Page 114 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 114

98                            POPUI~ATION

         depuis  1940.  En  référant  au~'(  données  Lion of that Province ia of frl'uch origin whioh
         du demi l' recons mcnt, on voit que 35.8 pour
                                              explains the high rate of it8 natural
         c nt de la population de cette province est
                                              Tb Prairie Provinces 111so record a high rate:
         t"rtU1çai~ co qui û>..-plique bien son taux levé
         d'accroissement. Les provillc  dos Prairio  they ara populated by huropean races (hat
         marquent elles aURsi un tmlx élevé: elles sont  aJ'e nonnn.Jly prolific Md, un important factor
         peuplées de races européell.n  norml1lornent
                                               (0 consider, thair population b ing Lill young,
         pro\i.fiques et, factonr importnnt ~~ considérer,
         l(~ur population étant encore jeune, ell s enre-  t.hf)Y aL pl'  nt rcgi·t l' very few deathB.  On
         gistrent flCtuellemellt, très pou do déclIs.  Par  the othor liand, British  olumbia, ho.ving a
         contre, la Colombi Britarilliql.le, Il.Yl1nt préci-  p pulat.ion aclvancfd iu years, shows 0. ratlH'r
         sément une popu\;lt.iou figé. marque uu ac-
         croissoment plu LOt faibl : ))(lU de naissances  <mal! no.lul'I11 inûrl'a.~e: f w births becauao jt.s
         puisque sa population a passé l'figo de IL], pro-  population has p!U3sed (he age of produdivity
         ductivité et plus de c1cès puisqu cette DI me
                                              and more denths becans tbaL S/lm popula.tion
         population est BUjètto aux maladies t rminn.Jes
         de la. vie.                          is su ject (0 tJle tenllinal diseases of lire,
                   55~Accroiuement naturel et taux, par provinces, 1926-50.
                    55-Natural Incre8le and Rates, by Provinces, 1926-50.

          A~n6o.                     QuO.       1 ~Ian.        /lIta  C.D.
                1.-l'.I':'·1 N.:=,E.! N.:=,B·I  OnL                         Cnnndll
          Year.  P.E.!.  N.S.  N.D.  Que.             1 8u.k.  1  Altn.  B.C.  (1)

                        Exo6dont dos nal••aDOel! .u.r lell d~oèll-Excc"" 01 birth. over d 8Lh.
         Moy.-                                               1
         1021}-(10.  7110  4. 53  S,308  46.120  32.054  S.885  16.042  10.303  ~. 300  J27,5116
         1931-35.  IWO  5.414  s.730  4ü,01l2  20.218  8.277  14.288  11,110  3.601  1~1,750
         1036....  953  5.011  6,710  43,432  24.880  0.036  12,811  0.639  3,340  Il3.321
         1037....  047  6,480  5.147  40.170  23,170  fi. 18  L1.iI3  9,(142  3.300  106.411
         1038....  044  6,IM  6.540  45,530  28,674  7,58/j  12.151 1  10.020  5.016  122,029
          IOS9....  0(15  5.501  6.204  46,233  20,fi03  7.0\26  12.02  10,6RI  4.856  120,617
          I040n  1.030  6.6J7  6.715  51.058  30.021  .432  12.8-15  Il. 156  ,~. 515  133.3811
         1041 3 .  !J3S  6.937  7.056  55.140  32.901  8,270  11,002  Il.03  6,tH3  110,724
          1042....  1,186  8.827  7 .~60  61.61'1  38.707  0,2d4  Il,006  12,327  7,026  159,336
          1043....  1.2d2  .819  8.002  64,001  39,607  0.3 7  Il,8M  12,910  8.883  164 .892
          1044 ....  1.360  9.360  8.336  67,449  38. ~loo  9.307  Il.681  13,O!t2  9,302  168,16
         11l46....  1.370  0.002  8,82  70,035  311.475  0.703  12.4117  13,,18:'  0.121  175,:J10
         104fi..  l,OH)  11.868  1J .408  n.50r.  fi7.0R~  12.257  15,011  1';.5 3  12,472  215, Dl
          10407....  1,072  13.256  12.939  81. 846  07,234  13.038  JO,724  18.088  ln,673  241,300
         1048....  1,955  Il,60,1  12.320  l, lOG  01.831  12.105  15,066  17.088  1'1,668  227.023
         1940....  1.907  11, 7~g  11.707  82,714  12,373  Iii ,060  17.862  1.1\.0 fi ·1)242.0\)2
         1050....  1. 085 .  11,18  11,518  85.1i1l6  ~1:~~  12,1i78  15.40ii  18,780  ln .533 4i240.02!l
                           T..ux pnr 1,000 l,"bltnnl.8-fulcs per J,006 populuLion
         MOY'-I                                        1
         1026-30.  B.7   9.0   13.2   17.0   0.8  1  13.4  17 ..~  I.~.  6.8  1:3.0
          I031-Ri>.  10.7  lO.3  I:J. 6  15.0  8.3  11.7  15.4  14.8    5 1   11.7
          1936....  10.3  10.8  13.2  1'1.0  6.0    9.4   13.7  12.4    4.5   10.4
          1937....  10.2  10.0  11.   12.8   (1.3   9.5   12.7  12.4    4.4   0.7
          1038....  10.0  II. 1  14.  14.4   7.0   10.5   13.2  12.8    13.5  11.0
          1030....  10.5  9.8  13.8   14..'1  7.2  10 2   13.2  13.6    6.1   10.7
          /o.10/2l·  10.0  11.0  14.1I  15.6  8.0  11.6   11.3  14.1    6.0   11 .7
         104J 3 .  9.9  12.0   15.5   16.6   8.7   11.4   13.3  13.0    8.0   12.2
         19'12....  1.1.2  14 .9  16.1  18.2  0 9  12.7   14.2  15.0    0.1   13.7
         1043....  13.7  14 .5  17.5  18.5  10.1   12.9   14.0  16.3    O.S   14.0
         19H....  loI.1I  15.3  18.0  10.:1  9.7   12.7   13.8  16.0   10.0   14.1
         1045....  1ol.8  15.0  18.0  1.9.9  0.8   13.2   H~    16.3    9.6   14.5
         1946....  20.'1  19.·j  23.8  21.4  14.1  10.0   1 .0  10.4   12.4   17 .5
         1017....  20.9  21.3  26.4   2~.0  16. !  18.4   10.8  22.0   IfLO   19.~
         1948....  21.1  18.1  24.5   21.4  14.:1  16.1   17.6  20.2   J3..5  17.7
         J!)49....  20.3  18.2  22.0  21.3  14.4   15.0   17.5  20 ..5  14 .3 4)  17.fl
         1950....  20.0  17.0  22.0   21."  14.4   Ui.8   17.7  21.0   13.(j '1)  17.11
           (1) Snul 1"" Terrllolros.           (1)  relu.ive of the TerritoTillo.
           (2\ SuiVAnt 1 lieu de "urvennnee 1926-10.  (2) Es' plnu ai OQCuroDee, 1920-40
           (a) flu;vnnL Jo lieu d. domicile, IÔ41~"O.  1:1\ "Iv olsee of , ..idenec, tO·1I·5O.
           (1i Comprend Terre-Neuvo ~n 1!l'10 'L 19[>1).  (4) Includinf< Newlnunùlnnd in 1010 und 1950.
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119