Page 464 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 464

M.1NUFACTURES                             447

        de Québec, par groupes d'industries, en 1947.
        of Quebec, by Groups of Industries, in 1947.
            Employés A salaires   Ernployé~ à gage6   de.     V:l.l~\lr dei> prod\lit~  1 ~.
                  -                    -            m:l.ti~r('s     -
           Emplo]rees on Salaries  Emplo)'ecs on W....:;(>9  preDli~r(;f!  Value of PlodLlcts  I~~
                                          -----,     COFt of
        Hommes  Femmes  Salahe:>  Hommesl FemmŒ  G3ges  1 ::\1:l.t·erilll:>  Kette  Brute  lE
          -      -      -       -     -                        -        -    iZ oo
         Male  Female  Salaries  Male  Female  '\\-'ages       Net     Gross
          No.   No.      •     No.   Ka.      $       $        •        •
           380    111  1,303,829  1,62.5  59  2,382,108  7. !'f;S, R;3  14,270,~121  22,628.013  1
            98    53    365,124  721   58!>  1,561,72.')  6,688,-162  5,141,393  11,'.172.384  2
          1,133   24.1  2,1!l2,9M  5,924  1,240  10.121.4-11  21,ElJ7,030  20,812,338  44,122.883  3
           55S    111  2,102.615  2,595  105  5,727,304  8,099,214  23,284,235  32,020,802  4
           HI     88    680,629  911  1,073  2.246,320  11,319,946  !L 755, 8.'14  21,2\)4,573  5
           305    98 1  1,255.817  848  333  1,990,215  11.590,81)7  8,580,378  2D,782.372  0
           280    6.1 1  827,72D  705  15  1,223,601  24,831,408  3,3!:l2,020  28,508,663  7
           206    62    577,619  772    3  1.269,646  31A09,683  5,74,'),1<.')9  37,348,221  8
           297    Hi6  1,121,829  632  463  1,503,440  23,548,898  9,880,911  33,901,674  9
           289    97  1  702.246  1,033  980  2,047,538  12,646,581  6,1)09,967  19,442,206  10
            21    20    110,184  246   119   543,183  2,199,118  1,239,479  3,502,519  11
            ,8       1  93,212   116    2    215,606  2,448,822  782,343  3,389,114  12
           619    240 1 2.044,898  3.133  2,047  8,770,436  14,057,340  18,824,461  33,408,129  13
           630    401 i 2,G40,024  2,528  4.773  9,924,65,)  44,080,956  39,236,061  84,190.188  14
            21     3    58.836   210   194   387,707  2,461,7,j9  670,746  3,151,.'i08  15
            20     9  1 ,  73,201  155  3    252,476  6,182,066  697,004  6,020.323  16
           16!l   6.'  !  774,246  791  84  1,789,197  30,663,527  5,368,000  36,851,859  17
          5,191  l,S31 i 16,924,992  23,645  12,184  51,956,988  262,700,520  174,308,U2  443,438,491  18
            24    11    8.'3,988  86    1    123,528  527,505  352,7.56  891,4C14  19
            43    20    163 on)  405   97    777,639  885,809  1,339,236  2,322, r,t;!';  20
          1,132   443  3,\150.203  7.047  5,376  14,637,930  36,461,093  28,201,814  fol, 9iif" 419  21
          1,470   213  2,DIl,457  2,946  86  4,115,004  6g, lOS, 107  13,412.740  82,931, 146  22
            27     6    82.76'7  237   10))  41H,300  5,738,348  4,132,681  9,002,322
            30    12    109,6S9  21)0  10    414,200  7,304,788  1,7,'i1,793  0,212,tH,1  "
            30     4    ),)9,429  90   10    138,307  8[,7,843  71:, .4G4  1,612,33R  25
           113    11    134,39g  812   180   790,065  2,81)'1,75.-;  1.721,608  4,632,408  26
            80    22    373.593  626   153  1,170,901  574,214  2,41;5,591  ;3, li 1 ,177  27
           003    169  1,758.100  1 184  1,066  3,':;8,'),308  18,017,56.'j  9.714.037  2~,476,517  28
            88    W     386,745  494  1,032  1,5.')2,498  3,581,(K!6  3.0ï4,696  6.679,G36  '29
            12     6    42,496   101   16    lôD,6:J0  617,92"  (1)2.201  08fi,C1'Hl  30
            76    19    218.622  675   23  1,13R,01l  5,484,fJ24,  2, 1.'i3.441  ';.iSO,27C1  31
           268    98    833.8ô2  914  963  2,133,4['7  4,279 .Ml,')  4 5:16.44'3  l'U167 , 832  32
            49     7    93,875   131   42    ZU ,278  1,356,O:'l9  1  62:j .4t31  :2.01S,407  33
           474    125  1 524.104  2,380  385  5,OS3.270  73,237.7W  11,521,;,1:2  8,') A2.J ,378  34
          4,528  1,225  11,826,404  18,381  9,544  36,823,029  231,487,536  85,141,483  319,833,537  ;35
            77    26    229,772  170   161  408,237  1,~12.4.'j3  13li .141  :2 ,4-"l.';.S05  1
            75    32    381,393  178  3R2   !J48.18" , 11,31 1 j,DW  2 2.->4,6:::6  13,t313,Mtl  "'
            11     4    67,029   88    10  1  1.'i1.740  73:2,I;Jg  549,7W  1.301'1.767
          1,413   659  6,538,317  4,48t\  9.622  11 .892 ,2fJ8  !'i7.8GO.461  50 0'.16.0l2  108.:220.250  39
          1,847  1,276  9,287,886  3,601  13.576  1 22 ,4'i:2, 741  fj2,218.8fA  en f;\l';,OU 12a.I77.!i7'l  40
           212    42    641,142  1,119  2,310  4.2.'i1.1,')fj  448.607  J 792.47';  fj.:m~.5!iû  4t
            82    25    230,230  14,'i  814  1,042,8f;1  ,').i .8.J'J  1.1376.rxJ1  1.7.'i0.':I0\'  42
           148    232   066,065  187  1,478 ,  1,4!l8,f)4'J  4.120, ~1t34  4,81.'i,3:J7  8,9m.l\10  43
            18     7    73,001   91    rH    177 M,()  1,1.1f!.846  442,781  l.fJH,\l6R  44
           158    76    606,903  228  ,  1 062  1,;:J07,mi2  6.049.4:)1  3.r,gO.870  9.(1),').1'17  45
            89    51    350,192  123  48t   ';01.452  3.17fJ g;)fJ  2 ,.J;'jO,1l0  5.5M.439  46
           603    362  2.871.278  9,903  5 ,.5:20  21.178.g},'~  73.28S,526  35 , R09 Ji71  111.477,fo47  47
           155    64    620,168  1,070  139  l,g06.477  l, ,')4<1,8:1.3  4,339,.504  o 2.51,9'il  48
            24     7    36,2-J7  152    1    }."i8. Hj~       .J'J9,2S1  !  fi27,433  49
            20    19    96 890   66   .J70  364.270  '934:660'  784,230  1,726.439
           203    127   97(;.900  7!jg  1,231  2.613,704  4,907 ,::j73  6,124,880  Il,114.097  '"
           617    442  2,636,927  3,798  5.978  12,0t34,282  23,90S,S81  28,700,149  63,l;H,805  52
           185    76  1,014,363  905  1.'12  1, 971, 2,j':l  7,5.50,7.)8  6,OVi,2:26  13,834.101  Ij3
           137    36    571,500  719  6·'il  1, 667, '396  4,061 ,501  3,390,980  7,.'i63,022  54
            33     7    161,Z61  67    t28  247,724  994,868  876, '349  1,877,031  55
           801   445  3, 6·50, fil3  6,080  3,062  12,9S8,(]07  23, 12:2,9.'53  32,371,5RO  56,965,970
           185    106   ~03.084  1,7Il  1,18l  4,090,412  12,3Sg,744  10,404,2.'50  23,203.87.5  "
           44     19    209,003  480  151>  1,006,722  2,651,.j56  2,891,904  fi.63.'i.885  58
            63    27    196,767  57.'5  204  1,0'.10,360  2,625.924  2.004.334  4,726.716  59
           20      9    133,347  "     77   238.0,,)8  880,48B  1  660,096  1,.567.128  60
          7,220  4,"0  33,392,528  36,796  48,1!I70  Ul,911,1!I94  1 S07,59&,659  267,865,018  58Z,'389,476  61
   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467   468   469