Page 240 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 240
32-Nombre de doc;:uments enregistrés par les régistrateurs, en 1951-
32-Number of Documents Reglstered by the Registrars, in 195).
Mutation ContmLll
DrVISIONA Hypo- cl"" do Autrtlll
0' l1Nltll:<)18TRli:M I/lN'r thclques proPri6téB m[~rifLge dOCllmeot8
REOl8TnATION Mort- Transfers Marringo Other
DIVISIONS gagos of propcrty Contracta documcnta
Abil,it,i. , ..............•...... , .... 540 1,47L 363 1,85:1 4,227
Arlr.cntel1il. . 260 901 78 1.078 2.407
Arthabl\ska, . . . . .. . .. , . 475 1,059 100 1,590 3,2!J0
n"ll:ol. . 311 546 7n 1.059 1,()\J2
Ilel\uco , . M8 1.253 m- 2,21.3 4,317
BOl\uhMnois . 001 895 1.208 3,135
Bclleolu",sc . 10-1 577 80 9B[ 1.832
Berthier , . . . .. . ....•.. 305 920 63 920 2.268
DonlLv nture No. 1. .... , •.... 74 498 21 378 1171
Bonl~YcnLure No. Il .. , .. . ..•....•..... 83 .114 8 289 694
Br<Jlllc , . 132 686 17 763 1,598
Chambly , , .. 1,699 3,273 31l 3. !l44 B,027
Champloin ' 978 1.821 348 2,303 U.450
harleveix No. 1 (1) ......30.. · .279·· ..
Ch"rlovoix No. H ... 78 ... "Z09' ·650.. ·•
bt1teul1R\lBY.· .•.. , ......•.•..•...•••... , 282 568 43 759 1,(152
ChicoutimI. , ........• , . 912 2,001 710 2.067 5,786
<2onlicoolc (Stanstel\d).. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 99 3:12 H 399 874
Comptuo ".. . •................ 12,; 010 43 7[2 1.400
DOllx-?4ont"gncs ,. . .. , ..... , ..... ,130 858 132 1.438 2.791
Dorehe..ter........ . ....•...... 408 1,18il 181 [ .'\96 3,274
Drumm nd",.. . , . .. . . 352 1.663 362 2,UOI 5,338
J:rontefll\c , ..• '..... . . ........•. 282 097 01 [,3'14 2,714
0,,01'6. ' , . 47 1129 18 479 1,173
Go.tluCLloU ...• , •.••..•..•... ' 3il7 1,440 23 1.05 2,027
Illlll. .. (J75 L,812 96 1,802 4.385
llllntiugdon . 1'15 385 24 1)1)0 1.110
Ibcrvillc, . . 213 315 20 524 1, 072
lles-de-la-Modclci n~ . 14 142 ..... 28.... 8il 21.5
I\cs-d·Orlél\llo.... ' . ....•. ,., .. f,o 10. 147 340
JoHetu,. . . . , . 502 1,140 118 1,-142 J.208
Ko.11loumska... , .. 177 053 70 729 1.529
Labene " .. ,. . . 237 968 ,17 1,134 2.386
Lnc , t.-Jcali-Est... . .. , ..•............... 3.';5 873 294 1.008 2,620
Loe-St-Jcon-Ou t . (l00 1.015 24IJ 1.1Hl7 3,828
r J\prairie. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ...•. , . 223 425 [.2 653 1,353
L' ANiomption.. . . . . . . . . . . .. , 38<\ 724 l!4 1,207 2,399
La Tuque (Luviolettc) (L) ...• , .•..•..... .... ié,o.... 2:i'G.. ·· ·-i:ili9.. ··
Lavnl............. . ........•..... ,. ,'8&1 '''i:iH9
Lé\ris . 572 850 2:13 1. 791 3,116
L'Islct , , . 155 lil5 43 591
l"otbini~re. "'" . . . . . . . . . .. , . 253 604 B5 86.1 1,855
MUllkiooul(6 , . . . .. . . 216 477 74 555 1,822
l'Iofatl\ue , ....................•..... 210 809 (j8 1.125 2,212
Matol)éclia , . , ....•............... 215 712 125 891 1,943
~t8~~t~~'i::::~: ~::..::::::::, :..,'.' . 253 557 72 1.054 2,082
MOlltculm... , ..•.......... , . , .........•.. 295 ) ,030 52 1,186 2.56:1
Montmagny" .. , .....•..•. ,. 233 857 119 88.1
MOlltmoreney.. , .................•...... , . 213 463 84 HI 1,171
Mo.ntrtlal....... . . 14,426 24.269 8.065 4-l,248 91,g08
Nr'l>ierville . 1:17 244 28 349 758
Nicolet No. 1.. . , . 135 374 2 5-17 1.138
Nicolet No. Il , . In8 420 78 8:J6 l,MI
l'n.pinc(Lu ............•.•..•... , .. 263 895 43 904 2,105
PonLiac.. , , . 115 774 4 1.495
Portneuf. . . . . , ........•.... , , .. GOn 1.300 254 1.41:1 15,MO
Québec ' , ..................•.. 3, (010 '1.374 ) ,·171 0.671
Richelieu , . 3-16 /l0'. 88 1,056 2,184
rtiolunund.. " .. . , ....•...... , .. , . 450 1,305 LOO 3,329
rtimouaki. . . . .' .. , ........• , . 570 1,171 L82 1.885 1,01!
Rouville , .. · ··.··· . 312 fion l)5 227 803
Saglloooy. . . . . , , .. 90 1!:J2 54 1.368
Sbcllord........ . , , . 726 1,461 182 l.fl90
Sberbrooke. , . . . . ..........•..... 958 2,001 371 1,ll42 5,362
Soulanges. . . . . ..... , .. , ... 107 304 36 324 771
Stl>l\8tead...............•................ 259 764 82 8-36 l, OH
Su,·Anl1c·des·Monts. " ...........• , . G9 219 14 1.281 G31
8t- rlYl\cinthe. , . 4ga 914 178 2·,8GB
St-Joan , , . 380 8:H L02 852 2.168
lhet,fordMin08 (M6gnntic) . 311 1,057 151 1,492 2,424
3 ,4~J5
T6muJcf\1I11nguo•...•.....•• , ~ ., .•.••. 001 1,228 114
Téroi90ouota (Riviore-du-Loup) .. 483 \ ,801 210 1.808 3,802
Te-rreboone..................•......... , . 1.286 2,0(H 312 2.773 7,27"
Trois-Rivitlros . ) .182 2,08:J 754 2,985 7,(X14
Vaudreuil. .. , . . . . . . . . . ..•.......... 30L 9&2 67 990 2,400
Verchère•................... , ... 260 489 75 882 1,706
Wolfe ,' ...•.. , ..........• ' . 181 , 670 12 799 1,701
Yomoslco , ....•......... L79 39L 4L 760 1,371
1'O'I'U ... , , ....•..•.••.•.•••• , . 45,980 97,139 20,039 137,194 300,3&2
(1) l',.. dc ropport. (1) No roport.