Page 344 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 344

326                          AGRICULTURE

          36-Super.6c1e, rendement et valeur de. grand•• culture. danal. Provlnce.-(.Pin)
                36-Area, YI.ld and Value of Fi.ld Cropa in the Province -(Canel)
                 .        'lIDlflmenoé8ll  QuaMité.  Rendemen'  Valeur   Prix Illoyfln
                                                                         l'unit~ de
              ANNItEB      (en acre.)  ré(J(la~M   àl'aoere    t.otll.l(1  m68'Ufll
                -           Are.        Total      Yield       To~aJ      Average
              YEAR8         Beeded      Yîeld     per AoM      Value      Priee per
                           (in "Oree)                                     Unit of
                                 POMMEB DE TERRE-POTATQEB
          1938 .•••••••••••••. ,  139,900  9,957,000  71.2   , 11,152,000     1.12
          }939 .. , ••••.••••••••  138,100  10.737,000  17.7  12,348,000    •1.15
          19.0 .. " .•.....••...  149,800  13,125,000  87.6   10,500,000      0.80
          194.1 ••••.•••••.•••••  153,000  11 ,415,000  75.0  15,032,006      l.31
          194.2 ••••.•.•...•••••  151,000  10,833,000  69.0   17 ,441,000     1.61
          194.3 •••• " , •••••. '"  168,000  11,256,000  67.0  20.824,000     1.85
          1944. .•.•.•.••.••....  168,900  15.032,000  89.0   22,398,000      1.49
          1941L ...............  156,100  9.054.000  58.0     22,635,000      2.50
          194.6, •.• , .•..•.•....  152,000  11,400.000  75.0  21.090,000     ].85
          194.7, ........•.••...•  1'3,700  10,SS8,000  71.0  26.078.000      2.47
          HI4B.............. , ••  155,000  14,989,000  96.7  24,282.000      1.62
          Hl4.9.........••......  160,000  12,800,000  80.0   19,840,000      1.55
                            NAVETS, BETTERAVES. ETC.-TURNIPS, BEETS. ETC.
          1938.••.•...•.•..•.•  37, i'lOO  6,582,000  175.0    3,291,000      0.50
          1939 ........••.•.•• ,  38,200  6,197,000  162,0   • 3,099.000    • 0.50
          19{O .......•.••••...  36,600  5,975,000  163.0      2,455,000      OAI
          1'/41 ... , •••.••••••••  45,000  7,335.000  163.0   4.181,000      6.57
         1942." ...•.....•...  42,000  7,3.50,000    176.0     5.366.000      0.73
         19ü.. , .. , .•...••.••  43,400  7.855,000  181.0     6,205,000      0.79
         1944.., ..............  36,700  6,019,000   164.0     3,852,000      0.64
          194i5o, .••..••..•••..  30,600  4,590,000  150.0     6,059,000      1.32
          HI46 .....•....•.....  24.100  4,169,000   173.0     4,169.000      1.00
          1941.................  25,000  3,453,000  138.0      3,79f1,000     1.10
          }948.................  22,400  4,166.000   186.0     5,208.GOO      1.25-
          1949...... ........ ...  23,700  3,982,000  168.0    4,898,000      1.23
                                FOIN ET TMFI~E-HAY AND CLOVER
         1938•....• , ...••••••  3,640,000  5,238,000  1.44  $ 41.904,000     8.00
         1939., .... , .....••..  3,646,000  4,917,000  l.a5  44,253,000    • '.00
         1940.............••.  3,6tH,300  5,223,000  1.4.3    49,723,000      9.52
         1941. ..•.....•.••...  3,871.000  4,103.000  1.06    69,751,000     17.00
         1942., ..•....•......  4,001,000  5,521,000  1.38    76,079.000     13.78
         1943 ... , •.....•.•...  4'.062,000  e. ,702 ,000  1.65  77.40S.000  n.M
         1944.....•.....•..•.  4,192.000  5,701,000  1.36     88,708.000     15.156
         1945••...••.........  4,207,400  6,774.000  1.61     85,285.000     12 ..59
         1946 .•...•.. , .......  4.182,000  5.437.000  1.30  70, .'572.000  12.98
         1941.......••.•.....•  4,065,000  5,935,000  1.46    94,545,000     15.93
         1948....•••••••••••••  4,032,000  5.64.5,000  1.40   99.352,000     11.60
         1949...... , ..... .. ...  3.921,000  4.705,000  1.20  94,100.000   20.00
                                 MAIS FOURRAGER-FODDER CORN
          1938 ..••..... , .•....  53,800  526,OGO   9.78      1,994,000    a. 3.79
         1939.•........•..•..  56,400    559,000     9.91    • 2.2W.000       4.00
         1940.........•. , •...  61,300  552,000     9.00      2,4-12,000     4.48
         1941..........•..•..  76,000    695,000     9.27      4.170,000      '00
         1942................  92,000    904,000     9.83      4.119,000      5.22
         1943 ..............•.  95,500   690,000     7.22      4-,299.000     6.23
         1944 ............••..  86,400   716,000     8.98      4.Q90,OOO      5.27
         1945 .. , .....•..•....  96.600  838,000    8.67      4,894.000      •. 84
         1946.........•..••..  89,100    771,000     8.59      4,703.000      6.10
         1947.... , .......•.••.  95,500  713,000    1.47      5,276,000      7.40
         1948.................  106,600  895,000     8.40      6,265.000      7.00
                             117,000    1,108,000    9.47      9,019.CXKI
          1949..... ........ .. '                                             8.14
         1938............. , ..  16,400   43,000     2.62   •   383,000       8.00
         1939........ , .•.....  17.800   43,000     2.42       452.000     •10 .....0
          1940..........••..•.  22,400    57,000     2 ..'15    641.000      Il.25
          1941. ... , ••.......•.  36.700  84,800    2.31      1,594.000     18.80
         1942.........••.....  l52.000   126,000     2,43      1.881,000     14.93
         1943................  ll,:lOO   191,000     2.68      2,468,000     12.92
          1944...•............  70.100   149,000     2.13      2,570,000     17.25
          1945 ....•.••••••••..  72,000  179,000     2.49      2,495,000     13.94
          1946........•.......  68,900   14.5.000    2.10      2.092,000     14.43
          1947.................  71,900  156,000     2.17      2.722,000     17 .45
         1948. , ...............  86.300  165,000    1.91      3,300,000     20.00
          1949...... , .... ......  106,000  191,000  1.80     4,689,000     24.55
           (1) PommM de terre. fll,veh,  ~tterILTM, eto., en  (1) Potatofll, turnipe. beetll, eto., in ewt..: bay aDd
          Quint..ux: foin et trlUl.e, mat. et IUlerne en tODnM.  claver, oorD and ..Ual''', in tODi.
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