Page 87 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 87
Le tableau ci-dessous contient des estima- The table below shows estùna'tes of the
tions de la population de la province de Québec population of the Province of Quebec by
selon l'état civil et le sexe. Entre les recense- marital statue and sex. For inter-œnsal years
ments lea estimations sont calculées d'après les the estimates were calculated from Census
données du recensement et de CJf'rtains recou- data and certain cross-c1Msificatious available
pements tirés du recensement de 1941 sur la, from the 1941 Census on interprovincial migra.
migration interprovinciale; les naissances, dé- tion; t,he births, deaths, IDarriages and divorces
cès, mariages et divorces de chaque année et of each year, and the annual stBtisties of im-
d'après la statist.iqlle annuelle de l'i.ll1Illigra- migration. Emigration WBS aIso taken into
tian. On tient compte aussi de l'émigration. acoount.
J..J€lS personnes qui n'ont pas déclaré leur état Persona who failed to give their marital
civil sont réparties proportionnellement ce qui status were distributed proportionally and
explique les légères différences qui existent thia faut explains the slight discrepancies
entre les chiffres ci-dessous et ceux du Recen- existing betwoon the figures given below and
sement. those of the Censua.
33-Popula.tion estimative selon J'état civil et le sexe, province de Québec, 1931-1948.
33-Estimated Population by Conjugal Condition and Sex, Province of Quebec,
(En centaines, sauf en 1931 et 1941-1n hundreds except 1931 and Ig·H)
Année CélibataireB Mariés En veuvage DiYorcéB
Total (I)
Single :.vIarried Widowed Divoreed
1931.. . .. },447,328 910,905 494,518 41,557 346
1932..... 1,475,900 929,500 502,900 43,200 300
1933 ..... .. 1,498,200 948,300 505,600 44,000 300
HlM..... 1,518,600 964,300 509 ,400 44.600 300
1935...... 1,534,900 9;6,900 ':'14,600 43,000 400
1936... .... 1,554,600 988.300 523,700 42,200 400
1937... .... 1,574,000 999,200 532,200 42,100 500
1938... .... 1,595,700 1.007 ,BOO 544,500 43,200 400
1939....... 1,621,200 1.019,300 557,000 44,500 400
1940. ...... 1,645,400 1,023,200 516,400 45,300 500
1941, ...... },672,982 1,027,220 598,870 46,392 500
1942....... 1,702,200 1,035,100 619,500 41,200 400
1943....... 1,135,700 1,046,500 641,100 47,700 400
1944....... 1,757,900 1,052,900 658,600 48,100 300
1945....... 1,78(;' 800 1,064,200 673,500 48,800 300
1946....... 1,820,700 1,080,300 690,300 49,100 400
1941... .... 1,862,100 1,098,200 713,200 50,200 500
1948.. .. ... 1,90},000 1,122,400 721,200 50,800 600
1931. 1 1,427,336 877,206 478,190 10,935 405
1932.. " ... 1,449.100 892,700 483,200 72,800 400
1933. " .... 1,473,800 911,300 487,700 74,400 400
1934... ... 1,497,400 927.400 494.200 75,500 300
1935.... ... 1,,j22,100 942,300 504,400 7.i,000 400
1936.. .... , 1,544,200 9.')3,300 515,800 74.600 500
1931.. .... 1,567,000 964,100 527,000 75,300 600
1938"." 1,587,300 969,500 539,300 77,800 700
1\:139.... ... 1,608,800 977,200 550,100 80,800 700
1940.... .. 1,632,600 919,600 ;569,300 83,000 700
1941. ... ,.. 1,658,900 9S1,807 590,931 85,426 646
1942....... 1,587,800 !l81,900 611,500 87,800 600
1943... 1. 721 ,300 g97,OOO 633,100 90,600 600
I!H4... .. l, 742, 100 1,001,600 647,100 g2.800 600
1,774,200 1,013,200 664,500 95,900 600
1946.. .... . 1,809,300 1,025.200 684,100 gg ,300 700
1945.. " '"
1947....... 1,849,000 1,039.000 708,600 101,400 900
19-i8" ..... 1.891,000 1.062,000 723,800 104,100 1,100
(1) Compœnd les époux "Béparé~". (1) Including "ssparat.ed" coupll'l.1.