Page 362 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 362

342                           AGRICULTURE
           En 1948, le nombro total des abattoirs et  In 1948, the total number of ahaltoÎl1l and
         salaisons au Canada. diminue de 11. La dimi~  :racking houses in Canada shows a decrease of
         nution est de 6 dans l'Ontario, 3 dans Québec,  ]1. Ontario lO~eEI 6 pla,nts; Québec., 3; Mari-
         2 danll les :Maritimce, un dans le Manitoba et
         un dans 18. Colombie-Britannique. La Saskat-  time Provinces. 2; Manitoba and British
         chewan et l'Alberta en oomprent chacun un  Columbia, one while Saskatchewan and
         de plus.                             Alberta gains ontl each.
           Dans la province de Québec, la valeur des  In the Province of Quebee, the value of
         animaux abattus était de $.55,953,477 en 1947  aniIILala slaughwn:d amounted to $55,953,477
         et de $91,351,833 en 1948. A ce point de vue,  in 1947 and $91,351,833 in 1948. From th.l
         QUébec occupe le deuxi~me rang au P&J,PS j  point of view, Quebee ranks second in Canada;
         Ontario vient en première place. La produc- holds the tirst place. The production
         tion des: abattoirs et saJ.a,jsons de la province  of Quebee abattoirs and paclring houses
         de Qu6heo ($139,961,257) rnJri,ente 20% de  ($139,961,257) represenls 20 per cent of the
         la valeur totale de la production canadienne  total value of  the  Canadïan production
          ($689,746,149).  Cette indnsl;rie 8 procur6 du  (1)689,746.149).  Thal indnst.ry hae employed
         tmvail A 3,705 employ6s à qui eUe 8  pay~  3,705 persons dUl'ing the year and paid
         $8,387,234 en salaires.              $8,387,234 in salaries and wages.

         59-Valeur dea m.tiare. employéea dan8 lea abattoin et aalai80ns. par provincel!l,
                            1948 et province de Québec, 1940-48.

         59-Value of M.teriala uaed in Abattoirs and Packing Housea, by Provinces, 1948
                              and Province of Quebec, 1940-48.

                                                     Va.leurdes  Valeur dei  Valeur totale
                                Achat!! de viande~ !ratobllll ou  animaU2.  autre. ma.tîèI'el  dei! matièrell
                                 plll'tieUemel:l.t préparéee  abp,ttUl  employéee  employllE!ll
              PROVINCES                                -         -
                                 Drt'NIed Meut~ Purehued  Value 01  Value of  Total Value
                                 FrtllÙl or P6I'tialb' Cured  Animale  Othe Materiab  of Materiale
                                                    Sluqhtered   Ulled     D"",
                                              •         •
                                   Lb.   1                        •    1    •
         'Prov. Maritimes .. MM. ProvincBB.  837,519  li7,101  8,814,646  57{J,248  9,571,085
         Quêboo ......................•.  51.281.3133  15, ï74.032  91,351,833  14,465,567  121,591,432
         Ontario.........•..••..........  32· ,{)(KI ,403  10,561,109  171,262,883  36,821,482  218,651.414
         1oIaDioobu.•............•... , ...  4,844,380  1,12B,9Y4  15,159,283  12,385,491  8Y,274,768
         Saskutebewul'l .•.........••. , ....  188,461  50,166  28,159,637  3,370,365  31,580,168
         Alberta.....••......... , .' .. , .• ,  2,3U,768  393,976  77,133,405  7,411,601  84,938,982
         COI.-Ddt..... _...B. Columbia ..•  14,664,715  4,294,871  ::a.149,150  2,478,988  37,923.000
               C~Al'lA.•.....•.•.•••.  10&.200,609  32,387,139  483,630,837  11,512,742  595,$111,918
                           PROVINCE DE QUtBRC-PROVINCE OF QUEBEC

                                   Lb,        •         •         •         •
                                 38,555,225  4.243,437  17,615,374  3.327,033  25,246,444
          Moy.-A\·e. 1935-39, .. ' , ..... "  ,  1
         1940....• , ........•....... , .•..  51,371,627  6.534,213  26,000.775  3,056.110  35.591,098
         1941 ... , .. ,. '" . , •...... , ...•..  51.582,B99  1.532,285  31,556,223  4,063,686  43,152,194
         1942•..... , .......... , .•..••••.  51,197,9741  9,180,315  33,217 ,5~3  4,9U,266  47.369,174
         1943.•.. , .... _......... , ...•...  46,4.55,093  8,600.252  4.0,168,707  4,225,525  52,994,484
         1944 .. , ••. , ..•.. , .... ' ...•.•.•.  46, J22,063  9,603.011  ô3.443,116  4,94.41,690  61,992.817
         194.5....••. " ....•....... , ..••.  48,990.656  9,B23,554  50,288,847  f,993.d45  65,206.046
          19441., ....... ' .•.....•... , ' .•. ,  46,97·'l.685  9,304,626  5Q.39d.973  1,195.123  M,896,722
          1941.. , .. "., .... _., ... _.......  36, 94G, 429  1',291,229  5.3,B.'ia.477  8,993,046  73,237,752
          1948........ , ........... , .....  51.281,363  15,774,032  91,351,833  14,465,5f>7  121,591,432
   357   358   359   360   361   362   363   364   365   366   367