Page 94 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 94

78                            POPULATION

         41-Dur'e de la fr'Q.uentation scolaire de la population de la Province, par comté.,
                                         en 1941.
          41-Years of Schoolinl[ of the Population of the Provint.". by Countln, in 1941.

         COMTJla MUNICIPAUX  1  Total         Années d'éoole--Yeara or Sobooliq
         MUNICIPAL 00UNTIES  (1)  ------ --->--            10   11-12  13·16  17+
                                 --- --- ---             ------------
         Abitibi ...••.••••••••.•••••  52,159  15,324  15,400  12,066  2,474  2,769  2.284  975  ,sa
         ArrenUluil .•••••••••.••••••  11),021  4,561  4,606  5,212  1.273  1,300  1,392  {98  128
         Artbll.baakllo, •••••••.•••••••  24,662  4,941  7,132  7,34!s  1....  1,755  1,389  a98  "8
         Bagat.•...•..••....•••.•••  14,729  2,698  3,823  6,116  948  941  868  230
         Beauoe•...••..•..•••....•.  39,242  9.138  13,936  D,DUI  1,767  2,254  1,680  .oo  178
         Beaubarooi&•••• , •••.•••.••.  25,988  4,209  6,099  7,810  2,160  2,345  2,003  9"  271
         Bellechuile....••.....•..••.  19,220  4,569  6,142  6,MO  874  978  830  108  80
         Berthier.•......•........•.  17,982  3,907  6,000  6,213  1,139  1,300  l,On  312  8.
         Boo&venture.••••.•......•.  30,731  8,616  lO,O~O  8,399  Ll-n  1,370  '51  221
         Brome ...•.....•..•....••..  lO,59Q  2,006  2,203  3.314  825  1,049  '21  285  "
                                                       529 ...
         CbBmbly. , ...... _•.. ......  28,660  4,384  6,262  7,696  2,886  3,372  3,292  1,274  ".
         Cbamplain.................  56,282  10,891  12,606  16,719  4,717  5,177  4,M8  1,201  .,8
         Cbar1el'oix-Eet-East•.......  10,756  2,696  3,M3  2,812  301   ,.,   i8
         Charlevob:-Ouellt-Weet.•..•  9,739  2,181  3,tl45  2,302  400  8'8  464  8.
         Cb~tea~l.l:ay..•••........•.  12,410  2,030  2,804  J,st7  98.  1,304  946  377  87
         ChiooutlInl .•••.••..•••.... ,  61,726  13,850  16,366  16,977  4,07~  6,034  3.633  1,375  ••4
         Compton................•.  Ul,291  4,329  f,g41  5,452  1,374  1.500  1.242  .52  74
         Deux-MoDtapeli-Two Mu ..  14,419  2.659  3.630  4,599  1,073  1.120  914  3.5  172
         Dorchester.•.•.•.. ' .•.......  24,009  6,328  9,179  5,634  858  982  775  204  87
         Drummond...•......•.•••.  29,821  5,"35  7,963  9,341  2.~61  2,237  1,8(11  ".  128
         Frontenac.....••••.....•...  22,127  6,130  7,853  5,81\1  891  1,000  789  187  88
         Gaapé-E6t-Ea6t.•. , .......  26,695  8.861  8,682  6,0n.  1,007  1,087  736  2.8  88
         Gaflpé-ouest-West.........  9,6158  2,699  3,109  2,54-U  410  440  335  7'
         Gatineau ..... , , .....•• , .•.  22.834  7,9S2  5,450  li, 131  1,035  1,284  1,106  523  197
         Hull...................... ,  34,263  7.695  1.71N  9,368  2,592  2,933  2,615  907  100
         Huntin&dolt..•.•••.•••.....  10,456  2,034  2,397  a,256  707  9.5  812  245  44
         IberviUe........ ' ..••......  8,686  1,421  1.838  2,995  7.4  809  588  245
         llea..d,e-la-Madeleioe Islands..  7,000  2....12  2,038  1,620  307  329  203  61  "
         Joliette.. , •......•• " •...•.  26,580  5,470  6,603  1,011  2,111  2,484  1,903  049  .13
         Kamouralka•.•...•..•.••..  21,130  4,860  6.617  5,64.1.  1,076  1.314  1,078  .a8  174
         Labelle.• , ....•.•...•.•••..  17,487  1,038  lI,l4ll  3,125  571  ••1  170  U8
         Lao BWean-E.....•...••...  19,373  4,831  5,892  5,123  1,156  1,174  882  17.  100
         Lac St..Jean-0-W.•...•.••..  29,788  8.027  10.015  7,281  1,294-  1,583  1,060  28.  "1
         Lïrairie ......••......•..•  11,540  2,493  2,755  3,4,59  .22  911  724  206  55
         L' esolllptloO...•..••...••.  14,765  2,805  3,843  4.4,70  1,106  1,228  885  270  1.9
         LavaL .....•.. , .•..•......  18,864  3,953  4,677  4,000  1,428  1,580  1,372  8"
         J..évill ..••••••..•••••••.••••  33,029  5.709  7,015  9,812  2,771  3,460  2,981  880  '" ."
         L'Isl"'t...•........•. , •...•.  16,704  "',094  5,808  4.412  744  881  552  181  58
         Lotbinière...................  21,6ia  4,(96  6,093  7,168  987  l,l4t1  860  21.  0'
         MRllkinODli[o.••••••..•.•...•  15,130  2,865  3.736  5,003  1,142  1.14.8  869  289  71
         Matane., ....•...••••.•••..  20,243  li,7·U  0,574  4,962  .'"  1,063  720  178  8'
         Mllotapêdia.....•.....•..•.•..  23,043  7,290  7,468  5,661  93<  •••  52.  14.  02
         Mé~antîc._...•.•••...• _•..  33,251  7,965  9,465  8,616  1,183  2,092  1,683  471  144
         MiSl>is~uoi..••.•••.•.••....  1B,422  3,139  3,902  3,280 ...  1.756  1,514  81•  lOS
         Monca m, •.. , •...•.•.•.••.  12.585  3,157  3,009  1,023  747  261
         1.1ontmaa:ny...•..•......•.•  18,182  4,229  5,614  5.310  '4.  1,026  740  225  8.
         Montmorency No 1. ...... ,.  12,020  2,670  3.630  3,355  702  7.2  ."  240  91
         l\.lontrnorency No 2..•......  3,590  648  1,175  1,125  218  208  ".  48  18
         Montreal Ile-Island.••••...• 985,126 160,066 HW.089 263,311  g2,3(O 102,4Hl 103,309  44,886  n ,624
         Napiervil le....... , .........  6,966  1.556  1,941  2,0S<  .98  495  373  111  38
         Nioolet....................  25,263  4,4M1  6,047  8,543  l,7M  1,891  1,102 ...  200
         Papineau•..• _.•..•....••..  22.193  6,510  5,983  5,502  1,136  1,407  13.
         Pontiao.....•...••..•......  15,6:;1  5,163  3,994  3,880  767  882  888  204  '4
         Portneuf...................  32,54!:'  7.018  10,229  9,190  1.771  2,097  1,608  4.4  147
         Québeo................... , 115,082  28,490  34,607  46.713  14,661  20,075  18,140  7,218  2.387
         Richelieu..•....•...•.•....  20,454  3,393  4,482  6,983  1.631  1,856  1.453  504  1.7
         Richmond .••....••......•.  22.718  4,634  5,434  6,963  1,7M  1,841  1.482  4<19  111
         RimOWlki .•......•••.•. , ., .  35,519  8,t'l27  10.385  ~,127  1,806  2,186  1,865  881  "7
         Rivière-du~Loup.•••.....•..  28,679  ô,031  8,112  7,tl51  1,530  2,131  1,809  813  118
         Rouville ..•..••...•....•...  13,618  2,186  3,175  4,551,  l, lOtI  1,152  .09  .54  173
         Saiuell.llY..••....•....•••..  19,489  7,161  5,593  4,259  551  781  "8  209  81
         Shefford...................  21,891  5,581  7,220  8,541  1.859  2,186  1,658  818  164
         Sherbrooke............. ,. _.  39.914  6.874  7,950  11 ,327  3,426  ",178  3,962  1.535  .89
         Soulangea...................  8,028  1,565  2,333  2,490  522  ".  .54  170  .8
         Stanstend ....••...•.... ' •..  23,621  4.,60'2  5,161  6,748  1,944  2'2061  2,011  704  166
         St-HYacinthe...•.......••..  27,380  4,102  6,863  8.893  1,991  2.500  2.066  ,.,  274
         St-Jell.u-8t. John's.•..•..•.  17,1,1,8  2,968  3.709  5,702  1,465  1.830  1.355
         St-!\1aurice .......••.•...••.  67,272  12,133  13,923  18.310  5.730  7.225  6.668  2,487  '"
         Térru;roamiD{l;ue.•.••. , ....•.  31,675  8.00t  8,605  7.472  1,879  2,08'  1,871  750  2.9
         TéuJ.Îsoouata•••...•...•..•.  17,:;j39  5,475  5,137  10.246  790  805  '70  144  51
         Terreoonne ...••..••••...•.  39,262  9.335  10,279  1,692  2'5521  2,853  2,232  95.  .09 o ..
         Vaudreuil.... ..••  . •.....  11,436  2.104  2,659  3,254  182  1,066  956  <47
         Verchères..................  11.002  2,267  3,182  3,594  803  932  136  .14  12 9
         WoHe.............•...•. ,  14,118  3,598  4,335  '-.035  715  158  548  '.7  41
         YamB.8klL ..•....•. , .....  13,968  2,44  3,129 ------------   227   8 o
                                      1                 1
              Total .•.••.••...•.. 2,80G,"7 5&2,745 661,111 n2,74GI 21t,151 242.744 219.608  85.341  ", S2Il
          (1) NombTe de pereonnee qui oot fréquenté l'éeol&" y  (1) Number of perlOIlfl  ~ho haVD attended  School
         compris cellel!l qui n'on~ pu déelaré la dur6e de (réquen~  ineludiDs; thOtie whO did nof i1tar.e nUrnbl'l of years.
          Source: HuüilJme :re~en8emer,t dt/. Canada, Vol. II.  Suurce: Eioha. Cen~!.ld of Cawldo, V",l. II.
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99