Page 342 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 342

324                          AGRICULTURE

             36-Superficie. rendem.ent et valeur de. Irrandea cultures dane la Province.
                    36-Arelll, Yield and Value of Field Crop8 in the Province.

                           Superficiel  QUAntité"  Rendemen~
              ANNt:ES     ensemencéee  rllnoUées   à l'Il.o:re  Valeur   Pli:r. moyell
                           (en acre.!')  (enboil8Elaux)  (enboiuMuX)  tob.l"  du boÏIIlellou
                -            _.          -           -          -           -
                             A.rr-Il;   TntRJ       Yîeld      Total      Average
               YEARS        Seeded      Yield      per Ae~     Vil Lue    Prioe per
                           (in acres)  (in bUlbtls)  (in bUlbelll)        Bw.hel
                               BLIt DU PRINTEMP&-SPRING WHEAT

          ]938.......• , .• ,., ..  (..0,500  158,000  1  15.0  1 705,000   • 0.D3
          1939 ....•••. , ..•.•••  34,400  517,000  16.8        508.000       0.88
          1940 .••••.••......•.  30,100  522,000    11.4        413,000       0.91
          1941 .•.•.•.•...... ' .  29,600  5.13,000  18.0       490,000       0.92
          1942 .•.•.•.••.......  28,700  1554,000   19.3        532,000       0,96
          1943 ..•...•......•..  27,500  503,000    18.3        543.000       1.08
          1944 ................  26,000  506,000    1!i.8       557.000       1.10
          1945... "" ..•......  23,400   398,000    17.0        454,000       1.14
          1946., , . ' ...........  22,500  389,000  17,3       486.000       1.25
          1947.... ", ....... , •.  21,800  325,000  14.9       507,000       1.56
          1948... , .••..........  24,000  478,000  19.9        860,000       1.80
          1949...... .'" . " ....  25,600  468,000  18.3        833,000       1. 78

          1938.....•..••..... ,  1,662,000  38,492,00{l  23.2  19,246,000   1 0.50
          1939 .. , ..•.. , .......  1,717,000  45,293,000  2<1.'  •21,74},000  0.48
          1940.... , .... , .....  1,664,200  44,290.000  26.6  21,259.000    0.48
          1941 ..... , ..........  1,695.000  47,291,000  27.9  26,483,000    0.56
          1942........ ' ......  1,686,000  50.580,000  30.0  26.302,000      0.52
          1943 .... , ...........  1,690,000  38,025,000  22.j  24.716,000    0.611
          1944 ..... , ..........  1,685,000  44,484,000  26.4  28,470.000    0.64
          1945. , , "       1,654,000  37,877,000   22.9      24,999.000      0.66
          1946., ... :::::::::: :  1.466,500  34.756,000  23,7  23.982,000    0.69
          1947....... , .....••.•  1.394,700  20,639.000  19.1  24.508,000    0.92
          1948.....•......... ..  1,381.000  40,463.000  29.3  36.417.000     0.90
          1949....  .. ....  1,509 .000  37.574,000  240      32,689.000      0.87
          1938 .. , .............  177,000  4.164,000  23.5  ... 2,605,000  • O.M
          1939. , .. .. ......... '  167.800  4,~5,000  24.2  1  2,555,000    0.63
          1940................  159,600  3.888,000  24.4       2,488,000      0,64
          1941. ...... ........  144,000  3,715.000  2.5.8     2,675,000      0.72
          1942................  138,600  3.812,000  27.5       2,783.000      0.73
          1943 ... , ........... ,  lli6,OOO  3.182,000  2Q.4  2,546,000      0.80
          1944, ...... , .. ,., .. ,  136.000  3,223,000  23.7  2.675.000     0.83
          1945, .•...•...... , ..  132.600  2.851.000  21. 5   2.480.000      0.87
          1946..... , .....•. ,' ,  124,900  2,748,000  22.0   2,473.000      0.90
          1947....... , ........  156.800  2.8R5,1XX)  18.4    3.491.000      1. 21
          1948., '.......... .....  144,300  3,896,000  27.0   4.675,000      1. 20
          1949. ... .., .    125.000    3.000,000   24.0       3,570,000      1. 19
                                      BEIGLE-BPRING RYE

          1938.... " , .....•...  7,COO  111.000    HS,9   1   $  89,000    • 0.80
          1939....... , .. , .....  6,600  111,000  16.8         91,000       0.82
          1940..... , ... .......  6,200  103,000   16.6         82,000       0.80
          1941.•....... , . ....  13,300  231,000   17,4        194,000       0.84
          1942 ... " .. , .. , .....  Il.l00  196,000  17.7     165.000       0.84
          1943.... , •....• ,., ..  12.600  188.000  14.9       164,000       0,87
          1944., ........•.....  9,300   Ijl,OOO    16.2        146,000       0.97
          194fS ..•....•. , ......  8,400  139,000  16.6        133,000       0.96
          1946., ......•.......  7,700   126,000    16.4        135,000       1.07
          1947........ , ..•.....  8,600  124,000   14.4        164.000       1.32
          1948.....••.. ,., .••..  13,200  220,000  16.7        315,000       1.43
          H149....•..... .... ...  13,800  221,000  16.0        325,000       1.47
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