Page 148 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 148

132               SANT~ PUBLIQUE-PUBLIC HEAL'l'1l

          2-Princlpale. atatidique. de. unités BBnltaires d" comté. province d" Québec,
                                        1927-51 (Fin).
          2-Prlncipal Statistics of County Health Unita, Province of Quebec, 1927-51 (Concl'd).

                           LABOnATOrnE: Prélèv ment•. -  LABOltATORY: ~ampl08.
              Annéea      E ..u     Lait     Pour dipbthle  Polir typhotdo  Pour tuberculose
              Years       lVator    Milk     For dlphleria  FaT typbold  "For tllborouloeis

          1920 ..... _..... _.,.  786  618                    116
          1030...... , .....  I.S31  1.173                     84
          1031. ..............  3.074  2.200                  607
          1932........ , ......  4.607  4.742                1, 115
          103.3..........  ô.535    8,7S·1                   2.300
          1034.           4,235     4.26                     2,440
          1035........ ......  4.651  6, 000l    615         1. 117       2, Il,1
          103ft..         ô,(l(H    4,182        789         1,009        2.173
          1037......      5.183     4.4 1        982          812         3,457
          W38 ...............  6,581  5,817     1. 624       1.016        3.137
          1039...............  7.686  0,231     4,818         80·1       5, '40
          1040 (1) ............  16.264  13.244  3.207      4.362         0,3 5
          1 141. ..............  8,374  0.231   ~,003        2,7tH       10,171
          11142, ....... , ....  8,0 3  0,237   3,326        1.870       10,3(l7
          1043.............. :  8,530  Il.010   5.127        1.816       10,113
          1041., .............  8.00,~  10,008  8.372        2,867       10.241
          10·15...............  0.047  8.713   18, III       1, 754       7.1."10
          1046...............  0.203  8,928     7.4'85       2.254        " ~~o
          IOH...............  (l,01l8  9,419    4,042        2,013       '.41.0
         1048............. , .  11,'194  10.158  3.273       3. !IIO     7.638
          1940......... , .. ,. ,  12.442  12,167  3.563     3.040       8.(\72
          1050....... , ..•..  12,843  12,477   2,105       2.305        0.670
         1951. ..............  12,284  13.335   2,000       a.H8         7.210
                                                                         lfYlPèno do
                                    11 ygiène de 1.. pr mièro enfnnce   l'~"o scolniro
                                            --                             -
                                         Chlld l-lygiono                $,,1>001 Hygi.""
             Anné...                                   VÙ!lll!s A dornioile
                              CJlniquo~Jlnioo               -
              -                                         VI.itod at home
                           Enr..nt.                      exnmhl~.
                                Noorrlll6ons  pré-.oolaires     Enfnntll   -
                       Nombra    .'lImiIl6&  o"lImll'és  Nourrlsoons  pr6...co1nlreo  Cbildron
                         -         -         -         -         -       ex.umine<.l
                       NUOlbnr    Babies   PrG-flohooJ  Babi••  Pro-.chool
                                 exantined  childron            ohlldrcn
          102~>' ...... .....  403     7,37~               12,12U         40,683
                          lIll1       14,008               38.009         \11.648
          19~1. ........ ...  1.0ilO  26.:1'16             82,304        1:lfi,660
          1no.. . " .. "
         1932, ..... , .. .. ,  1,700  89,0~:1            J 17.322       I:':!. (;78
          IO.~~.......... , .  3,708  83,083              173,:J.lO      W:I.283
         10:14., ..........  4.275    92.558              17l,l,OU       W7,R94
         103r,............  4,485  62,809   31,384    83.426    86,017   1:,2.,;;;2
          1930..... , ......  4,7(\2  7I,IH2  aO,161  101.541  108,208   124,161
          In.17....  .....  4.174  72,713   33,;110  118.439   11 l ,gOI  137,370
          I!I:.IM... , .....  4,71)8  72,400  87.389  116,642  1I7.~10    1,\3.68-1.
         j\Ja~ ...... , .....  6,6:13  06.704  60,!)-I1  \ 111,053  126,!JM9  IblJ,657
          1\1-10 (1)    10. t:\o.  170,165  108.321i  1112,886  20r" ô4ij  2\H,707
         1941 ..... ......  7,088  Il:;! ,1157  1)7.:1·!U  11-1,105  16:1,181  113,Oro-l
         1942.... ........  7,FlO!?  123.685  107,lIfl8  llU,5ll4  171,354  IIO.9RS
          !(l1:1., , .........  7.334  127,813  1l3,1l8'1  125,0:J7  175,010  134.oR5
          )\144 .... ........  7,785  133.273  09.272  1~5,2'i2  172.783  140,317
          L~1,1~ ... . . .... ..  7,005  1:17.:123.  10,~.U3  126,6:17  lti7,ij31  133,437
         11146 .... ......  8,623  151 ,MO  149.605  119,750   16!l,58Q   130,638
         1947............  S.8U9  150,4li<1  12\1,497  1~7, 797  170';>36  167.0m
         1Il-48............  9,IM  171 ,fiij2  1~12, 68-1.  HI,OM  204, B27  103,166
          1949.. , ... ... ...  Il,902  179,118  11~;1.527  11~. :l17  201, B~13  140,334
         1950......... ...  tl,fiOn  176,122  128,J184  lr,~, \1~O  220,0~B  143,085
         1961 ......... ...  U,889  11:15,662  131,557  lUU,6~4  220,aK;;  133,750
           (1) AnD,. olvU..  AntMl.ure",ellt, année adrnJnl.-  (1) C..lendar Y6IU'.  Proviou.oly, adroiniotratlve year
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