Page 99 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 99

OCCUPATION8                              83

          Da·na la eit.é de lvlontréal, 28.0 pour cent de  In the City of Montreal, 28.0 per cent of the
         la population active s'occupe de la transior-  gainfully occupied is employed in the trans-
        Ullltion des produits comrarativem~nt à 20.2  forming of products, eompared with 20.2 par
        pour cent dans la Cit6 de Québec; d'un autre  cent in the City of Quebee; whereas, the
        côté, les "services" englobent 21.4 pour cent  "Sel"irice" group aceounts for 21.4 per cent of
        de la population active de Montréal et 28.2  the gaiDfully occupied in 11:ontreal and 28.2
        pour cent de celle de Québec.         pee cent in Quebee.

         46---Population (1) active de la Province, par groupe d'occupations et par cité•. 1941.
         46-Gainfully Occupied (1) of the Province, by Occupation Groupa and Cities. 1941.

                                      ToutES       1 .'ut",               Transports
                                      occupa.-     ! induptrit'a  1  :\Io,nufa.c-  et commu-
                 CITÉS                 tions        primain'S  hues        nico.tions
                  (2)          Total         Agricul·  -:          CoIlBtrue-
                CITIES                 Al!    ture   Other  1-Ianu·  tian  Transpul·
                                      Orcllpa·     1 Pdmll.r:l'  fact.uriug  tation and
                                       tions        Indu~tri()~  1         Commu-
                             I-----I----~          -----'-----1----1-nicll.tion~
         C'·)'18,deleine....  11,961  3,74::!  46  97  1,533  345  22U
         Chicoutimi  .         16,040  5,~Ol)   25      59   1.095    523    320
         D1'Itmmondville.      10,565  4.JG2    21      5    1.970    248    169
         Orfl,Ilby.            14 ,197  5,577   72      4    2.134    313    197
         HuU....               32,947  lO,Il7G  74     166   3 094    716    789
         Joliette.             1:.l,749  4,435  51      12   1: 21:'>9  313  377
         Lachine. ..... ,......  20,051  7,7B1  35      3    2.662    467    488
         Lévis... " .. ...     11,991  3,828    4ll     5     5nO     379    463
         Montr~o.l. .  .... ... ....  903,007  362,653  1,531  367  101,712  26,80::1  30,775
         Outremont .... ... .....  ::10,751  13,472  28  3   2,097    29.5   502
         Québec .......... ....  .....  150,757  55,313  li};"  161  11 ,206  3,S07  4. GOr,
         St...Hya.cintbe. ... -.  ....  17,798  8,105  '6  2  3.354   477    286
         St--Jean.......... ....... ...  13,646  5,410  50  2  2,335  510    292
         Sbawinigan Fo.UII. ....  20,325  6.580  26     31   2,308    075    244
         Sberbrooke.. ...... .....  . ...  35,965  H,7!J6  93  33  4,990  889  1  888
         Sorel .............   12,251  ",679    83       1   1,599    581    '03
         Thetford ::VUnes .... ... ..... ...  12.7IR  3.b4-7  31  1.248  440  262  202
         TroiE-Rivières............ ...  42,007  14.752      4,09.3  1  1,021  1,220
         Valleyfield, 8ataberry dl.'... ...  17,052  7,563  " 61  " fi  ,  ::1.217  M2  354
         Vndun..... ... .. ,   67,34\l  U.025   50       7   7.286   1,854  2,406
         Westmonnt. ..... ....... ....  26,047  11 ,543  36  0  1,::144  2::19
                             1              1      1       1      1          '"
                              Commerce                      Commill
                 CInS           ,t          1 Profes--        d,    Journa·  No,
                  (2)          finance  I     sionne1  Personnel  bnreau  1  liem  1  Mcl.a.rées
                 CITIES         -      Total   -      -       -      (')     -
                              Trade and  (3)  Profes-  PerBlmal  Cleri('al  Labourers  Not
                               Finance        ~ional                       stawd
         Cap.-de-hl.·l'.Iadeleine. ..... .. ,  347  584  249  :J(J7  137  U8  15
         Cbicoutimi. .... ... .......  620  1,311  G77  ;)71  Jjl     986     16
         Drummoru:hille. ....    442  1  783    217    517    445     466     19
         Granby..   ....  .....  1;67 !  752    236    "6     38:1   1,130    25
         Hull. .... ......... .....  1,161  ,  2,394  r,77  1 ..518  1,210  1,238  100
         Joliette.  .....  .... ...  600  1,021  481   m      2M      523     1.5
         Lach..ine. ....  .... .. ....  786  1,615  139.5  811  9:33  739     ID
         Lévis....... .... ... .....  459  1,253  .381  668    '04    261     26
         Montréa.l. ..  '" .. .. .....  46,705  77 ,686  23,731  47 ,302  48,533  26,876  1,66.5
         Outremont.             3,219  3,787  1,676   1,940  3,299    203     39
         Qnébec......  ..... .... ....  7,270  15,615  5,511  8,701  7,219  4,81fJ  419
         St.·H:vaeintile. .. , .. " ...... ....  676  ,  2,161  1,313  763  '0.  MI]  '6
         St..Jean......... .... .. ......  511  919  317  549  428             9
         Sh.<lwinigfl,Il FalJ~. ... ...... ..., .  ':,18  1.397  542  779  1>l1l  '"  M
         Sherbrooke.... .... ..... ......  1,7<iO  3,278  1,076  1.994  1 ,291  1,497  67
         Bol'el.  .....          386    503     279    48S    285     .527    11
         Thet.f3lld ~ines....... ...... ..  416  878  223  613  262   134     34
         TroiB· ·vièreB............ .....  1,563  3.477  1,381  1,872  1,161  2,050  '6
         Valley6eld, Sa.laberry de...  M7  1,166  465  "6      354   1,228    55
         Vflrdun  ...      ...  2,644  3,827  l,On    2,328  4.5135  1,336    41
         "'estmount.. ...... .....  1,769  5,211;  2,168  2,934  2,323  12<   41
          (1) :\gée de 14 ans ot plus et ne comprenant pas les  0) 14 yellI'S of age and over, Dot inc1uding persons on
         pen,onnes en service actif.          Aetive Serviee.
           (2) De 10,000 âmes et plus.          (2) Of 10,000 population and over.
           (3) Comprend aussi lee personnes dalle le "service  (3) Also inc1udes persollB in "Publie" and "R.ecrea.
         public" et les "amusements",         tioll.Ql" Bervice.
           (4) Comprend les journalieJll dans toutee les indWltrie.!l  (4) Includes ll'lbourers in aIL indWltries except llgri-
         §suf l'agriculture, la. pêebe, l'abatage du baÏ!; et lee mines.  eulture, fil'Jüng. logging and minin.IE.
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104