Page 348 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 348

&                           ...  §)  ....  "  ~  '"'3  §  ""

                     1949     18.3  21.9  24.0  lü.O  14.3  15.0  20.3  26.0  80.0  lGij.O  1.20  9.47  1.80  Il.06  833  32,681:'  3.570  32."  892  705  1.915  9.4510  19.810  4.898  1:14.100  9.019  4,689  892  18],857

                              9           1.40  8.40  1. 91  9.52  860  :US  1,088  1)40  35';1
                     1948     19  2\l.3  27.0  16.7  16.8  16.7  Z3.1  30.8  96.7  186.0  36.417  4,07.5  2.256  10.406  4.282  5.20g  9,3.')2  6.265  3,300  195,72]
                     1                    1.46  \  7.47  2.17  ti.56  DOLLARS)  t,Q7  164  836  701  130
             Québec..  1\l47  1  14.9  19.1  18.4  14.4  12.0  14.1  15.8  20.2  71.0  13S.0  OP  •  Z4,50g  ~,401  1,919  5,4157  213,078  ~, 7';1t1  94.M5  5,276  2.722  170,138

             de  Quebec.  1946  n.3  23.7  22.0  16.4  13.3  lU.O  20.8  .•  2  75.0  113.0  1.30  8.59  2.10  8.32  TiiOUIUl'fDS  4S6  23,9S2  2,473  I:J5  1.103  764  1,643  5,550  21,000  1.161)  70,572  4,703  2,01]2  2Hl  138,'82
             province  of  1              1.01  8.67  2.49  7.00  (IH  S  454  2,4,'m  133  91:'5  6V5  1.617  .",:J2!:l  6,059  4.894  2,4\l5  118

             la  Province  1945  11.0  22.9  21.5  16.6  13.1  15.6  20.7  26.5  58.0  1150.0  CnOPE!  S  24.999  22,635  85,2R5  158,188
             dans  the  1944  ACRE  PER  18..8  26.4  23.7  16.2  0  "  16.5  18.1  27.5  890  Hi4.0  1.3t.>  8.9H  2.13  6.00  FIELD  557  28,470  2.675  146  1,191  762  1,362  5.480  22,3\l8  3,852  88,70S  4.090  2,570  104  162,455
             cultures  in  Crops  1943  ymT,D  18.3  22.5  20.4  11.9  13.8  lL:I  20.2  24.1  67.0  lSl.0  1.65  7.22  2.68  OF  •  M3  24,716  2,546  164  1,208  634  1,536  5,766  20,824  6,205  17,40.'3  4.299  2.468  •..1  ..  '1  "8,317

             grandes  Field               1.38  9.83  2.43 .. ..................  VAT,UE  532  J  2,783  165  1,511  676  1.:127

             des  of  1942  L'ACRE-AVERAGE  hl.3  30.0  27.5  17.7  18..4  16.5  22.7  33.0  69.0  175.0  DOLLAII.!l)-TOTAL  •  26,302  6,014  17,441  5,366  76,07!:l  4,719  1,881  144,7"
             totale  Value  lQH  A  18.0  27.9  25.8  17.4  16.1  16.3  204  29.0  75.0  163.0  J.06  9.27  2.31  .......  490  26,483  2,675  104  1,224  M5  1,312  3.656  1I:i,032  4,181  6\l,751  1,170  1,.594  131.,407

             valeur  Total  MOYEN         1.43  9.00  2.55  DEI  473  •  2,4.88  B2  794  37S  l,4~6  641

             et  and  1940    11.4  26.6  24.4  16.6  16.1  IR.6  21. 0  27.6  81.6  163.0  ..........  MILLIERS  21.25fi  2.373  10,500  2,4S5  49,723  2,172  '5,071
             l'acre  Acre  RENDEMENT  .......  . ......  . ...  . ...  (Elii  1.

             à  per               ...........  ............  ........  ...  . ...  .....  nrtcOT.TES  .  .  .
             m.oyen  Yield    wheat..•.. (bl~~h.}.....  .....,.  ..  ..  .. '  ..  ..  .• ."  .. '  .,  clnver... (tons}...  ..  ..  ...  ORS  ..  ..  .. ' ..  ..•..  .  ••.•..•..•.•..  ' •.••.•.  .  •.• '  ...•...•... .  . !J<Jrn...••.•••.•••.  , ••••••••••.

             38-Rendernent  38-Average  CULTURES--CROPS  :::g:~i~y::::::::::  rye....... •.• Spring ... Peas..•.•....... ... BeanB ...•....••• .•. Buckwhcllt ..••.•  grniIlS.. .,. Mixed terre .• (qtx) .... Potatoee ........ (cwt.)...  beeta... •.. TUl"nip8,  amI  Hay  corn ..... ... Fndrlcr .....•.... .. ,Alfaila  bcct~ .•.... ... SuglJ.r  TOTAT.

                              printC'mps•. (b~~.)... Spriüg  "  ..  ..  ..  ..  .• méllWgé~...  .,  •(t~:lUetI)  fourrager ...•  ..  ,  ,.  ..  ~ucre.  printempI'I,  '  ~~~l.~.:::::::::::::::::: ..•.••.•..•.•.••• nelinll.. ,  " Pommee beneraves ......•. Tl1rnips, terre NavetB, trôBe .. .......•.... Fudder ...•••.. '  . .  "  . Asucre..  TO"l'AL .
                                                                  •.." . Hay

                                                                  .•. '

                              Blé ?ou  â;:;~~:::::::::::  ~~GI.e:.::::::::::  Fèves............ Sarrnein•.•••.•.••  Grains Pomme. betterl3VCII de NaV'ets, trèfle•... '  et  Fuin  Mais  Luserne.......  Betteraves:\  du  Blé  Avoine  Orl{C  F~veB  BaITaElin  (;rfl.iua m61Q.IUl;éa  de  et  Foin  :Maialonrrager  Luzerne ...•.... '  Bctt.crfl.ves
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