Page 82 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 82

66                            POPULATION


            27-Principalee religions de la population du Canada, par provinces, 1,4!.
            27-Principal Religions of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1141.
                                totale  Catholique Eglige.Uniel  Juive  ~byté-  Au_
               PROVINCES                                             nenne  religioDB
                                 -      (1)     -      -       -      -      (2)
                                Total                 United        Preaby-  Other
                              Populo.tiOIl  Cat.holic  Alll!:ücall  Church  Jewish  terian  religions
          ne-du~P.E.......p.E.I.........  95,()(7  42,743  5,739  24,005  18  14,724  7,818
          N.~Ecosse.,..... N.Bootia......  577,962  188,944  103,303  124,301  2,167  47,415  111,742
          N.-BruDOIwiok ....•..•••••••..  457,401  220,454  55,155  63,268  1,196  15,382  101,946
                               3,331,882 2,894,621
          8~~~:%·:::.',:::::::::::::::::  13,787,655  882,369  162,056  100,196  65,683  433,708  IH3,523
                                               815,413 1,073,4,25
          Manitoba., " •. " .. , ........  729,744  203,259  125,076  194.(XH  18,715  43,073  145,620
          Baakatcbewan.•... ..........  895,992  243.734  117,674  230.495  4,076  54,856  245,157
          Alberta......... , .... , .. , ......  796,169  191.343  113,279  193.664  4,052  68.910  224,921
          Co1.·Brit........ Brie. CoL ......  817,861  113.282  245,531  200.817  3.23&  94,300  1W,696
          Yukon.           ....   4,914                  404      2     422     700
          Ter. duN.·Û::::N·.(). Terr.  12,028  5.001  5,327  209  6     271   l,aM
              C,A.N,A.D,A. .•.••......... .. U.506,655 4,986,552 1.751,188 2,2U,8l5  168,367  829,147 1,566,521
           (1) Y eompr:is les unill.tea.        (1) Includes Grel.'k CathoUo.
           (2) Comprend le9 pel'9onnes qui n'ont pM déelaré leur  (2) Includes persons with relil!:ion not atated.
            28-Populatlon de la province de Québec cla88ifiée aelon la religion, 1871-1~41.
          28-Population of the Province of Quebec cla88ified according to Religion, 1871-1'41.
                       1             1
            RELIGIONS    1871   1881    1891   1901   Hm      1921   1931    1941
          AdventLttea ...•....  1  3,160  4,210  3,364  3,079  2,435  1,620  1,174  0"
          AnllliollJlll..........  6:2,449  68,797  75,472  81,630  103,812  121,7~3  149,843  162,056
          Armée du Salut.....  5,173  4,66.'j  207  292  '10    668   1,135   1,092
          Baptiste9 ..........  S.686  8,853  7,991  8,483  9,258  9,2~6  10,970  12,303
          Catholiquee ........  1,019,850 1,liO,718  1,291,709  1,429,260  1,724,693  2,023.983  2,463.160  2..8'll4,e21
          Congréga.tionalistell.•  5,240  5,244  4,296  Il,173  5,197  4,7111  (1)
          ~reœ orthodo1ell ... .. ..... .. ...... .." ...... .... .. ........ .......... .. .......  8,992  .. 'U~-.o4Ô
           8jli&e Unie ...•.... .....  .....  .....  ..  ...        (1)88,253  100,196
          Juifs ..............  '549  '98Ô'  2',7ôa'  .. '7',498'  '~IÔ,268' .. ','7,766'  llli,736  65,683
          Luthériene ... , .....  496  1,003  1,385  1.642  2,619  2,209  iii,261  7,081
          Méthodistes....• , ..  34,100  39,221  39,544-  42,014  42,646  41,672  (11
          Presbytériens.. , ....  46,165  50,287  52,1373  58,013  64,132  73,747  (1)~'ll,~32  .. ''rÙÙ186
          ProteatBnt.8., .....•  4,195  2,432  2,342  Il,211  8,634  14,147  11,279  4,228
          Autres seotea..•....  2 ....   3,913  4,8lU  8,Q7.'i  U,M4  IO,O~&  13,137
          Non apéoi6éea .•.•..  1,461  2,668  2,846  1,/42  3,497  6,595  2,432  2,397
                 TOTA.L •• ,  1,191,518 1 1,35,,027  1.488,535  1,641,898  2,OOS,776  2,360.865  2.17t,G62  3,311,182
           (1) Le:8 méthodistes et l~e oongrél!:ationf\, avec un  (1) :\leHlodl9ts and Congregationalista and a. large
          ,granrl nombre de presbyt~rîen8, ont formé l'Eglise Unie  number of Pre3byteria.ns formed the United Cllurcb of
          du Canada, en 1925.                  Canada, III 1925.
             29--Proportion des principales religions, province de Québec, 1871_1941.
             29--Proportion of the Principal Religions, Province of Quebec, 1871_1941.
            RELIGIONS    1871   1881    1891   1901    1911   1921   1931    1941
          Ca.tholiqu.ea ..•. , ...  857  863  8'8  868   860    867    867     860
          ~nglic~.......•.•  .'i2  51      51     ••     52      62     62      .0
           ~ise Unie ........ ....  ......  .."  .....  ... .... ...  .. .. · ..BÏ  al  30
          Pr~bytédene.. , ....  .39'  '37'  36   '35     32             21      17
          Méthodistea........  29  '9     27      20 ,   21      18 ....... .. . .... ...
          Juifs ..............  .... ·Z:}  1  2          16      29     21      20
          Autrea religjone..•..    10      16     18     20      22     18      15
                 TOT,A,L .••  1,000  l,'"  1,000  l,OUO  1,000  1,000  1,000  1,000
           Bouree: Hui~i~trle reCf':,,&ement dy Canolda, VollHlle II.  Bouree: Eiahth CenllYs 0/ Canada. 'Volume IL
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87