Page 413 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 413


           Il n'y 'a. aucune production de fer en gueuse  Xo pig iron is produced in the Province of
         dana la province de QUébec; on remarque, par  Quebee; on the ather band, ls a sInBJ.l
         ailleur!~,une légère production de lingota d'acier  production of ~teeI ingots and castings.
         et de fontR.
          24-Production canadienne, importations et exportations de fer en gueuse,
            24-Canadian production, Importa and Exporte of Pig Iron. 1925-48.
                                          ImpOJ:tationa--Importe  1  Exportations-Expü.rl~
               Année.s                                     -----~---
                            Production   Quantité   Vdeur     Ql1antité   Valeur
               Years                            1   Value
         ------                         Qu,"lit.  1           Qt1sntity   Yalue
                                                      •      Tonnes-Tons    •
         1925.•....           639,258    28.001     524.625     , ,003    140,{l.34
         192&•.               848,195    28.245     538,032    :1 .802     77,134
         1927.                7\l4.R61   45,833     781,832      385       7,752
         1928.....           1,162,254   48,03!'1   791,733     1,168     20, f,42
         1929...             1,2Œl,779   36,454     624.891     8,375     151,967
         H130...              836,839    1.'5,280   270,157      ,1\4      12,653
         1$131.               470,442     8,861     148,051     3,12]     .3,i. 1R3
         1932 ....            161,426     ,).323     78,845     2,272     38.816
         IfJ.'l3...           21'>4,59:'5  2,754     43,298    13.331     214,195
         1934..               453,594     7,189     108,300    10,32.     1713,093
         HI35...              1)71.860    9,990     143.726    15,410     287,396
         1935          ...    75\un9      4,435      74 ..'589  lli.572   304.682
         1!t~7                .006,718    7,135     H4,354     43,138     851,701
         1935..          1    790,078     2,377      62.494    11,811     224,261
         1939.                346,418      657       l.'i.176  12,015     221,7'd7
         1\)40.       . '"   1,:100.099  29.703     672 ,489    4,113     101,126
         1&41-           1   1,528,OJ3    4,72\l    1"11,112     380       10 ,090
         1942.               1.975,014    1,536      42.718      427       12,17.5
         1943.               1.758,269    7.118     173..'598    "8        11,163
         1944..              1,852,628    8,;516    235,066     .'j 698   123.681
         1945.               1. 77i .M9   7.589     231,002    21,8.14    -193,159
         11146.              1,406,252   12,123     344.529                23,673
         1947..              1,962.848    8.893     252.054     ,475       .~5,61D
         lY4S.               2,125.739    7,:178    233,223      662       29,226
          25-Production de lingots d'acier et de fonte, Canada, par provinces, 1925-48.
           25-Production of Steellngots and Steel Castings, Canada, by Provinces, 1925-4S.
            Années                                                        Col. Brit.
                     CAKADA   1'\ -l!:cosse 1__Q_"'_b_"_+_O_"_ta_"_"_1  Manitobf.  Alberta.
             Yl"ar~          No\'3. Scoti&                                Brit. Col.
         --~'----I--t.'-"--n-"~-- to~es  1 to~es  to~es  --to-",,-,-"-+~t-o_-n"-'-'-+-t-o-"--..-,--
         ~~~~::::::.::: ~i:~~ ~~~:~      ~i~~g ~;i~~      ~~l;~ 1:: :t~~       82
         1$127       1,016,898  333,353  24,973  635,173  22.756...     '1. . ton: 643
         HJ<:tI....  1.3&2,885  1.'l8,797  27.533  874.172  40.864   404     1.114
         1929...   ..  1,543,387  4;'55.909  47,277  1,007.900  3U,715  334  1,2(;.Q
         H130  ,  , ..  I, 130, 7'27  332,138  00,502  7l5,S23  21,416  9,382  1,376
         1931      .  752,762  193,232   40,134  495,299  15,702    7,487     907
         1932...  .  .  380,057  7B,SS.')  21,291  272,ZI3  7,18L   2,106     411
         1933.. ,  .  459,176  139,029   21,187  288,529   9,330     231      670
         1934      .  848,716  2(}2,124  31,073  M2.398   11,101     434     1,586
         1935  , ..  1,054,509  334,621  3Y,1t15  660.305  18,201    114
         1936.. "    1,249,672  424-,500  44.567  756,993  21,5()J   305     1,804
         1937.. ,    1,571,227  478,356  68,113  994,455  27,480     4021    2,421
         1938.....   1,293,8]2  379,090  .54.591  836,585  20,256    4111    2,8[;5
         1039 ..     1,5.51, DM  451,314-  flO,70Z  1,OH,OlE.I  25,<:M.3  441';  3.547
         1940....    2,253,769  623,021  73,631  1,512,495  39.789   381     4-452
         1941 ..     2.712,151  633,203  138,721  1,872,34.3  54,4SIl  7,400  5,9\.13
         1942  .     3,109,851  0::.17,993  180,037  2.207,208  55.067  22,2134  6,682
         1[14-3  .   3.004,124  570,578  157.662  2.182,802  55,;)55  22.217  9,3iU
         1944      .  3,OIG,162  578,34{;  117,638  2,253,685  42,149  18,085  6,259
         194-.5. .  . . . .. :.:1,877.927  590,JM  108,719  2,116,066  44.284  13,156  5,271
         1946   ,. .. ,.2,327,285  425,863  63.763  1,781.701  52,064  43U   3,41)4
         194-7..  .,..  2,945,952  563,377  67,540  2,2,53,854  55,367  615  5,199
         1948     "[ 3,200,480  626,604  73,681  2.430,050  59,084   397     4,664
           5our<;e: L'Indus/rie aes produils primaires du. fer et de  Source: The P'li11lJ1T'II hem and S~d I1tauetry, Ottawa,
         ! 'ader, Ottawa,
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