Page 244 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 244


          2-Etat de la dette consolidee et des emprunta temporaires de la  provi nce  de
                              Québec, choque année, depuis 1896.

           2-Statement of the Funded Debt and Temporary Loana oF the Province of
                              Quebec, eoch yoar, aince 1896.

                                                               Detto     Emptllnl-3
                            Delte    Fonch. d'nmor-  Palomonts  con.olidé<>  temporllire5t
                           oonllOlldée  tintiem nL  différ&!   Dette     eL dépôts
           ANNÉE  YEARS                             (1)
                            Funrl      SiDkinll   Deferre<!     NeL      '1'emporary
                            D hL        FUDd      P"ymeDts    Funded     l.oalUl nDd
                                                               D"ht       Deposlts
                              S          S           s          S           S
          18116-97...     34,106,654.08  {),OO·I,OOO.OO     24,202,654.08  1.357,213.82
          1897-98...      34,2 ~,841.53  10.004,677.78 .,  .  24 ,271l.103. 75'  l, lM. 700.'16
          1898-90.. . .   35,128.847.72  10,02",7-17.05   .  1,063,01 .15
          1890-1000.....  35,072,027.'1'  10,040,6'16.38    25.022.3 I.OS  1.048,306.0.5
          IllOO-01.......  35,007, Il .13  10,074, '153.87  2·1 .(l:J3. '14<1, 20  l, ]28. (174.74
          1901-02...      3·I,1l34,871.nO    24, R~4,728 9,5  1.140.787.84
          1902-0:1.       34,857.7'14,10  Ill. 126.6:14.77  ..  24,731,100.39  1.06 ,084.05
          100a-04....     34,77l.401l.49  1O,104.000.,,~  .  24,(\17,390.04  l,Ill ,838.15
          1004-05 .. , , .  34.68'( .685.48  10. 11l2. 212 .35  2<I,1l02.4n.13  1.120.'176.20
          1005-Q6.. . .   28. 7(J(). 978.  1  :1.671). 47.25  25.085,331.50  441,375. :19
          tOO(l..()7.....  21:1.  .51~.14  3.705,1l80.35  ,  ,  2·( .062,Il31. 79  467.:170.23
          1907-08...      2R.5M.024.(t;  :3,720.01 ,17  ..  2'1.833.105.98  4 4,M1.8\
          In08-0n.......  25,76G,·10~.15  1.070,188 07      24,606.216.08  1,\:30.003. Oll
          IllOO-IU...     25,601.284.1;;  l.l02,9IR.20  ..  2I,n.'\11.35.05  (1'\3.820.72
          1910-11... ... .....  25,M5.n02.15  1.136,637.01  2I,409.351.M  707.970.37
          1911-12... .. ..  25.341.157.48  1,171,:176.20    2·1,1110,781. 211  660. '79.91
          1012-13.....    24.7511.79  2  1,207,164.75       2:1,1;52 ,l\.14. 07  57 ,243,58
          1013.\4........ .....  25.&17.1l8 .411  1,268,819.00 ."  ..  24,579,160.49  \,036,830.77
          1914-15.........  34.488,910.22  1.3M.G35 22      33,123.2 1.00  (l'12.3Ill.84
          H115-1&.....    38.:140.1' , .22  \ ,487,317040   36,8.'\ ,780.70  5\2.224.8
          1\ll6-17.............  30,462,90B.22  1. ().Ill ,058 .03  ." ..... , ....  37.817.0:1 .10  ll31,O') .74
          1917-\8...... ,......  30.827,7B9.55  1.812,IIn .07  3 ,015,654.4  712.447.07
          191 -10.............  3Q.700,1I1355  1,000,326.58  37,716,2%.07  1. 7·11 ," 2, '12
          1910-20.............  40,708,1IJ.5li  2.176,362.25  ..  38,531. 751. 30  5.77Il,061.33
          1020-21........  51.B52.113.5  2,374.518.70  ,  .  40,277,50'1.85  3.07,792.29
          1921-22     '   55,00-1.026,27  2.1'179.074.33  .. ,  .  52.725,261.!l4  1,206 .8,15. 75
          1022-23...........  00,005.22B,27  3.408.045. (lO  57.106,2RO,67  1.53 .043.00
          1923-2'1.. .... ..  76.005 , ~26. 27  3,9(\0 ,424.90  .. ii;;nOO:600.00  56.038.801 37  (1.611.:124.04
          1024-25.. .. ,..  81,9'14 .0211.27  .4.700,2106  14,875.000 .00  2.363,104 61  0.393.802.98
          1921\-26.. ....  78,004.926.27  5,S34,61l:l,42  15.743,7  ,00  fi6,'l26,657 B5  12.208.00 .20
          1026-27........  7Q.212.226.27  5.106,737.15  15.202, .'\37.07  li ,812,051.45  !l. 342,762.10
          1927-2          80.73\ ,877.24  0,172.671.69  15.731,673.94  58,827,531.IlI  7,767,662.63
          1928-20. .. . . .  . .•.  80.334. 7nl, 58  7.330.551,00  16,253,009,:10  5,207.154. 7
          1929-30.............  76,735,291.58  8.570,104.36  14,142,610.28  M ,022.62(\.84  g, 107,796.26
          1030.31.  , . . .  84.235,201. 58  0.843,  2.23  13.973.199.80  !lO,4\ ,249.55  5.709.322.17
          1931-32,............  91,987.691.58  11,331,551.35  13.795.31 .00  60,800, 21.M
          1032-33........ .  110,237, 01.58  13,040,234.77  13,608,51'1. 53  83,683,142 2  10,530,20  28
          103:1-3'1..............  126,51 ,006.0\  15.085,352.92  13.412.300.16  !l8,020.254, 3  10,856.\20.51
          1034-35....... ...  14\! ,748. 00(1.01  17,605, 50S. 02  13.200,752.00  11  ,O~5.749.80  21, 137.714.3:1
          1lJ3f,..36....  164,747,00(1.01  2I,07r..000.:J2  12,991, R67. 00  130,OI:J,(l14. 4.  29.002.351.8B
          10:10-37..... ,  195,1711,199.37  21,526,964.73  12,765,227.47  160,87 .007.17  27,314,1196. U
          1937-38. .. . . .. ..  257,576,090.:17  25,35\,171.32  12,527,238.8  210,007,689.20  1-1,401,576.25
          11138-39. .. . . . . . . . . . .. 294 •fin ,Ofl\) 37  29,676,534.01  12.277,282,30  252.710,22.16  20,769,808.18
          11139-40.. . . .  383.846,099.37  32.026.611.47  12,014,776  5  3~0,804,B81.:l4  5.2·15,389.66
          194().41....  ...  3117,446,090.37  36.402.780,83  Il,730.008.55  349. ;104" :100.09  18,]:12.250,28
          I94H2.....     3~B,601.<199.:J7  42,22(\,6!l1 75  Il.4·IO.6H.73  3:12,\!24.742.89  31.035.621.80
          1942-4:1 (2)..  306,071,000.37  liO.281.502.12  Il,\'15. 57.10  334 ,ün .650 . \.  29,322, 23.56
          1043-4-1.....  ... 386,78\ ,aOO.37  58.488,530.85  (3)  :128,202.56 .52  ·10,728,488.84
          1044-4" . ., . .  389 ,56B, 00ll. 37  78,418,530.36  328 .:J1I2, 569 .01  38,()7~,M9.70
          1045-46.... . .. ....  305,1,\00.090.:l7  72.09 ,000.30  340, 71~ ,0113.07  14,707,716.04
          1046-47  ,  ,..  391,096,090.37  84,677,282.20    323.63:3,817.08  14,841,\!75.2,~
          1947-48  ,  ,..  373,059,782.87  70,102.000.83    3Il,172,722.04  16,696.248. M.
          1048-49  , . . . .  421,284,782.87  86.450,:170.32  .. 351,4013,-112.55  14.830,00.24
          1040-50.. ,  ,.  403.534,782.87  91."55,003.26    327,804.779. (\J  28,218.698,12
          1950-51  ,     1a~.084.782.87  01,235.120.14      320,264 ,602.73  10.502.723.32
           (1) Dél."mtur''it ~mige9 a ln Salique d'Haôhol..g .  (1) DobcoLures is.ued Lo Lh. Bank 01 HDohcl"llA.
           (2\ Soot comprlaea la< rubrlQue.. Lra~l6rê" du p  if  (2) Hem. tmnalerred from IOWTf\llt to dirooL liabilltl••
          ,"",ireol aU p....ll diT""l,         ..r& inoludcd.
           (8) Le 31 d6oembr& Ig43, la BaDQue .. geraé Il,467,"  •  (3) On D.oemb., 31, 1043, tha SAOie pr.pald 11,467,.
          686.87, rapr~...nlaDt Loue 1.. " ...emenlAl fulW1l.  686.87 ropr_nlin, a\l lutuJ'll InoL..lment..
   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249