Page 387 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 387

370                         FORETS-FORESTS

                 4-INDUSTRIE DU BOIS                  4-LUMBER lNDUSTRY

          L'industrie du bois, dont il est question ic-i,  The lumber industry, with wIuch this sec·-
         oomprend non seulement la produotion de bois  tian ie conceroed, includes Dot only the produc-
         d'œuvre de toutes dimem.ioDB, mais aussi la  tion of lumber of aIl dimensions but tl.1so that
         production de bardeaux, lattes, traverses de
        voie ferrée, hois à fuseaux, p{a,nchettes pour  of sbinglE"s, latb, sawn ties, spoolwood, box
        boîtes, douves et fonds, et le débitage ou l'éoor-  shooks, stavce and heading, and the Cutting-up
         çage du bois à pulpe.                or rossing of pulpwood.
          En 1948, on oomptait dans la. province de  In the Province of Quebec in 1948 there
        Qu~bec 1,961 scieries actives qui procuraient  we1'e  1,961  1'egularly  Op8l"ated  sawmills,
        du travail à 8,082 employés à gages et à 2.292  wruch provided emplo:yment for 8,082 wo1'k-
        employés à salaire; le montant des gages payés  men on wages and 2,292 salaried employees.
        s·éle....ait à $11,536,026 et celui des salaires, à  Wages paid amounted to $11,536,026 and
        $1,687,460.                           salarieE to $1,687,460.
             23--Principalea statistiques de l'industrie du bois, par provinces, 1947-48.
             23--Principal Statiatics of the Lumber Industry, by Provinces, 1947-48.
                              -       ,                                 1
                   Scieries                    , Combu;,..  Coût de~  Valeur  Va.le'J.r
                    fai9aot  Capit!l.\'.x  Em-  Salaires  tible ('t  matières  brute des  nette de~
                   rappûr cl  engagés  ployés  1  t\t gages  électricité  premières  produit.s  produHe
         PROVINCEB          -             -       -       -        -        -
                    ),fi1lB  Capital  Em·  1  Salarie!!  ",,1  C09t  GroB~  N.t
                   Report  In.t\8~d  ployees  and l\'age8  .nd  of  Value of  V:llue of
                     ing                       Eleetricity  Matermls  Production i Produ('tion
                                                               ------!-    --
                     No.    $     No.     S       $       •        •        •
        1. p._É.~P.E.I,  9 7        231   103,9541  11,594 1  325.855  661,504  324,05 5
        N.-Écosse-N.8.  65  2     3,997  3,930,939  081  11,210.639  19,654,834  8,274,11  4
        N,-Bruo!'lll.ick..  44 1  3,600  4,224,435  170'  1 12,047,018  20,608,236  8,400,32 7
        Qu~,bec ...  2,05  1      11 ,613  13,570,0911  482 ,219  46 ,OB\) .9611  73,898,677  27,326.5 en
        Ontario, ..  1,10 2  (1)  8.381  Il,1l0,359  400,494  27 896 904  51 170,386  22,872,97 6
        :Manitoba, , , , ..  19 0   717   577,341  31,162  1,268,840  2938,224  1,538,22 2
        Saskatchewan ..  42  7    1,341   987,690  92,7391  1,707,527  4,185,743  2,38:',47 7
        Alberta"" ....  45  3     2,591  2,893,095  266,435  4,9469141  10,743,328  5529,97 9
        Col.-Brit.--B.C.  1,064   22,946  4':',955,873 1,464,174 103030,866 218,235,191, 113,740,15  1
        Yukon.           ----        9     6,675    800    19.2951  37.1751  17,08 o
                        '1                                     ------      --
           TOTAL ••••  6,481      55,426  83,360,452  5,074,589  201,543,819  402.133,298  190,514,91 •
                        !                      1
                                      1 ----,------l'----,----~I
        1. P.-t.-P.E.!,  92         181   87,484  12.022  2ô8,454  5514911  271,015
        N.-tco6se-~.8.  610       3,340  3,702,812  182,555  9,653,773  16,743:884  6,907,556
        ~._BrunBwiek..  434       3,246  3.996,706  140,011  10,042,761  17,510.574  7,327,802
        Québec,      l ,961       10,374  13,223,486  525,882  43,516,856  69,957,&lZ  25.015.154, . . .  l ,292  (l)  8,743  13,263,729  53T,281  31,26D,480,  58,827,577  27,020,816
        Manitoha, .   169           59S   701,3.34  43,2411,171.0773,017,2911,802,973
        S:lskatchewan , .  355      983'  97°'1181  89.162  1,508,582  3.825,1611  2.227,417
        ~\lhert"", ... ",  601    3,030  3.535,024  339,938  6,140,276  13,964.1691  7,483,9.35
        Col._Drit.~B. C,  1,5151  26,OZ6  55.524,684 1,887,998 104,903,117 224,664,1561117,873,041
        yu.'"     1__611__1         35    00,2791  5,016;  93,7~14  205,2771__~1~OO~,~.4~6~7
                                      1  95,065,6161 3,763,106) 108,5&8,170  409,267,472  196,936,196
           TOTAL.••• ,  7,035     56,756 ,
             -                  PROVINCE DE Ql:'tDEC-PROVINCE OF QUEBEC
           YEAREI ,
        Moy.-A-H.                     1        1               1
          1935-39  .  --;-:-;:115,581,4461  6,949  3,280,. 32  95.23->1  8.648.73  15,509,810  6,741,179
        1940 .       1 827 1 16.573,089  8,700  4,858,072  183,489  13,048,562  23,003,646  9,747,060
        1941 .       1,82917,811,350  10,063  6,108.758  296,883  17,063,772  30,000,903  12,608.895
        1942  ......  1,94,723,898,720  11,416  8,241,311  370,909  22,952,551'  40,425,029  17,043,405
        HI43., .........  1,915 25,071,371  10,904  8,814,290  348,020  25,\)33,018  45,641,615  HI,296,875
        1944.....  ,...  1,940  (1)  10,785  9,191, 188  343,398  29,920,319  :'0,099,695  19,&35,978
        1945, .... .....  1,873  il)  10,774  ID, 147,125  359,592  34,122,053  56,109,217  21,627,572
        1946... , ., .... ,  l,g89  11,581  12, .,{09. 905  416,189  41,541,973  66,160,934  24,202,772
        1947.. , ... _....  2,051  dl  11,613  13,570,091  482,119  4B,089,961  73,898',677  27,326,597
        1948, ........••  1,961  (1)  10,374  13,223,4813  525,882  43,516,&56  69,957,892  25,915,154
          (I) Pu de reuelrnemrmw.              (1) No IlIfortn&tioD.
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