
      Clll'mJlluio        .  .. .. .. '"             1.000  1.000  1.000   1.000
      Churl voi.·Saguenay  .  32,0-13  39.715  33.973  119.938  93.633  54 ,621  40.41'1
      qh~tollllgu."y      .  .. '13,3~2 .                                 7~:?~
      Chll·.outlm\. ..............•....  .'aÏ,R6o  40.438 ....7:3:331 '''JÎl\i:464 ''':iiO:025
      Comptoo            .   . 17:440  12,542  24,2.'i1  L93,064  176,230  25,674  47.200
      Deu.-MonWlloC•..............  1  1.004  7.2-17  12,a(l6  11.936  ll.000 ...... " ..
      Dorelle.ter         .   10,S1l0'  31>,001  60.82;,  H6, 006  307,256  311, :l89  200.188
      Drumll1nnd .........•.........  4.:116  0,104  6.208  12,530  Il .357  &.9no  7.886
      Frontcnuc........•............  3,001  14.081  20.147  :J.I,OOS  M,H8  72.035  12,462
      r:n.Rr~N·:H·d  , ..•............  26,443  12,720  3~.081  37,aM  45,095  16.,153  27.501
      g~~!~?;~~d '. '.:::::::::::::::  21.077  22,668  30.831  n.159  78.917  27,836  29.015
      Hull                .                         22.608 .....2: i73 .....:i:864  .. i :046
      Ile .le lu M.adelelne..........•.  .... Y:~~g :::::~~.~~7
      Joliette.. . .. . ....                'ir,:476 .... ':i;'iil:i  M,I08  20,010  20,796
      )(u,llIourn.sko. . .........•...  3.211!l  ô.5:\4  2.824  2.308  10.1Ü7  14.71il  14.1180
      Labolle................•......  6.508  21.1711  32.S!):!  04.21·1  200.7:11  103,632  110.120
      Lno St-Jean... '.. , ..  2, 112  2,013  3.021  (l.I:l~  n.G811  5.18:\  14.056
      tf.Lvil)lctt~..............•....•.  9·840  J.ü,05U  30,442  70,141  75.002  100.MO  70.3114
      Lév••........................ ,
      l.·lek:t            .   20.063 .... '10,i20 ....&7 :lii5  2-11 ,~~g ....M:i28 ....~B:88R ....3Ù5&
      I.•otbioièro  .         10,4 6  7,242  8.09'1  8,912  10.817  20.142  11.6\12
      Mnekiooo,~é. .. . . . . . . .. .  .  4,072  1,382  7.354  6a,058  51,010  Il.514  10.M9
     • Mntnne.........•.....•...... ,  102,811  85,312  227.462  305.753335.022  124,85\l  228.571
      Mntapédin   .           30.62&  32.642  27.157  78,416  81.373  21.372  27.6111
      Mégantic    .           18.276  :.10.430  37.200  7. ,070  79.480  51.810  30.347
      l'vlont ulm  .           0.682  10.50U  10.700  21.91 J  :la ,080  10.036  20.800
      h-Yontlna,Rny  .         7,042  4,00S  3,800  24.ftl\)  88,802  20.140  16,079
      ~fl)ntmor~IH':Y .............•..  1,!l61  500  !ion  3A:~~~  2U~~ .....:i:f,f,il ,.... i :997
      Nicolet..               10.168  8,16   0.663
      PF\pincnu.  . .•....•.. , .  2.524  15.,170  20.16\1  15.548  71.142  47,3<14  08,757
      Pl1l~tiüc ...............•.•....  3.tlOS  1.71-1  1.7()(1  oos  30.432  47.10&  0.711
      Portncl.lf.  ,  .        6,602  O.OlfJ  5.20U  7,658  13,983  7.200  1,541
      Québec.. .  .       .            408    507   4.020    100     433   1,9911
      Riobelieu           .   .a;33,j ..... 6:oii ... "o;lioij .... 'iùio2 ,... iO;OO2  2.104
      RichuJfHHl .........•.••.......•                                    IM07
      RiulUU.aki. .......•...•....•...  18.572  56.HI  01.617  360,Bfl5  202,006  01.933  01.780
      Rivièr(~-du-Loup......•........  5,088  (1)  6,434  O. J7l}  12,613  8.07L,  12.071
      Rt,l"ervnl.  .          211,253  27,564  75,on:1  22Q.2~;1  201,4Ç)f)  68,8srj  7V.~1~8  .  .  nO,808  49.147  'l,aH  52.Hll1  124.711  94.0\7(1  IJoI,ll76
      St-Jcan    .          ... ;:2:,~;~ ....:~;i6b'" .:::::~ ....;n~g ::: '22:4ii; .... '~:g~  '~~:~~g
      St-M,,,,,icc        .
      Bhcltol'd   '" ..•... " .
      ~.her~rook~         .  .. · ..2~1·••7a.~~, .. · .. 7;03i .. ·..4;068  5:~g<j  U~'''''·3:00.j  '7:i83
      IéJluaonln.inguo    .     u    38.62!  80,043  10 ,101  121,291  50,110  100,959
      Témittoouu,t.l\ ................•.  133,518,  60.605  80,270  203,860  178,642  85,126  7&.930
      Terrebonuo          .    3.2-"0  10,501  6,810  11,239  15,237  8,382  8.834
      Verehôrca         .    .......          171   4.861   6,104  2,406  7.924
      Wolfe. ,         ,  .   12,194  10,944  14,882  23,803  51.7311  14..864  30,3!)7
      Oiver_Buodri 9.........•.  7,1i24  13.207  27.·188  00,452(2)168.802  05.000  05,000
          To·rAL          .  1,1.20,160  1,241,418  2,107,86'  5,592,314  5,D24,2~5 3)3,137,671  3,060,667
       (1) Comprla dllne KaDJOUI1l9.\ca.     (1) Iocludod 10 Knmoura.k...
       (2) y oompris 12.000 pour le aomté do Huotingdon.  (2) Inoludiog 12.000 for Huotinv.r1on eouoly.
       (3) La tot.t>\ oompr."nd une oootrlbulion de 1048,209  (3) To~LÙ IneludCll 118:200 eoot.ributed by l,he pro·
      d.lo provioa. de l'O·ntnrio.         vinee of Ont.orio.
       NO'fA.-Los eblfl'ree dOB année. 1934-35 Il 1037-38 oe  NO'flll.-Figllretl for the yenre 1034~11i to 1937-38 will
      trouwnt Il ln pIIJ\e 180 de l'AIlouaire 1038. cC"J< d" 1030-  he found at pngo 180 of tho 1038 Yeur Book. for tbe
      31 ~ IUJ3-J4. il lB page 170 dfl l'A oounire 11135, C<lUI d.  yenrn HI30-31 to 1113.1..34 nt page 170 of lho 1U36 YCAr
      1807 il 11120 il la pago HIS de l'AooUAir. 11131.  Lea  Bnok: for the ycal'll IS07 to 1020 at pl.gc 155 of Ua' 1931
                                           Yellr Book,
                                                    Figurl'6 for tho ~r. 1020 to l!I:\O have
      abiLYrcB pOlir le6 1I0nl>eo 1020 il 1\1:10 oot Mé publi(.. dllno  bren yearly io the Bonual editions of t,bo Y""r
      100 édJtions nnnuoLlœ des anous;r•• 1922 il 19:J2. C<>UJ<  Book frorn 1022 tn 1032.  TboBe for 1089-44 appca. 10
      de 1030·44 paraJeBent dane l'A.Dl)uairc 1048.  t.he 11148 YCar Book.
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