Page 253 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 253

8-Sommaire du budrt dell dépense. de la province de Québec, pour l'année fini&Aant le 31 man 19~3.
 8-Summary of the Elltimated Expenditure of the Province of Quebec for the Year Ending 31st March, 1953.

 .,  !5 c.                              De capiLo.l            ~
 ,g  ~  Or<!iDaine--{)rdiIUlry                                 Q <::
 ~ U                                     Capital               ~
 -;;; l;e                                                      V:l
 -.: - '::  SERVICE                                            -;,
 o  "                                                          ~
 Z  ci  AutoriB6ee                      Autoriséœ              o
 Z  A voter  par statut      .'" voter  PM atatut              -.::
                  Total                              Total     ~
 To be Voted  StaLutory     To be Voted  Statutory             .....
 $      S          s           s           ~          $        1
 1  AfIair  municipaJeI>  '  ~utl.lcipal Affai  .  452.000  4.582,000  5.034,000  ...... ïoo;ooo"  ."ioo:ooo"
 II  Agriculture  Agriculture  .  13,~41.000  2.330,000  15.571.000  ~
 III  Bien~tre social ct jeunesse  Social and of Youth  .  1~.8S0.846  6.621.450  22,472,296  2 .'104.278  481.122  2,886.000  o
 IV  CbllSSe  Garne  '"  .  1.970.000  60,000  2.030.000  370,000  370.000  -.::
 V  Colorri!atioD  ColonUstioD  ,  .  9, 89!).000  65,000  9.964.000  3,000.000  3,000,000  .....
 VI  Conseil Exécutif  Executive Council  .  4.528.000  1. 782,000  ".310.000  ~
 VII  Finances...............•..... Finance. . . .. . ......•......•.  3.335.900  1.233,200  4.569,100  Q
 VIII  Industrie et Commer""  Trade and Commerce  .  1.555,000  ....ili:Ei3ô:ooo"  1.555,000  ..... "500;000"  .....
 IX  Instruction publique  EcIueation  .  7.867.448  27.497,448  500,000  :>.
 X  Ugislation  ugislation  .  409,700  500.000  909,700       t""'
 XI  lItines  ,  1I'lines  .  1,878,000  175.000  2.053.000  .. ·..2:000:000..  " =~:ooo:ooo"
 XII  Pêcheries. . .. .  Fi~bcri  .  1.916,000  25.000  1,941,000  400,000  400,000  ~
 XIII  Procureur général  -\ttoïoev General  .  5.905,000  1. 720,000  7,625,000  .....
 XIV  ReosoUTCes bydrauliques  Eydraulic ResoUTces  .  2.526.000  195.000  2.721.000  ~
 XV  Santé  Eealth  .  29.128.500  8.641.300  37,769,800  ...... "30:000"  ...... '30:000"  :>.
 XYI  8ecrétwre de la Province  ProvinciaJ Secret..,.y  .  3.268.800  \'187.500  ·1..456.300  1,000,000  1,000,000  ~
 XVII  TeITe:" et Fore18  Lands and Fores18  .  4.893.000  75,000  4.968.000  (')
 X VIII  Travail  Labour  .  2.190.000  2,190.000              t":l
 XIX  Travo.ux publics  Public Works  .  9,095.000  565,600  9.660.000  ."6:600;000"  20,000  '''6;620:000''  V:l
 XX  Voirie  Roado  .  22,500.000  2,000.000  24.500.000  26,300,000  26,300,000
 TOT'I..L .....••••..•......  142,409,194  51,188,OSO  193,797,2404  15,904,278  27,301,722  4.3,206,000
 Source: Budg<-l d•• ~... de la prOlliTlt'.e de QuEbu. 'Pour l'année finissant le 31 man; 1953.  Source: Eotimal.. 0/ lM Ezpendilure 0/ lM 0/ Que!>ec. for the year ending
     March 31. 1953.                                           N
   248   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258