Page 407 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 407

390                              MINES

               En examinant la production ~nadienne de  On exa:miniDg iron ore production in Canada
             minerai de fer depuiS! 1900 on distingUA net.t.e-  from 1000, t'wo distinct periods may he noted:
             ment deux: pél'Ïode.s: de 1900 li. 1924, la pI'Q-  froIn 1900 to 1924, produetion varies from
                                                  200,000 to 300,000 ton,; alter about fifteen
             duction oscille habituellement t'nire 200,000
                                                  years of inaethifvT, production is resu:med and,
             tonnes et 300,()(X); après une quinzaine d'années  from 1940 to 1944, it reaches betWe€D 400,000
             d'inactivité, la production nlcommenœ, se fi.'œ  and 600,000 tons to clirnb to aver a million
             entre 400,000 et 600,000 tonnes de 1940 fi, ]944  tons in 194.5 and remain at that lev{ll.  Fical1y,
             et dépa,sse un million de tonnes à partir de  in 1949, the inclusion of the production of
             1945. Enfin, en 1949, la production de Terre-  Xewfoundland, the new Canadian province,
             Neuve, nouvelle province canadienne, vient  conside:ra.hly inCreBSfS the tota,J pl'Cducticn
             grossir con~idt1rab!ement la production totale.  figure.

                  19-Production de m.inerai de fer au Canada, par provinces, 1900.49.
                      19-Production of Iron Ore in Canada, by Provinces, 1900-49.

                Aun'"                N,-J!co8se                              Cnl. Brit.
                          CA~ADA             N.-Brllnawick  Qllébec  Ontario
                 Years              Nova 8cotia                              Brit. Col.
                        ------ -----
                           tannes   tonnes    tonnes    tonnes    tonnes
                            "'M       tan.      tOM        "'~       tOM       tons
             1900..         122,000    18,940              19,000    62,&50     1.110
             19Q1 ..        313,646    18,619              15,489    272,.538   7,000
             1902.,         4,04 ,003  16,172              18,524    359,288    10.019
             1903..         264,294    40,335              12,035    209,634    2,290
             1904..         219.04U    61,293              16,152    141.601
             1flOli..       291,097    !H.952              12,681    193,4(14
             1906...        248,831    97.820               9,933    141,078
             1907...        :H2,MG     SU ,839             12,748    207.769    2,500
             1908...        238,082    11,802              10,103    21ti.177
             1909..         268,043                         4,150    263,893
             19lO_ .        2FiÇJ ,418  18,134    5,336     4,503    231.445
             1911. .. :     210,344       22     31.120     3.616    175,586
             1912....       215.883    30,857    71,520     1,185    112,321
             1913...        307,634    20.436    86,416     5,102    195,680
             1914...        244,854               4,775              240,079
             1915.•.        398.112               3,683              394,429
             1916..         275.176                         3,209    271,967
             1917....       216,302                        17,189    198,113
             1918.....  '"  211 ,GOS    .13Ô'               B,159    201,119    '2:200·
             19l9.....      197.170                          321     195,049     1,200
             1920. _.       129,072                          960     126,900  1  1,212
             HI2L ..         59.509                                  58,499      1,010
             1922...         17.791                          .526'·   16,190     1,2.55
             1923.....       30,690                                  30,447       243
             1924.....         72                                       44         2'
             (1) .. '
             1939..  ....   12.1,.:'OB                 ...........   123,598
             1940..         413,603                                  414,603
             1941. .   1 516,m7                                      516,037
             1942...        54,3 .306                       . 'i87·  545,110
             1943....       041,294              i4:U>62·            498,232
             1944., .       553,252                              1   .5.53,252
             1945...       1,135,444  ..                           1, 135.444
             1940. ,       1.549,523        f                      1. 549 ,523
             1947...       1,019,366  1                            1,919,366
             1948.. "  ....  1,337,244                             1,335,556  1<  670
             1949...    (2) 3,633,530  1. . . . .                  l, 9ïO ,463  5,472
                                             1                   1
              (1) L<:I'I chiffres antériellrs à 1923 comprennent une  (1) Figures prior ta 1923 inc1ude sorne titani1eraU8
             certaine QUI1ll~ité de minerai titQ.nif~re.  ore.
              (2) CompNnd  la  production de  Terre·NeuYe:  (2) Include..  NewfQundland  p:roduction:  1,657,000
             1,657,500 tonnœ..                    "'~.
              SOllree: Pr~w:lion mini,!re du Canada, Ottawa.  Source: }I·[-ineral. Produ.etior. 0/ Car.aOO, Ottawa.
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