Page 97 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 97

OCCUPATIONS                              81

          Le tableau suivant répartit la population  The following table shows the distribution
        aetive de la PrOvinCB par groupe d'occupations.  of the gainfully occupied in the Province by
        Ci-après, à la page 89, un texte explique les  occupation  groups. The differenee which
        différences qui existent. entre la classification  exists between the classification by "occupa,,-
        par "occupa.tions" et la classification par "in-  tions" and the c1a,ssification by "industries" iB
        dustries",                           cxplained in the text on page 89.

         44-Population (1) active de la province de Québec, par groupe d'occupations,
        44-Gaînfully Occupied (1) of the Province of Quebec by Occupation Group.,

             GROUPE D'OCCUPATIONS      10<l1    1911     1921     1931     Hl41

                                                 HOMMES -  MEN

        Agriculture.•..............•......... .....  }94,381  201,599  217,416  225,914  251,539
        Péche et chasse.... , .....................  4,317  4,431  4,005  6,418  B,oBI
        Abatage du bois .••........... .............  3,551  11 ,278  10,838  15,557  30 ,457
        Mines, carrièrœ,. ' ... , .........,..........  1,338  5,560  4,118  6.128  9,977
        Manufactmes •.•. '" .......,., ,....... .. ..  79,288  87,793  III ,3[,2  173,288
        COlUlt.ruG~ion.........•....•...... ........  } 101,884  35,085  44,887  62,B31  69,961
        TrlWSPOnS et communicatjons ...  ....... \  34,952  41,263  66,018  79,317
        Commerce et finance .•...•••........ ...... 1  45,171  ,'51,131  63.175  78,388  81,084
        Bervice................... , ..... .... ......  27,513  33,729  46,116  73,714  89,f167
         P,·a/es~ian.1l,eI.. ...•.......•.. .... ........  ('1  14,16iJ  tO,88B  t9,466  86,280
         Persannel .•.•..••. ........... ..... ...  13,iOS  16,806  16,1Ii3  85,021  41,684
        Commis de bureau. ... ...... .. ......  15,396  17 ,219  33,086  43,258  49,404
        Manœuvrlls. ..... ..... ,.. ,.........  .....i3\  41,241  77 .868  91,36S  133,368  81.038
        Non donné6iJ, . . . ...,............ ..... ....  242  .. ... ....  2,375  341  3.751
                                                      1                   --
                TOUTES OCCUP.AT1ONl!I ..•••• , .•.  4.15,034  552,140  646,440  82J,287  ,
                                             1        1       1
               OCCliPATION GROUPS                  FEMMES -  WOMEN

        Agril'lU(ture .........••••••••••...•........  1,540  3.017  3,620  4,633  3,544
        Fishing and trapping  '"           3       14       11      40       02
        Lo.glPng .. ·       ..                                    ·.. ··ï·  ....2ï·
        MlnlDg          , •................
        Manufactures...•.•....••• , •••.•...•...... j';;:;;,  34:i88  37,633  45.390  68.227
        Construction ....••.•••........... , .•.• , , •  4  13      22      240
        Transportation and communications  .     1.197   3,349    4,553    4,347
        Trade and financtl ..• , •• , ..  }  2.132  6,934  10,322  14,.597  18,469
        BIlrviœ ............••••• , •• , •....•..  42,507  49,935  65,135  104 ,764  126 ,846
         PTO/~33ionaL, , ..•........     ('1    12,9-4S  19,841   36,017  41,811
         P~r8anal...                   16,:asS  86,781   3o,OM    BB.sU   85,3S0
        Cleric:IoI.       .             2,841            18,05S   27,887  37,373
        Lahouren;  , .•.. , .. '"  .    1,006             l,ois     400     370
        Not stated....    .     .         11 hi:                    03      080
                TOUTBS OCCUP.ATIONEI ••••• , ••• ,  77,245  139,151  202,422  260,191
         (1) Agée de 10 ans et plus de 1901 il 1931 et de Hans  (1) 10 ye:;.:rs of age and o~'er from H;~~ to 1931 Il.nd
        et plus en 1941.                     14 years and over for 1941.
         (2) Ces données ne eont pas disponihl~.  (2) Not available.
          (3) Sont compris do.llS ee groupe, lllll rna.nœuvres de.  (3) Included in thÙ3 group are labourers in aIl indull~
        toutes les industries 8Auf l.'agricultu:re., la pêche, l'abatage  tries el>cept agricuLture, fishing, logKillg and mining,
        du boi" et les mîne.:l.
         Source: Hui'ièfrle recenumem du Canada, Vol. VIL  Bouroe: Eighth Cll1l8U8 al Canada, Vol. VII,
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102