Page 255 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 255
9-Baae de l'impôt dans lea corporation. municipales de la Province.
9-8asis of Taxation in Municipal Corporation. of the Province.
r;;valualion des bi ns-(onn
A_menl o( Real Eatn\C AlItres
Nombre <le ",.u.1 urs
ANNI1:ES municipalités 101po...bl0ll iJnP08l1bléll
- - mais c~ompté8 Non (1)
YEARS NlImber o( llllp" Iblcs telJlpOrniremBnt impulJu.blc.s Oth',r
muoioipnliLie.• - - - TaXAble
Ta>nbl T",,,,hle but Non- "UIU08
T('llllPOnlrily taxahIe
037 ,2~5,228 $
103 .. 1,457 2, 173,~1l1 ,64:1 !)7,2~52.925 GO,H7,65!l
1930.. 1,464 2.1,10.101 ,r,83 no, 37,0-10 038,230.70G 5:1.268,251
1037 . 1.47:1 2,120,694.112 100,4U2,530 /IoI7,il71l,361 50,290,940
11l38 . 1,·184 2,IH,(~1 ,879 03,283,6114 (;52 ,'In7 ,n23 ,il ,331,272
10:10 .. [,40:1 2. 1/i8,) il5, 0,1 100.25,1,703 flM ,234 ,3'-'1 5:l. 556 ,202
1010 . 1,400 2,1110,0:11,242 88,(;88.1142 (;75,3 2,283 li3, 706 ,OnO
10'11. , . 1,502 2,222.82.; ,31 1 87.687,7:1li 690,471,673 55.3'18,319
1042., ......•...... 1.50il 2,262.!I77,OOI 81.&72.IOn 714.230.801 56,626,262
1!1I:l.. . L,511 2 .3(lO,42.'i .Ilil nil.n04.27.'i 7G8. 740. 004
LO-l4...........•..... 1,513 2,342.87tl,IlIU 03,15·1. OI}S 780,127,801 [~l
19·1&. , ] ,.iI7 2 .43(i. 2JO, lS81 ·13 .U:12 ,503 7!l0,25.l.43n
1111. 1,.::1"2 2 ,870 .0:1:1 ,DUO 0·1 ,1159 ,000 844.026,000
L\I.50.. l, 59j~ :1 ,2411,533 ,000 72 ,42G ,OOU 0,5,2U2,ooo bl
$ $ S
Ifn5 . 25 1,453.043,390 M,glll,141 480,1I7l.139 '13.923, 122
H):l6.. , . 26 1.432,rHl.2511 59,1\13,770 " 1,!12!J .7,~8 47.000,41}2
1937 . 26 ] ,'liT., 14r,,322 5n.730.1178 488,779,04'; 1-1,005,679
19311 . 26 1,418, 0(;,OU2 '1 ,252,061 490,040, '105 40\ ,1120. il<\<\.
1939 . ~O 1,417,8U6,408 r,7.n 1,107 407.199,OZ(; 411,0Ia,'la5
1040 . 20 1.43 .01i1.020 4>1,723.8711 60';.0 2,07 40 .:l5g, 77-1
1941 .. 26 1,440,:HI.832 48.712,725 r,20 .282 ,!J55 '17.772.291
1912 .. 26 1,4U6.27B,M7 4U.140.681 52 ,721,140 4 ,32 ,003
1943, , ...•..... 2G 1,4 7,(177,:)17 4~ ,061,,; 5 6Il7 ,7711, 3M (3)
1014. .. 2U 1,60l,GO ,88,1 3 ,495,0ü0 573,181.702 (:J)
19·15.. " . 26 1,557,302.707 2:i. f,55. :'2B 77 ,226,365 (3)
l 'L8 . :30 1,801,sc. ,0 0 3n,02 .000 (;00,231,000 3)
L95O , . 32 2,014, Uù.OOO 51.122,000 61~1 ,010, 000 l :J}
li S • S
103.~ .. 102 20 .040,186 35,87l.425 .'11).47,;,3(;0 5.513,732
1036 , . 102 2 1,281,218 33,&14,31 58.33,(Jlj2 4,988,123
1937.......• " . 10, 207,802,1142 3S, 101,132 60,7 0,154 4 ,!l38, 118
103 . 107 214,500,861 30.364,705 0.7:12.57 5,00;;,484
1030 . 108 223,426,5601 34,n23,03 oa ,[vlO .25 6,715.179
1940.. ,. , .. , . 108 230,&1 ,061 32,5 1,117 0'1,557,llr, 6,020,089
1Ol1 . lfY.l 242.111,281 30,822,<11(1 09,883,775 6 ,O'la .239
1942 . 112 255 ,2'17 ,IS 26,805.862 7·1, 331 ,273 6,025.853
1,0'13 , " . 112 2118, 082, 04U HI,864. ln 86 ,863 ,655
1941 . 112 27 ,672,009 16,008,053 su ,027,033 !il
1945 . )):J 20 .850,650 1·] ,06 ,316 7,0'11,828
HJ48 . 124 .101,657,000 21.23il,OOO 05,179,000 (3~
1050, , .. 120 485,806,000 ~O,032,OOO 127,781 ,000 (:l)
s s $
1\)35.... .. .... . . ..... 1,330 511,608,067 a}03,3.;O 00,798, na 1,010,814
I1J36....... .. ........ 1.330 011,770,107 fi, :l78,95l 07,017.2 0 1,212,6U6
1037....... .......... 1,341 506, 55F" 848 8,471,520 98,107,262 1,347,149
)l138..... ............ 1.3") ,; 10,552,0(;0 8,006,808 101,084 ,331 1,345,IH
1939..... ............ 1.359 510,872,070 7,0:'\0,471 10:1,485.473 1,407,6018
[()40.. , .. .. .......... 1,3f15 521,01\),161 6,380, U16 104,842,100 1.415,327
1041.... ............. 1,367 (;31,472,198 8,152,595 10:),3().I,043 1, 526,780
llJ.l2,,,. ............. 1.368 541.454,220 8,625.160 110,175.3 l, 071. 806
1943..... ............ 1,3n 550,664 ,U28 7.767,901 11'.,110,483 1,705,858
1044., ........ " •.... 1,375 561,5U5,717 7,600,055 121,218,376 1.717,581
1045........ , ........ 1.378 580,057,527 5,30 ,311l 125,983 ,2-JO 1,638,794
104 1,398 6('7,412,000 4.n9,5,000 143,516.0()(J (al
11J50:::::::::::::::: : 1,43;' 717,831,000 1,272,000 162,571,000 (3
(I) lm 0&6 •n vortu des arl. 698 .l.u;"unte du Cod. (I) Taxe<! undor Arl. !l08 ••nd followinll; of Ih • MUDi-
munioipof dans Ica municipuliléo rural e~ ohap. 233, oipal Code in rani mllnioipolili... nnd (;"np. 233, A:rls
.rt. 623 et d... S. R. Q, (1941), dan. 1... oilés et 523 aod (ollowing o( lh. R. B. Q.,, in uiti... and towo•.
(2) Cblffre. oompilé. pour 108 munJolJlQlIl.&1. rurllle. (2) [o'i"Ur88 oompiJed lur rural muoioiplllil,•• only.
•eul ment.
(3) R",. ·illnomoDl non diBponiblo. (3) Onw not availoblo.