Page 84 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 84

68                            POPULATION

           Le tableau suivant. montre la. répartition nu-  The numerical and par cent distribution of
         mérique et proportionnelle, suivant les princi-  the populfLtion in cities of 5,000 and over,
         pales religions, de la population des cités de  according t.o religions denominatians, i8 given
         5,000 âmes et plu.'i.  Dans tl'Ois cités seulement,  in the table below.  In anly three cities did
         les catholiques ne représentent pas la. moitié  the llmuber of Roma.n Catholics equal Iess
         de la population et, dans l'une d'elles, une autre  than one half of the population and in only
                                              one did the adherents of aIlDther denomination
         dénomination compte plus d'adeptes que la re-
                                              outmunœ..r thcm.  The pereentage of Roman
         ligion catholique.  Dallill'ensemble des eités,le
                                              Catholics in the aggregate populn.tion of the
         pourcentage des catholiques est de 80.29 à mp-  cities was 80.29 while it wa,s 86.87 for the
         procher de 86.87 dans la Province.    Pnnrinee as a whole.
              30-ReligJons principales de la population des cité. de la Province, e~ 1941.
             3D-Principal Religions of the Population of the Citles in the Province, in 1941.

                              Popula.tion  Clltboü-   Jlli'w,       Pre!lby-  Autree
                                totale  qu..  Anglicans  n"   Juifs  ~"'rieD1il  relÏ&1om
             Clms - CITlES (1)   -      -       -      -      -       -      (Z)
                                Tota.l  Roman  AngüclIIoD&  UnIted  Jew8  PTeaby.  OtheT
                              Population ClI.tholiCIJ  Church       teJ'iana  ReliaioDli
         Cap-de-la--Madeteine ...••••..•.  !l,961  11,838  21 ..........  2' ,  •
         Cblcoutimi ................•.•.  16,040  15,983  "  15  ...... '26'   17
         Drummondville..••..•.•.......  10.555  9,790  360  Z20  ,.     '7     78
         Gra.nbl,>' .......•••.••..••... '  a.t97  12.829  557  395     30     300
         Grand 11ère........••.•••••...  8.60S  8.202  187  130  1      2<     ••
         Hull ..........................  32,047  31,921  377  111     350     17'
         Joliette..•...••..•.••••..•....  12,749  11.906 ..      "      14     '0
         Lachine•......••..•...•..••...  20.051  a,2OO  2.634  1,551  153  815  733
         Lévis.........................  11,991           1      1      Je     2<
         LongueuiL .....•....•.•...•...  7,087  5.875  635  Z.Z  ZZ    191
         Montréal .....•......... , , •.•.  903,007  699.885  64,798  33,717  50.772  26.9-47  :a6.88!
         Out.remont........... ' ....•...  30.751  16.180  1.91)7  1.296  10,300  1,304  .63
         t ébec ........•.•............  150.757  14.6,312  2,169  681  3"  486  761
          ·..ière-du~Loup .•.•.•....••...  8.713  8,642  3.  18  8       2      7
         Bt--Hyacintbe...... ' ...........  17,798  17,624  Z,   IZ     17     '0
         St--Jean-St. Jobn .•...•..••.•.•.  13,640  12,997  3Z6  219  48       38
         Bt~I.lImbert.... , ...••.•.•••.•..  6.417  2,460  1.959  1,180  6  631  Z"'
         Bhawinigan Fa&....•..........  20,325  19,369  346  "6  35    133     47
         Sherbrooke......••••••.••...•.  36.g65  30,157  2,007  1,421  ZOO  '31  68.
         Borel ..........•.......•••....  12,251  12,075  .,     21     '0     31
                                                  " ,., Minee ...........•....  12.716  12,283  278   14     '7     36
         Trois·Rivi~ra>...........••..•.  42.007  40,453  420    .Z ,  ,.,     101
          Valleyfield. Salaberry de...•..•.  J7,052  15,868  424  366          167
         Verdun, .....•.•..............  67,34.9  37.226  14,056  6,549  442  5,1)47  3,HIO
         Westmoullt .... ...............  26.047  7,544  102,281 ......  1,578  2,860  1,07
                TOTAL..•....•...... 1.510,987  t..213,199     54,171  41,251  18,1118
         Cap·de-Ia-Madelcine ..•.••• , ••.  100  96.97  0.54  0.18 ..........  0.24-  0.01
         Cblcoutimi ......•.•...•.•..•.•  100  99.64  0.12  0.09     0.04    0.11
         Drummondville...•.•.••.••••..  100  92.75  8.60  2.09  "'0:24'"  0.03  0.61)
                                 100    go.a7  3.92   2.78    0.18   O.:U    2.M
         g~:~rMêr~:::::::::::::::::::  100  95.29  2.17  1.51  0.01  0.28    0.74
         Hull. ....•• , ..•.........•.•.•.  100  96.89  1.14-  0.34  0.0.5  1.06  0.fi2
         Joliette........•.••...•••••...  100  98.21  0.21  0.31  0.45  0.11  0.71
         Llla:;bine_ ........•........•....  100  71.12  12.64  7.74  0.76  4-.06  3.68
         Lévis•.....•....•..•..•..•....  100  g9.29  0.36  0.01  0.01  0.13  0.20
         Longueuil.....................  100  82.00  8.96  3.41  0.31  2.70  1. 72
         Montreal, ..•.. ...............  100  77.61  7.18  3.73  5.62  2.98  2.98
         Outremont.....•.. , ...•••••••.  100  4.9.37  6.50  4.21  83.51  4.24  2.17
         Québeo ..... , ..•.•• ,., ..•••••.  100  lI7.05  1.4.4  0.45  0.2<  0.82  0.50
         Riviêre-du-Loup.. , .... , .•.•• , .  100  99.19  0,41  0.21  O.W  0.02  0.08
         St-Hya,cint·he....•.••• , .•• , ••• ,  100  99.02  0.15  0.16  0.01  0.10  O.fiO
         St-Jean-St. John.......... , ..•.  100  95.25  2.38  1.60  0.3.5  0.28
         8t-L&.Il1berl .......••••••. , ••. ,  100  aS.34  30.53  18.39  0.08  8.27  4.39
         Shawinigan FaL1.B.•.••.•••. , .•..  100  95.30  1. 70  1.94  0.17  0.66  0.:a3
         Sherbrooke.• , .•••.•..••••.••..  100  83.85  1.'1  8.95  0.56  2.59  1.64-
         &:nel ...........••...••••• , .•.  100  lI8.56  0.46  0.23  0.17  0.83  0.26
         ThetfOJ'd Minl'JB....•......... , .  100  lI6.59  ~!.19  0.54  0.11  0.29  0.28
         Trois-RiVl~Jea.....•....•.•..••  100  96.30  1.57  1.02  0.15  0.51  0.45
         Valleyfield, Balliberry de ...•.•..  100  93.013  2,49  2.08  0.05  1.4-0  0.92
         Verdun ................ , ......  100  55.27  20.87  9.72  0.66  8.83  4-.55
         Westmount ...••••• , •.••.•• , , ,  100 .....  29.44  19.02  6.06  11.00  .5.&2
            TonTzs oIT1I:&-ALL ClTISS •.•      &.77    1.68   &.2.   2.78    2."
           (i) De 5,000 âmes et plus.           (1) Of 5,000 population and ovar.
           {2l Comprend lœ penonnee Qui n'ont pM déolBrlJ leur  (2) Includef! persona with reliaion DOt Itllot.d.
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89