Page 384 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 384

PULPE ET PAPIER-PULP AND PAPER                      367

         La. valeur du bois à pulpe importé et exporté  Tha value of imported or exported pulpwood.
        (\St établie d1après la. valeur au point d'expédi~  is established according to the value at the
        tian; celle du bois à pulpe consommé par les  point of shipment; that of pulpwood used in
        fa.briques de la Province est bMée sur la valeur  the milla of the Province ie based on tho value
        il. l'UBine qui comprend bien souvent les frais  at the mill whîch often includes transportation
        de tra.nsport.                       costs.
                 19-Production apparente de hois il pulpe dan3 la Province.
                   19--Appal'ent Production in Pulpwood in the Province.

                                    Bolll pulpe
                                     eoD.lOmmé  Boi!! à pulpe  Bois il. pulpe  ProdlJotioll
                                   dsna la province  exporté  importé  appllorenlo6
                                     Pulpwood   Pulpwood    Pulpwaon
                                    Ueedin MIl"  Exported   Imported   Prod'Jdion
                                     Pro1.'Înce    (0         (2)
                            QUANTITt (EJII CQBDIlJ9)-QUANTITY (IN conD6)
                                     2.71!'LORô  I.nrn,801    14,3.~.~  .~. 7n6 ,5.'52
                                     3,871,885   1,180,439    22,477    5,029,847
        1045  .                      J.8f13,M9   1,344,.126   35,110    3,202,865
        1946,     .                  4,462,911)  1,2()(LOOI   98,24;)   ,'5,061,632
        1947      .                  4,851,299   1,30S,HS     209.7.11  5,Çl4(UJ65
        1948  .                      5,157,027   1,437,478    272,705   6,321,800
        1949  .                      4,SOO,347   1,129,370    120.0n    5,808.782
                                   S 21, 167,573  :s  "'.~87,942  119,320  $ 29,436,Hl5
                                    43,050,127  13.7f.4,226  • 287,420  56,532,933
        1945... ,  ,                H2,3f11,02,1  21,090,.'366  624,392  83, 76ii,099
        1940.. ,  .                 79.41)7,324  22,829,764  1,967.302  100,330,785
        1947   .                    lOG ,2fI3, 780  27,265.307  4,i'20,50Q  12~,738,578
        1948.                       124,379,304  30,465,165  6,460,324  148,384,145
        1949.                       116,021,692  23,600,230  2,635,2["015  136,986,627
          0) y compl"\$le bOl~ il pulpe utll18é !!.Jlleurs nu Ca.nads.•  (1) pnlpwood LJsed elsewhere ln Cannda.
          (2) y compris le bo~ i1 pulpe obtenu aillE:LJ!"d a\tCanad:J..  (2) InclLJùing pulpwood obt:J.inE:d et6ewhere in Canlld.!!..
                    20-Production du papier dans la province de Québec.
                      20-Paper Production in the Province of Quebec.
                                       Variétés ùe papier-Kinda or Po.pel'
           ANNtES-YEARB                                          Autres
                             A jOUl'IUll ~;~~1~:ioe; 1D'em~llage 1  ClLl'toD  papiers  Tot!!.!
                                      Book and  1 Wrapping  Pllper  Ot.her
                                      Writing         '-_--"R~o~"~d~''___-'--_P,~.~,~.~,_ _'__  _
                            QUANTITÉ (EN TornIE.'l)--QUANTlTY  lLN 1"0:0,;,\)
        Moy.-Ave.1935-39 .. .......  1,624,332  27,834  60,63 f j  12Ei,227  24,739  1  1,852,768
                                     1                                  i
        1940 .......•..  .... .....  1,954,046  36.637  1  84,100  178,3613  32,M7  2,285,796
        HHI. ..... , .. ... ... ....  1  l,90B,535  45,004  98,821  27:3,41,)  37,712  2.361,487
        1042.•......... ........ ....  1,771,057  4':;,252  98,276  22,'5.!574  3ft.MI  i 2,179,800
        1943 .......... ..... .. ,.  1,501.969  4.1,468  93.960  204,526  42.ft42  1.086,855
        1944 ........ ,.. ... ..... .....
        1045..... .. ..........  1,733,850  58,194  9,<; ,9113  207,604  57.290  ,  2,292.442
        1946....... ... .... .. ... .. , ..  2,401,8<;2  70,681  1O!5,264  214,171  7;),596  2,867,594
        }047....... .......... .. .. ,
        1948. .. ....... , ..  . .. .....  2,596,204  74,fj23  119,816  249.730  86,212  2,OOQ.65R
        1949... .... .... ....  ....  2,704,1l95  71,74'}  116,460  242,593  86,262  3,222,063
                                •   1    •       •    1   •        •        •
        Moy.-Ave. 1935-39..•...... ..  57,711,320  .5,252,496  6,080,880  6,412,263  1,937,006  77,393.965
        1940.......................  SB,5U,I75  6,933,700  9,031,900  11,479,198  1  2,724,645 118,680,624
        1941. ........ ...,.........,. S5,853,172  S,631,110  10,186,771  17,048,M6  3,2.'55,384 124,975,2.113
        1942 ......... ...............  80,111,172  8,146,628  10,206,140  14,841,731  3,'J.50.089 117,921.760
        1943, ........ ...............  80,279,852  8,649,010  9,735,417  14,243,828  4,403,006 117,311,773
        1944 ......... " ........ , ....  94,090,742  10,431,051  9,919,777  14,702,236  5,473,4311 134,617,241
        1945.....•......• _•......... 106,134,2J6  II ,038,933  10,121,698  Hi,117,291  5, 76S,M,~ 148,180.691
        1946.......... , ........ , .... 163,065.992  13,365,180  12,301,129  16,888.927  7,424,405 213.045.633
        1947...•....... , ....... , .... 207,344,1.'51  16,869,77A  15,002,711  21,199,029  Çl,173,054 269,.588,121
        1948..•.................... , 232,226,840  18,363,424  11,274,936  25,497,589  10,328,494 30S,aQl,283
        Ig49.. .............. ,....... 2'il, 981, 534  16,807.Q09  16,781,488  24,666,&U  10,515,385 310,752,857
   379   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387   388   389