Page 115 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 115

V/1,'MOGRA?HI&-VJ1'AfJ STATIS'f'lCS                99
                    J-MARIACES                         3-MARRIACE9
         Le nombre de8 mariages varie direclemont  'l'be number of marria  s v8<l'ies in direct
       en relation de ILL situation écollomique du paYI:!.  rolation to the  oonomic situation of the
       Duraot la dépreeeion 1929-33, conune le dé-  count,ry.  During tho 1929-33 deprcssioo, as
       montre le talleau ci-dessou8, oous avon . l'oro-  will be e u iD the tablo beJow. (,he number of
       gistré les plus faible· totaux de marillg .  maniages l' gisl l'cd attl1ined the lowest level.
       Durant la période 1940-45, périodo de guerro  From 1940 to 1945, a wartime poriod of
       et d'économie élevéo, nous comptons un nom-  C 'onomie pro podty, tho numOOr of marriages
       bre de mariûges jamûis vu à date.  1946 a  Wl1B wl;'h r UUtn over OOforo.  Jn 194fl, the
       enregistré un grand total do 36,650 mariages,  tot.aJ number of  marri~es r gi tered  Wl1B
       ce qui donno un lltux de 10.1 par 1,000 do  36.650, whieb gin18 a raLio of 10.1 pel' 1,000
       poplIlat.ion.  Au "ours des années 1047, l!J4·  population.  Dming 1D47, 1U48 ami 1949 the
       et J.H4!1 lit nuptialité à lég roment diminué;  marrillge ralo deorcaRecl slightly.  Howev('I',
       e pOildan t, lOR mariage: sont  toUjOIII'S Ir['8  th llumb'r of marriagos is still very higli and
       nOl'llbrtlllX cl 1 taux, en 19:'0, . 'o. t fixé;1 l:I.t.i  in Hlr;Q th  rate pOl' 1,000 populat-i 11 \l'UR
       pal' 1,()(JO [lmes.                   .6.

             56-Mariages et taux de nuptialité au Canada, par provinces, 1926.50.
                 56-Marriages and Rot... in Canada, by Provinces, 1926-50.
                     N.S. N~'I
        An~"'1 I.-~E·I  N.-E.     Quil.  Ont.                AllA   C.B.  Canada
        Yoal'8  P.E.!.      N.D.   ue.       1 Mnn. 1 SM.k. 1  Alta.  B.C.  (1)

       102Ô-30.  473  3,2:M  2.970  lB.731  25.440  01, 951  0,Oa6  6,265  4.7 6  71.886
       1031-35.  4 6  3,62.  2,737  17.0  24,2liO  5.015  ;',OBO  ,J,lI.îO  4.267  6 .594
       1036....  604  4,129  3.a97  21,654  27,734  5.756  0,168  0.020  6,451  80,90.
       1937....  684  4.3a7  3,671  24,876  20. 113  0,113  5.700  6.346  6,191  87,800
       103 ....  501  4,080  3.371  25.014  30.00  6.262  6,B93  6,913  6.135  88,438
       1930....  641  5.024  3,726  28.911  34 ,657  7.676  7,323  7.83!l  7.862  103.068
       1940....  703  6.401  4.841  35,000  41,229  8.849  7.820  8,1 2  9.624  123.318
       1941 ....  673  0,51l6  4,IlH  32,782  4:1,270  8.305  7,036  8.470  0.169  _121.84~
       1942....  178  6, 74  4.034  33,857  45,'1 0  8,395  7,201  9.034  10,827  127.37j
       1048....  063  Il. 105  3,086  33.8M  31l.JOO  6.001  6,172  7.711  0,3 5  110,031
       1941 ....  040  0.042  3.813  31.022  31, 227  0,294  6,019  7,21)0  8,434  101,4911
       104;'....  680  6.992  4, 'Ill!  33,211  34,137  0.670  Il.369  7,310  9.262  108.031
       1946....  837  Il,MO  6,866  36,6/\0  46,073  .694  8.270  0,47  11.762  134,088
       H)·I7.. ..  676  5.B61  6.189  36.494  14,050  7,712  7,074  8.707  Il. 862  127,all
       1048....  635  6.003  01.640  31,646  43.2'12  1,325  7.171  8.844  11,718  123,314
       :~~g::::  6)\.1  5,058  1,251  33.485  43.304  7,2M  7.0:\7  0.O~7  11.376 :.l) 123. 77
                                                                   11,112 2)124,733
                        Toux pe.r 1,000 hab!tont.a-Ftat.oo pcr l.llOO populntlon
       1926-:.10.  5.4  6.3   7.4   6.0    7.8    7.6   7.0    8.0    7.5   7.H
       1931-3[,.  .'ï.!'i  6.7  Il.5  :... 8  Il.V  7.1  1\.1  7 4    il 0  B.n
       193il....  6.4.  7.6   7.8   7.0    7 7    8.1   0.0    7.8    7.3   7.•
       1987....  6.3   7.9    8.4   7.0    8.2    8.6   Il.a   8.2    B.2   6.0
       11138....  6.a  7.4    7.6   7.9    8.2    8.7   6.4    8.0    7.0   7.11
        loao....  0.8  9.0    8.3   9.0    Il.3  .10.11  8.1  10.0    0.0   9.~
       10o\()....  7.4  11,2  10,7  10.7  11. 0  12.~   8,7   Il. 1  1~.0   10.11
       1941 ...  7.1  11.4   10.8   0.8   11.4   11.4   7.0   10.6   11.9   10. a
        10,12....  8.0  11.0  10.0  10.0  11.7   11.6   8.6   11.6   12.4   10.11
       10H....  7.2   10.l    8.6   O.     0.2    9.5   7.3    0.8   10.4   9.4
       1944.. _.  7.1  9.7    8.3   9.1    7.9    8.0   7.0    8.0    9.0   8.0
       1946....  7.4   9.6    11.6  0.3    8.6    8.0   7.6    B.8    O.B   8.11
       1946....  8.0  10.7   12.2   10.1  Il. 2  Il.S   9.0   lI.8   11.7   10.9
       1947....  7.2   0.4   10.0   9.6   10.5   10.4   0.1   10.7   11.4   ro.l
        1048....  Il.8  8.0   9.2   0.1   10.1    lU    8.4   10.6   10.8   9.6
       191\1....  6.G  7.8    8.2   8.6    9.8    li.a  8.2    )(JA  10.2  ~~  li.2
        1950....  6.4  7.7    8.4   8.6    li.7   Il.0  7.0   10 \    0.8   0.0
         (1) S.ul 1... T."i"'ir...         (1) I!:snl uaI.. 01 Territorl-.
         (2) CowP"md Terrt'-Ncll\'c Cil 1949 e~ Hl50.  (:l) Inoludin~ Newloundlond in 1040 ood 1960.
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