Page 85 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 85

ÉTAT CIVIL-CONJUGAL CONDITION                       69

                    7-tTAT CIVIL                     7-CONJUGAL CONDITION
          Les différents termes usités soua cette rubri-  'l'he va.rious used under this heading
        que désignent l'éta.t matrimonial de la popula·  refer ta the matrimonial statuB of the popula.-
        tian àla date du receDJ'lemeut. Dans la province  tion at the time of the cenaus.  On the fust
        de Québec, au 1er juin 1941, les célibataires  of June, 1941, of the persons residing in the
        étaient au nombre de 2,009,052 ou 60.30% des  Province of Quebee, 2,009,052 QI' 60.3% were
        personnes recenséesj il convient de remarquer  single. Tt must be taken into a.coount, bow-
        eependant que la. population de moins de 15 ans  ever, that the population lUlder 15 years of age
        l!l'élevait à 1,062,813, .!!oit 31.90% de la popu-  \Vas 1,062,813, th&t is 31.9% of the total popu~
        lation totale et 52.90% des personnes non  lation Md 52.9% of the unJnarried population.
        mariées.  Ce groupe se composait de 536,085  This group comprised 536,085 boys and 526,728
        garçons et 526,728 filles.            girls.
                31-État clvii de la population du Canada, par province•• en 1941.
   Condition of the Population of Canada, by Provinces. in 1941.
                                              1En V~VD.lle
                             Célib~aires 1  Mariêll     DivorcêB  "DO'"
              PROVINCES                                                    Tot...l
                               BiD.le  Married  Widowed  Divorced  Separated  (1)
                            1                                  1
                            POPULATIO~ TOTALE -  TOTAL POPULATION
        II&-du-~.•:ê.... P. E. 1.. .......  54,57.5  35,098  4.,960  "  380  96,04. ,
        Nouv.· cOBlIe.. Nova ScotlA.•.  321,980  220,6-f.5  30,903  515  3,885  677,96
        N.•Brunswick....••....•..••.  204,492  169,368  20,735  38.  2,393  457,40 1
        ~t~';'k;.:.::.-::::::::::::::::  2.009,052  1,173,102  131,811  1,146  16,623  3.331,88 .. •
        Manitoba......•........•...  386.397  306.262  30,893  1,127  5,036  729,7
        B68katcbewan...........•...•  5M,854  356,108  30,348  849  4,766   895,99 2
        Albert./l.....................  429,881  330,422  28,557  1,518  6,741  796,16 •
        Colnrnbie-Brit. Brit. Columbia..  380,269  381.959  43,214  3,265  fI,091  817,86 1
        Ynkon ................. , ••..  2,862  1,767  204    20 ,             4,ln •
        Terr.du N.-O... N.-W. T•.......  6,725  4,654  555            "      12,02 •
                C...N...DA .•.•••..  6,230.568  4,656,001  525,U1  14,032  10,131  11,508,65 •
                            POPULATION RURALE -  RURAL POPULATIOK
        lI&-du~P.•t ... .. P. E. 1.. ......  40,835  26,003  3,634  2.  '10  70,701
        Nouv.·t:co!38e.. Nova Scotia...  174,845  116.095  17,345  217  1,910  310,422
        N.·Brun8~·ick........ , ..•....  186,188  113.030  13,267  215  1,2{l3  313,978
        8~~~~'::'-::::::::::::::::::  790,807  389.871  38.949  193  2,292  1,222,198
        MlIJlitoba....................  231,490  160,295  14,250  257  1.673  407,871
        6ukatcbewaD ......... , ......  353,143  227.474  17,562  357  2.294  600.84ft
        Alberta.....................  280.044  191,387  14,780  625  2.731  489,583
        Colombie-Brit..Brit. Columbia.  183,320  170,244  16,537  993  3,349  314,467
        Yukon......................  1.896  1,034  132       14       ,.     3,117
        Terr.du N.·O., .N.·W. T........  6.725  4.054  555    5              12,028
                CAN...DA•••.••..  2,994,832  2,028,089  284.UI0  3,863  23,135  5,l54,2SSI
                            POPULATION URBAINE -  URB>\N POPULATION
        lIe-du.~.-t.... P. E.I...; ....  13.141  9,095  1,316  17    170     24.,840
        Nauv.- cosse.. No'\-·" ScotlA•..  147.135  104.550  13.658  298  1,975  267,MO
        N.·Brunswick.•........••....  78,304.  56,338  7,468  174   1,130   148,428
                                                            953 . 14,331
        8~~~~','::::::::::::::::::::  1,123,941  1,049.619  135,952  4,194  24,690  ~,109,eJ84.
        Manitoba..•.•........... , ..  154,907  145,967  16,643  870  3,463  321,878
        Baskatohewan...........•....  151,711  127,634  12,786  492  2,47J  295,146
        Alberta......... , •.....•....  149,837  139,035  13,777  893  3.010  BOe.ft86
        Colombie-Bri,.. Brit. Columbia.  196,94:9  211,715  26,677  2,272 ,  6,74.2  443,394
        YUkoD.            ..     9••      733       72                       1,797
        Terr.duN:.Û::."N:.W:T.::" •. ... .... " ... ............ ... ......... ............ .. .......... ............
                C..."'.D..........  3,,2SS,136  2.,671.911  321,1ll  10,169  57,012  U52,.u1
         (J:) Y eomprÛl 1. perilonneB dont l'état civil n'elIt  (1) Includiog PeI1!loDB with eonjupl cODcUtion not
        pal dêcla.r6.                        ltated,
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90