Page 417 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 417

400                              MINES
         45 pour cent de la .ma.tière première utilisée  45 per cent of the materials used consist ol
       se compose d'amianw; le reste comprend du  asbestos; the cemainder comprise cotton doth
       fil et du tissus de coton, du caoutchouc et des
       feuilles de caoutchouc, des eontenants et du  and yarn, ruhber and rubber shoots, containers
       matériel d'embaHage, etc....         and packing mat€rial, etc...
       29-Matières premières utilisées danB l'industrie des produits de l'amiante au
                                    Canada, 1944-48.
       29--Materiah Used in the Asbestos Products Industry, in Canada, 1944-48.
                  11'10.tiéres-lII!l.terials  1944  1945    1946   1947    1948
                                              •      •       •      •       •
       Amiante:           .o\BbesWs:
         Fibre... ", .. ...........  Fibre.....•..... .......  499,610  5~4.G49  576,293  853,729 1,086,61(1
         Tissus, ........ ........  Clotn........ ... ..' ....  25,069  77,654  74,118  45,299  70,383
         Papier..........•.  Paper .................  24.398  45.162  137,417  238,B30  371,472
         Feuilles et rubaru>., .....  Sheet~ and strips .......  24,255  5,524  9.504
         FiL .............. ...  yarD .....  152,002  2.17,268  21)1,679  '306;325'  385:007
       Coton: ti~sus et fiL ... ...  Cotton: cloth and y~m..  14-4,955  133,758  201,006  330,964  551,204
       Caoutchouc et feuillcE •....  Hubber and sbectB.  22.344  46,173  27,368  28,101  35, Ba8
       COntenlillLS  ot  matériel  Contaiuers  and  pa'cki~
         d'emballage .... ....  ma.teriaL ....... ...  80,577  107, lM  146,055  104,472  243,255
       AutrB6.... .. .  ... ..  Other. ... ... .... ... .... 1,307.476 l.602, m  1'.490.383 1,866,072 , .505,366
              TOTAL... ..  .. ...... ...... .. ....  2,281,281  2,812,091  2,S53,~2J  3,773,792  4,211,2:25
       3O----Production, importations et exportations canadiennell d'amiante et de pro-
                                duitll d'amiante, 1942-49.
       3D-Canadian Production, Importa and Exports of Asbestos and AsbestOIl ProductB,
                                AMI.'>N'TE-ASBESTOS  1 PRonnTS DE L' "-ll.llAto.·TE-AG"BEBTOS P.RODU"cT5
                 -                      Exportqtio!lE       Importatio[]9  Exportat.ions
               YEARS         1  Production  -      Production  1  -       -
                                          Exports          1  Importa  1  Exports
                                       1                   !
                                 •          $         •         •         S
       1942  ... ... .........  .....  22 603,283  21,014,801  5,101,259  2,610,390  173,361
       104 3::: ....  ...... ... ....  :2:] 169,505  \  22,381,471  5,2H.738  2,305,162  140,111
        104 4.... .... .......... ... ...  20.619,516  19,()45,694  4,7ÔO,585  1,977,516  195,389
       '''' 5.... ... .. .... .... ... .. ...  22,802,511  21,842,242  5,û77,291  2,214,343  341.648
         6..... ..... ........ .... .....
       194 7... ' .... ... ......... .. .....  33,005,748  1  32,291,289  1,11.5,707  3,080.301  577 ,974
       194 8..... ....... ............ ..  42,231.475  41,399,056  ... ... " .. ..  3,751,919  580,159
       194 9.... ........ ........ ...  39,74O,072  36,H33,742  2,596,360  364.607
         Le IMrohé canadien aotuel pour les produits  The  Canadian  market  absorbs  about
       de l'amiante se chiffre à quelque $11,000,000;  $11,000,000 worth of asbestoB goodsj this
       00 marché se partage entre l'industrie cana-
                                             market i8 shaJ.w by Canadian ($8,000,000)
       dioone ($8,000,000) et l'industrie américaine
                                             and Anterican ($'3,7ÜO,CCO) producers.
       31-lmportationll canadiennes de produits d'amiante, par principaulII: produits
        31-lmports into Canada of Aabestos Products, by Leading ProductB, 1945-49.
            PRINCIPAUX P.RODUITB-LEADING P(lO[]UCTS  1945  1946  194j  1948  1949
                                              •      •       •   1 •        $
        Bandes de frein (1) ........  Drake linings (1) ....... ...  379,038  444.400  .584,530  049,896  439.616
        Surfaces d'embrayage (1).  C\utch i'aeings (1) ........  316,461  179.480  244,205  218,202  221.208
        Bandes de frein et Burfaces  Brake Lininp a[]d c1utch
         d'embra.yage, n.a..é. ..  faeings, Il.o.p.... ... " ..  32.00.5  47,2%  9::1.929  83.724  60,041
        GarDitures .......... ...  PaekillJZ9 ..  .. .. ......  101,616  124,146'  13i,29.5  108.092  145.695
        Autre.!; produits...... ....  Other prodnet.'l .. .. ....... 1,385.224 1,434,680 2.620,342 2,692,065 1.72Q.200
               TOTAL. ... .... ... ,.... ... ........ ....  2.214,W  2.230,01J.  3,680,301  3.751,979  2,596,3&0
         (l) Pou:r automobiles, véhieules-rnotl'.\Lf1l et eh.ll.;,B1B.  (1) For a\ltornobll~, motor vehielee and ehas!iis.
         Sauree: IndlUJtrie de~ praduits de l':.Imil1ll/e. Ottawa.•  Source: The Ap~eatDB Producl8 IndU8/'":J, Ottawa.
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