Page 411 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 411

394                              MINES

        22-Principales statistiques de l'industrie des produits prim.aires du fer et de
                            l'acier, Canada, par provinces, 1948.
        22-Principal statistics of the prim.ary iron and steel industry, Canada, by
                                     provinces, 1948.
                                Établi.!Jo  1 EID~y"'l  Salaires:  Mati~re~  Vale\1t hrute
                                s.emenh          et gages   premièrea  de la. p['O(!tlCtion
               PROVINCES          -               -           -           -
                                Plants  EIDP:Y"l  &!lll.ries  COBt of  Gros.> value
        --                    -                 and wa.ges  materiais  of production
                                  no. ,            S           •          $
        N.~~co6~e... ....  . Nova Scotie. ...  4,64li  10,992,193  15,079,626  27,036,837
        Québec ...                12    4,212    10,223,119  12,481,894  34,116,303
        Onta;rio......  " ... " ....  ...  2.  19,395  53,691,148  103 ,334,500  214,419,339
        Manitoba..                •       833    1,811 ,200  1,58\l,17J  .5 ,311,124
        Alberta.......            2
        Colombie Bût.  ::::Br;t.·C~L:::::  6  281  640,100    293.&l8    1,223,:)41
             CANADA•••. ..........  55  29,:lG7  77,357,760  132,773,OG3  282,157,150
         Source: RlCCr,BBmfmt de l'InàuBtrie, Ottawa.  Source: Cen8UB of InduBtrJ,l, Ottawa.
          L'industrie des produits primaires du fer et  The primary iron and steel industry is
        de l'acier oompoo habituellement parmi les  usually cO!nprised in the forty leading industries
        quarante principales de la Province.  La valeur  of the Province.  The gross value of produc-
        brute de la produotion en 1948 s'est élevée à  tion in 1948 amounted to $34,176,303; salaries
        834,176,303; les salaires payés Be sont chiffré8  and w-ages paid reached $10,223,119. The
        à, $10,223,119.  La production de oette indus-  industry's production is equivalent to about
        trie représente à peu près un pour cent de la  one pel' cent of the aggregate manufacturing
        production manufacturière totale de la Pro-  production in the Province; neverthsless, it
        ...'Înoo; toutefois, il est permis de prévoir que  can be foreseen that tllis percentage will be
        oe pourcentage augmenoora Sf'..ll.siblement dans  consideI1:I.,bly increased witbin the next few
        quelques années.                      yeRrs.
        23-Principales statistiques de l'industrie des produits prim.aires du fer et  de
                           l'acier. province de Québec, 1925-48.
        23- Principal statistics of the primary iron and steel industry, Province of Quebec,
                         1!:tablis--          SnJairœ     Mll.tièrea  Valeur blute
              Année      8emenh  1  Employés  et gages    premières  de la production
               -           -        -          -            -             -
              Year        Estab-  Emplo:~'e8l"  1  Salaries  Coat of   Gros!> value
                         Ijghments           and wag8l"   MaterialB   of produc,tion
                           no.     no.          $            •            $
        1925.... ... .. ....... ...  9  1,189  1,442,960  1,011,769    4,597,849
        1926...... .... ..... ...  10  1,670  2,089.629   2,369,&53     0,04-0,68.3
        1921... ... .....  10      1,660     2,143.210    1.392,306    6,433,538
        1928.. .... ...... ..  10  1,737     2,433.334    1. 652 ,038  1,350,581
        1929. ......  ......  13   2,624     3,569,143    2.610.576    10,344,845
        1930.... .. .  .......  13  2,119    2,9ÇjQ,011   2,288,934    8,190,360
        1931.. .. .. ... . ....    1,170     2,205.216    1,170.846     5,408,500
        lQ32... , ..... .....  " H  1,226    1,084 ,394     816.018    2,500,705
        1933 ......... ..... . ...  1,194    1,003,801      122,481    2,553,091
        1934. .... .. .......  " 13  1,456   1,223.441    1,188.618    3,343,686
        1935. .....        13      1,791     1,673,154    1,552.713    4,155,782
        1936. ...... . ... .......  H  2,015  2,012,951    1,989,062    5,014,845
        1937. .... .....   H       2,&16     3,590.722    4,191,863    10,416,386
        1938. ... ...      H       2,425     2,943,864    3.181.820     8,418,130
        1939. .... -.. ...  ....  14  2,473  3,088,867    3,461,268    9.410,406
        1940.. ... ....... ....  ,.  2,913   4,1l4-.286   4,972.518    13,563,176
        l!)41 .... .... ...  ...   4,907     1,596.337    o,48.'l ,453  22.538.137
        1942 ...  ......           6,619     12,101,633   15,524,075   34.976,121
        194-~..  .........  10     6,482     12,299.476   12,534,428   32,341.735
        1944 . ... ... .....  ,.   6,137     11,950,859   10.422,718   32,959.912
        1045... ... ... ...        5.145     Il ,348,835  10,301,898   32,791,360
        1946.... ..... ..... . ..  3,691     6,978,934     5,217.0S2   19.097,206
        1941... ... .. ...... ...  "  3,804   80,105,1153  7,817 ,615  24.143,928
        1948... ... . ...... .....  12  4,212  10,223, Il9  12,481,894  34,116,303
          ~ollree: Recenufnfmt ri<!  l'iOlduBtr~, Ottawa.  Source: CeOl~u~ (Jj InàuBtry, Ottawa.
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