Page 117 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 117

DfSMOGflA PH JE-V JTA L S7'A'I'JS7'ICS            101
            58-Maria\tes et taulC de nuptialité dan. la Province, par cité, et villes.
                58-Maniawes and Rote., in the Province, by Citiee and Town •.

                             Mariallea-Marrlng(l8            "Caux R...Le8
         CITtB ET VI LJ.&8
              -        Moyenn_AveraiC               Moyenno-Average
        CITIE8 AND TOWN8              1948   1040                   1\148  104\1
                      1926-3~  1930"~               1926-35  lO:JfHfi
        Cap-do-Ja-Madelolne  46  91     150    lm"     6.3     .6    10.9   10.0
        ChIcoutimi.........  92  19~    239    100     8.0    12.3   13.1    0.3
        OruOlmoud,·lIle.....  92  123   164    20\    11.8   11..4   13.7   13.9
        Cran~r.'" .........  87  160    223    22R     8 5    10.9   13.9   13.
        Oran Mére........  33    95     126     9~     4 8    1\.0   12.6     .8
        Hull................  248  389  418    :~8!t   8.3    11 8   1J. 3  10.1
        Joli Lte.............  74  120  1111    J7t    7.0    \J.8   11.1   11.4
        1.6\·1•..............  46  88    00     75     3.0    7 3    7.3     !\.4
        krÔ~uTWh·t:..·.'. ~:.  6.229  9.812  Il.10'\  8n  o 0  11.·)  10.6  10.5
         Lachine.........•  \00  210    228  1I.~~~    6.7   10.1    9.9      .7
         OutremonL .......  1~3  380    335    330     6.4   11.3    0.3     9.2
         Verdun ...........  324  576   734    (\76    6.7    7.7    9.2     8.0
         We8LmounL.......  za8   441    41:l   44r.    0.9   16.0    14.a   13.5
        QUEDJ]:C..........  843  J ,613  1,592  1.687  6.4   10.6    8.8     8.8
        ruvi~re·du·Loup.....  36  73     49     A2     4 0    8.1    4.9     0.2
         ainL·Hyaclnthe.....  100  213  240    2UO     8.0   12.'(   lUI     Il.
        Saint-Jean ....... , ..  78  1~1  190  lM      0.0    Il. 3  12.8   10.3
        SalnL·!.nmberL......  18  61     09     60     3.0    7.6    9.6     7.4
        Shawinllll\n F..II•....  77  180  225  23·i    6.2    9.1    9 4     O.lI
        Sherbrooke.........  240  456   5~2    530     8 6   13.1    13.1   12.2
        Borel ...............  57  111  laS     02     6 6    9.2    10.0    G.R
        TheUord Mine•.....  55   113    132    108     5.2    8.8    9.1     (l.ti
        Troi.·RlviMes.......  238  39S  463    -145    7.1    (J ••  9.4     9.1
        Vtllleyfield..........  101  1114  223  1\H    8.1l  12.6    10.6    8.8
           CIT~.  lTI."...  9,637  16,310  11,466  ' 18,270  7.4  10.7  10.3  10,2
        Jon~\Iière...........  65  138  191    lM      7.3   10.6    12.3   10.4
        [,a  uque..........  34  76      70     84     4.4    8.8    8.4      .4
        Lauzon .....•.......  31  70     00     liS    4.5    8.6    10.6    6.1
        Magog.............  66   102    143    127    10.7   lUi     14.3   12.1
        MOulm.RDY ........  31   GO             76     6.1    9.6    11.6   12.7
         Imouaki. ..........  37  66     80     nO     6. (   9.2    11.3   11.3
        a.lnt-Jén'\me........  72  134  187    17(;    8.4   11.3    14.7   1~.5
        VIctorinville.. ......  39  82  114    107     6.6    0.7    12.0   11.3
           VrLLQ-TOWN8   375     n8     960    884     6.6    9.9    U.l    19,1
        Rurale_nura!. ....  7. 08     16.220  14 .33t  5.4    7.0    7.8     7.1
        Urbaine -Urban....  10.012  l~:m  10.426  10.154  7.4  10.6  10.4   102
           pnovINclI... '"  17,.910  SO,UA  34,646  33,485  6.S  9..1  9.1   8.6
                    59-Nuptialité d, certains pays, par 1,000 habitnnts.
                59-Marriawe Rotu of Vorlou. Countries, per 1,000 Population.
                                  Ann6ee T ux                          A.unéea Taux
                                                   pU8--CO0 NTf1l&8
                                                                       Yeare Ratee
        Etat - 'nls  .  United SlaLcB......  III·i8  12.3  Torro·Nnuve ct Lu.-  N"wfoundlend  A.nd
        Rul"..rie   .  Rulgnria  ,.  HM7  10.1l  brndor  .  Ll\braJor  .
        Uninn Sud·Africnlno  Union of South Airi·  Norvèl(e  .  Norw">'  .
         (Bhlfl".)  .  en (Whi  )......  10<17  10.11  AnjÙolerrC  t Pay.
        lemN  (jllir. "eul·                   d Gallea...  Enilland "od Wul ·s.
         lIlent) .. _  .  [sm 1 (Je,w; li only).  1948  10.8  Pay.·U  .  NeLherland•........
        FinJu.ndc..........•  FinJal1'I.......  lU·17  10.7  .  Pmnce  .
        HonW"ie  "  .  1[lingary   1048  10.4  ~~r~", ' •••  ~r.oLland  '.
        Aut.-i he   .  Au"Lria.....  IlH  ln :J  811\ii~::.. ~::  wi t1.ûrland. .. .  .
        NO\lvellc-7,~lllnde  New  Zoolnnd  (ex·        .   hile     .
         (llIoinH. lee ~rnori1J)  eluding l'I'[aoris) ..  o \)  IUllie  .  Italy  .
        Au~tru.lio  .  AlI.traUa  .     9.7  Suèdo  ,  .  8weden  .
        C..n&<ltl (Territoires  C~~ada  !exeluding  Islande  .  1eel JIlL ..
         .xel".)    .  1 CrrI toTIes)  .  0.6
        j'r(}i,j'rlCtJ d~ Qu~bcc ..  J'ro»ine. of QueIJu: .  rl.J  r~~~~~d~ ~'II'I':l .  ~~~i~I"~r'l~i~èi~~ci .::
        1)llrH~l1lnrk  .  Dentnnrk  .   0.4  Ceylan     .
        Roumanie    .  Rournuoiû  .     9.4  1rl..nd '  .  I rel~~.'J·.:::::::::::
        Belgillue   .  1;1 Igium  .     0.3  JumaTque.....•...  JlLUlo.ica ..... '"
                                            S..lvndor  .   1 8lvador.  ....
   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122