Page 361 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 361

ABATTOIRS-SLAUGHTERING                        341
                 D-ABATTOIRS ET                       D-ABATTOIRS AND
                     SALAISONS                        PACKING HOUSES
          Les chiffres ci-dessous proviennent des rap-  The figures given below are taken from the
        ports industriels et indiquent le volume de  industrial reports, and show the amount of
        l'abatage dans les abattoirs et salaisons, non  slaughtering in packing houses and abattoirs
        compris les petits bouchers. En 1948, ces  not including small butcbers.  In 1948, these
        établissements étaient répartis comme suit:  ei>tablishments were distributed as follows:
        Provinces maritimes, 8; Québee., 3:3; Ontario,  1l.1aritime Provinces, 8; Québec, 33; Ontario,
        58; :1.1anitoba, 12; Saskatchewan, 9; Alberta,  58; l\1anitoba, 12; Sa.skatche't\"&D, 9; Alberta,
        12; Colombie-Britannique, 10; le total POUl'  12; British Columbia, 10; the total for Canada
        le Canada étant de 140.               being 140,
            5B-Anirnaux abattus dans les abattoirs et salaisons, pal' provinces, 1948
                              et province de Québec, 1940-48.
            SB-Animals Siaughter,ed in Abattoil'8 and Packing Houses, by Provinces,
                           1948 and Province of Quebec, 1940-48.

                              Bêtes à corne"  et agneaux  Porcll  Veaux
               PROVINCES         -          -         -          -        Total
                                 Cattle  Sbl'lep Bond lamb  Hogs  Ca.lvell
                          POIDS NET (EN LIVRll,,)-NET WEIGHT (IN POUNniJ)
        Prov. Mll.l'itimes..Mo.r. Provinces.  4.575.Z33  1.123,563  25,081.650  1.525,406  32,305,758
        Québec .... , ...................  104.2'11,548  8,99,0;,261  159,480,872  31.680,538  304,371,219
        Ontario...•.................. ..  236,356,0.86  11.939.231  278,821.523  19.336,146  546,452,986
        Manitoba•...............•.....  165,809,133  5,091,077  82,956,053  1  21.337,739  275,254,002
        Saskatchewan ..•..••......•.....  51,803,732  1,417,442  43,025,458  3,894,579  100,141,211
        Alberta........................  123,744,275  4,013.91),')  145,853,122  13,300,378  287,511,740
        Col.-Blit......... B. Columbia ..  58,745,888  3,905,605  34,304,918  5,702.691  102,659,102
              CJ.N'ADA ....... , .......  745,sos.,795  37,086,144  769,532,602  96,n7,477  1,648,702,018

                          PROVINCE DE QUtBEC-PROVINCE OF QUEBEC
        Moy.-Ave. 1935-39 ...  ...  55,506.041  5,531. 257  85.167.834  18,188.545  164,393,677
        1940.•..•....•... , .. ,., .. ......  61,788,897  5,279,139  137,769,157  22,514,588  227,351,781
        1941. ..........................  71 968,857  6,557,930  137,651,048  24,514,611  240,692,446
        1942...........................  62,027,482  6,443,466  112.Q22,931  24,171,896  205,565,775
        1943.....•......................  64,593,731  6,909,193  133,549,137  22,527,101  227,579,762
        1944" .........................  93,978,625  7 ,405,366  187,548,318  24,939,970  313,812,279
        19~5...................... , ....  106.807,690  10,713.768  124,7]4,002  31,101),642  273,341,092
        1946, ........•.. , .....••. , ......  96,440,332  10,732,072  109,316,384  31,262,485  247,751.273
        1941 ...........•.•.............  84.623,152  8,354,374  134,623,831  24,401,655  2!H,903,012
        1948. .,.              104.211,548  ,  8,99.':;'261  159.489,872  31.680,538  305.377 ,219
                                  •          •         •         •         •
        Provo Maritimes .. M:o.r. Provinces  1,088,214  364,074  7.028,583  333,775  8,814,646
        8~t~ri~·.·.::::::::::::::::::::::  31.598,126  3,378.418  47,5!J7,695  8,817,594  171.262,883
        Manitoba. ........ .............  46,718.440  1,405.716  1  22,023,697  5,611.430  75,759.283
        Baskatebewan .. , ................  15 ,255.~35  400,640  11,385,878  1,Il7,lM  28,159.637
        Alberta.......          32,496.951  1.3.57,802  39,521,902  3,756.750  77,133,405
        Col.·Brit ..... :: :B·.C~I~bi~·.::  18,330.355  1,428,479  9,842,394  1,538,922  31,149,150
              CANADA... , .. , ........  222,625,218  12,697,548  220,461,511  27,846,5GO  483,630,837
                          PROVI~CEDE QœBEC-PROVI~CEOF QUEBEC
                                  •         •     1    •         •         •
        Moy.-Ave. 1935·39 .. ..........  4,858,6034  821,094  10,394,426  1,601,021  17,875 374
        19~0.•.........................  6,505,421  8136,922  16,322,470  2,305,962  26,000.775
        1941 ..•........................  8,686,068  1.288.173  18,526,598  3,055,384  31,556,223
        1942............. , ... , .........  10,174,035  1,414,638  17,635,659  4,053,261  33.277 ,$3
        1943................•...•......  1l,i74,530  1,576,842  22,522,144  4,295,191  40,168,707
        1944..••. , .. , ........... , ......  16,4.'il,967  1,567,967  31,621,443  3,801, 739  53.443,116
        1945" .........................  20,053,713  2,488,464  22,420,547  5,326,123  50,288,847
        1946..•, .....•................. ,  19,593,721  2,661,923  22,143,860  .5,9Q1,46~  50.396,973
        1947 ............ .. .............  19.086,359  2,145,135  29,569,252  5.152,731  55.953,477
        1948......... .,.  . . , ....  31,598,126  3,378,418  47.557,695  8,817,594  91.351,833
   356   357   358   359   360   361   362   363   364   365   366