Page 248 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 248

G--Revénu provenant de. droita perçus en vertu de la Loi des Iiqueurl alcoolique. et dea licence•.     t,j
                                      G--Revenue Derived From Duties under the Alcoholic Liquor Act and Licenses.
                              DISTRICTS             19w-41 (1)1  1941-42  1942-43  194H4  1944--45  19·15--46  1946-47  1947-48  1948-49  1949-fiO  1950-51
                                                            s  9,216  s  7,376  s  7,314  s  7,lill  $  6.944  s  468  8.350  $  9.071  S  9.914  $ Il,342
                                                              5.206  5,631   5,669  6.210  6.736   8. 9.437  1!  9.270  Il.139  13.694  12.491
                                                              5,065  4.651   4.061  3.975  1.452   5.880  7,574  9,429   9.856  12.503
                                                              6,420  6.845   6.946  7.025  5,091   4.234  6.313  5.821   4.800  '1:,832
                                                              6,243  6,040   G,HO   6,914  6,976   7.974  9,727  9.147   9,351  7.539  "':
                                                           ..........  .... '1,203' ·····Ù39· .... ·t'.ôii .  .  .       2.361  4,213  '-
                                                              1,147                        .dis' ... ':i;'i65  3.133  3.658  4,151  3.844  ~
                                                              1.594   1.378  1.583  1,908  1.541   2.633  2.706  2.537   3.304  3,H.;  ~
                                                              5.4/\6  5,819  6,123  6,942  7.727   8.301  8.090  8.021   8.910  8.162  >-:
                                                              1,598   1.431  1,314  1,455  2,046   2,558  2,722  2.680   2.800  2.710  (j
                                                               652     4S6    638    496     900    8:l5  1,126   1,292  1.405  1,444  S'
                                                              5,899  .!).J28  5.535  5.443  5,638  5.72·6  6.537  7.129  8,305  9,412  v:
                                                           ..... .... .......... ..........  176  4.090  4.327  4.285  4.449  4,674  3,111'1
                                                              4,051  3,489   3,430  3.213  3.435   4.003  4.386  4,821   4,363  5.186  "1:l
                                                                45     43      42     53     lOI     82     71     669     24     87   ~
                                                              5.196   4.646  5,115  5,055  5,8€2   5,729  6.421  6,987   7.040  7,894  ~
                                                               863     634    513    513     661    598   1,147   1.462  1.299  1,615  t--
                                                              2.286   1.640  1,824  1,827  2,921   3.444  4.396  3,812   4.157  3.940  '-
                                                              2.549   2.S35  2.210  2.368  2.675   3.268  3.660  3.592   4.345  4.018  .a
                                                              1.520   1.481  1,478  1,497  1,563   1.654  2,339  2.069   2.050  1.845  ~
                                                              1,023   1.238  1,038  1,300  1,579   2.480  2.383  3.298   4,305  4,177  ~
                                                              1.226   1.139  1,104  1,144  1,294   1.381  1,346   1,461  1,586  1.643  ~
                                                              3,305   3.198  3,165  2.914  3.010   4.441  2.908  2,769   3.298  3.321
                                                           .... 2',383' .. "'1,976' ····ùi8:i· .... ùio· ....iùos·  .. 'Ù74'  4.717  2.253  2.466  3,145  .:..
                                                             195,897  194.654  195,539  196,2ïl  2O-'l, 763  216.558  223.702  239.7.55  254,243  276.127  .~.
                                                              2,206   1.811  1,663  1.664  1.555   1,431  2.082  2,484   2.960  2,843  t:::
                                                              1,622   1,421  1,393  1,568  1.685   1,~1()2  1,306  1,611  2.181  1.600  \:'-<
                                                              5,699   4.822  4.870  4.182  4,310   4,856  5,356  6.422   5.358  4.829  -.. ..
                                                              27,862  27,536  27.217  28,080  30.391  33.325  45,527  39,397  43,537  45.347
                                                              5,663   6,169  5.762  6,043  i,338   5.484  8,091  5,119   6,288  6.838  "":l
                                                              2.277   1.778  1,552  1,709  1,820   2,231  3,173  3.969   4,052  3,114  .....
                                                              1,372   1.199   689    4·83  1,287   1,53-1  1,751  1.589  2.603  2,715  <:
                                                              3.448   3.432  3,339  3,458  3,901   5.029  5.206  5.064   6.323  6.434  :::.
                                                              10,881  10.802  11,778  10.617  11.279  13,074  13.894  17,68-3  15.642  19.036  <:
                                                              3.719   3.971  3.779  4,123  4,145   4.658  4.692  5.737   6.174  6,906  (")
                                                              2.866   2.900  2,664  2,484  3.478   3.925  5.550  5,776   6.702  7.104  t<J
                                                              11.866  12,324  12,174  12,595  14,816  16,506  19,744  15.796  15,404  16.435  Cr.
                                                              6,383   6,890  5.889  5.947  6.448   7.316  8,138  8,458   Il.392  10.598
                                                            2,970,147  3,315.584  3.068.600 3.500,103  6.875.283 17.522,162 18,298,784 19,232.288 19.780.975  9.698.624
                         TOTAL.•.•....•....•...••.......•.  1,946,996  3,3U,Sli1  3,663,699  3,415,142  3,841,755 1 7.250,264  7,933,U3  8,152,510  9,704,313 110,285,855 110,232,620
                  Rembourse,menLS-Reimburscments  .    4.490  11,734  10.424  9,i75  10,256  Il.242  1.. ,479  16.164  18,;;;83  21,146  17.801
                         TOTAL...................•...•...  l,9a,505  3,313,121  3,653,275 3,405,367  3,UI,U9!7,239,022  7,91&,634  Il,736,346  9,685,930 110,264,709 110,2:14.819
                     (1) 9 moill.eulemeut.                                      (1) 9 montbo ouly.
                     Source: Compt&o public. d. la promn« d. Qtdbec:.           Source: Public ACCDI'nt< of lM PTmnu of Qtub..,.
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