Page 93 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 93


           La population de 5 A 14 ans peut ê rap-  The age group 5-14 may he compared
         prochée de celle qui est recensée "à l'licole".  with the population attending 00h00!. How-
         Il oonvient, cependant, de tenir compte que les  ever, it must he harn in mind that, where
         études  SEl poursuivent jusqu'à, un Age plus  education facilities are greater, children attend
         avanoo là où Jes conditions sont plus faciles.  scho01 longer.
           DaIl..!'l les cités, Je nombre des enfants qui  In the cities the munber of children enrolled
         fréquentent l'~cole est plus Mevé que celui de  in 8choo18 is grE'.ater tha,n that of the 5-14
         la. population de 5-14 ans; ces deux nombres  years age group.  In the urblm centres as a
         sont A peu pr~s éga.ux dans l'ensemble des  whole, the two numbf:'rs are about  equal
         oontrea urbains tandis que, pour toute la Pro-  whereas, for the entire Province, the popula.-
         vince, la. popuIa.tion fréquentant l'école est  tion attending school is less tban that of the
         moins nombreuse que le groupe 5-14 ans.  5-14 years 8g\l group.
            40-Populatlon de_ dt'_ dela Province, aelon la fdquentatJon scolaire, en 1941.
         40-Population accordin, to Sehool Attendance for the Cilies of the ProYince,
                                         in 1941.
                                                                  Fréquentation soola.iu
                                                                   School Attendance
             CIT~B-CITIEB(l)                  ,
                              TOUl> âgel>  i                      A l'école  INon ~'éllOl;
                                         Q-4      ".      2O..l4,   -
                               All-;gell  1 aDlryeare  en~-yeo.:re  \ aua-yeU6  At Sobool  NotatSchool
         Cap-de-la-M~adel('lne.•.•. H.M.  5,9M  7"  741      700    1,404     4,561
                           F.    5,lHl6    719      703      789    1,378     4,618
         Chicoutimi ............. H,M.  7,990  1,14.4  "9    873     1,729    6,261
                           F.    8,050    1,055     978      934     1,672    6,378
          DrummondvilIe.........H.M.  5,123  560    484      463      012     4,211
                           F.    5,432     '90      <98      488      '03     4,629
         Granby.... , .. " ....... H.:M:.  6,829  791  733   726     1.831    .5,498
                           F.    7,368      794     732      718     1,221    0,147
         Grand·IoUre ............ H.M.  4,205  434  397      486     1,019    3,186
                           F.    4,403     409      386      416      87.     3,524
         Hull.......... , ... , .. ..H.M.  16,388  1,822  1,780  8.2  3,197  12,891
                           F.    16,559   1,787    1,155    1,934    3,445   13,114
         JolillUe.....•...........H.M.  6,057  614  624      652     1,363    4,694
                           F.    6,692     702      708      717     1,352    5,340
         Laobinll. .•. ,., , ... , .... H.M.  9,908  8t!3  826  958  1,872    8,036
                           F.    10,143    832      825      971     1.767    8,376
         Lévil .......... ., .....•H.1\I.  5,838  '03  641   638     1,102    4,136
                           F.    6,153      473     586      7<8     1,385    4,768
         Longueuil.•.... ,." ....H.M.  3,627  30'   307      300      621     3,000
                           F.    3.460     286      315      328      625     2,835
          Montréal... , .....•..••. H.M.  440,101  36,300  37,521  41,468  81,814  31)8,887
                           F.   462,306  3ô,582   37,103   41,402   77,511   384,735
         Out,remont..•...•.......H.M.  13,088  701  865     1,080    2,841   10.741
                           F.    17,163    634      658     1,095    2,525   14,638
          Québeo..••••.......... .H.M.  70,552  7,169  6,657  7,374  15,155  55,397
                           F.    80,205   6,943    6,186    7,533   14,250   65,955
         Riv:l~Te-du~Loup...•.... _H.M.  4,042  :'179  3.9   467      001     3,051
                           F.    4,671      :.147   '08      605     1,053    3,618
         St-Hyaeinthe.. , •.••.. ... H.M.  7,894  76'  665   763     1,450    6,4«
                           F.    9,904      694     708      771     1,335    8,569
          St-Jean-St.Johu ... , .• ,. ..H.'M.  6,Ma  867  6'"  644   1,289    5,313
                           l".   6,984      025     02'      083     1,218    5,766
         St-Lambert., •.....•..•.H.M.  3,003  17'   242      2.0      653     2,410
                           F.I   3,354      167     251      280      613     2,141
         Shawinigan FaUl! .•..•••. H.M.  10,1:.11  1,222  l,160  1,242  2,511  1,614
                           F.    10.194   1.210    1,181    1.204    2,235    7,959
         Sherbrooke.••..••••••.• H.!'.·!.  17,116  1.724  1,570  1,570  3,209  13,907
                           F.    18,849   1,547    1.520    1,718    3,170   15,619
         Borel., •.. , ••. , ••..•.• , .. H.11.  6,259  531  576  592  1,183  5,076
                           F.    5,992      57'     613      639     1,123    4,869
         Thetrord Mb),ee" ....••.n.M.  6.314  1  731  727    818     1,516    4,198
                           F.      402     Hl       700      868     1,451    4,945
         Troi9-lUvi~rllll•. , ..••.... H.M.  20,472  1  2,456  2,187  2,4.94  4,766  15,106
                           F.    21,53&   2,290    2,264,   2,286    4,291   17,zt4
         Valleyfield, SaJaberQ' de ,H.M.  8,850  827  755    765     1,396    7,461
                           F.    8,202      812     766      747     1,288    6,914
         Verdun••••.••. , ••..•...H.M.  33.243  2,758  2.915  3,108  6,002   21,241
                           F.    34,106   2,697    2,775    3,121    5,854   28,252
          Westmount ..... , ....... H.M.  10,910  384  601   833     2,398    8,512
                           F.    15,137     384     662              2,393   12,744
                                                             833 \
         Cit!8-Citiea.. , •......••.H.M.  131.727  64,584  64,970  7I ,552  142,636  589,091
                           F.   179,260   62,900  61,614   71,846  135.003   644,,251
                           T.  1,510,987  127,484  l2ll....        277,63!1  1,131,348
                                                          143,31. \
         Urbain-Urban...• " ..•..H.M.  1,028,500  98,114  !M,809 1  103,670  205,224  823.376
                           F.  1,081,085  95,722  95,324   104,311  195,047  886,038
                           T.  2,109,&84  193,136         207.'81  "",2n   1,70!l,41I
         Prov1ooe............ , , ..H.M'1  1,672,982  179,007  "'.13J 1  181,899  331,758  1,341,224
                           F.  1,658,9QO  114,428  172,761  179,539  318,398  1,340,502
                           T.  1,331,882  W,ns    347,940  361,438  851,156  2.681,721
           (1) Ayant une population de 5,000 &mes et phw.  (1) HaV1.Di II. population of 5,000 and over,
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98