Page 343 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 343

GRANDES CULTUREfl--FIELD CROPS                    325

         36-Superficie, r.ende:ment et valeur des grandes cultun. danaia Province.-(Suite).
                36-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops in the Province.-(Cont.}

                         8uperliciea  Quantit6l1  Rendemen~
                        ense:mencêee  T'êl1o]t6l!l'l  ta l'acre  Valeur  1  Prh: moyen
            ASm;:EB      (en IloCree)  (eo boiMea.UI)  {enboiMtla.ut:l  totale  du boialeau
              -            -           -          -           -           -
            YEAR8         A~.         Total      Yield       Tllhl      Al'erajllt
                          Seeded      Yield     pl'Jr Aore   Vaiulli    PrlCe per
                         (in a.erea)  (in bU!lbda)  (in bUebe1s)        Bushel

        1938 ..............  20,100    29l:l ,000  14.7       566.000       1. 'JI
        1939 .....    1     18,500     2\jO,000   l~. 7     • 612.000     • 2.11
        1940 ...•..         10,700     318,000    Hl.!        794,000       2.50
        1941. ....          25, SaD    415,000    16.1       1,224.000      2.95
        1942.               27,000     497,000    18.4       1,.'ill.GOa    3.0<
        1943.               28,000     386,000    13.8       1,208,000      3.13
        ]944. ,             25,100     377 ,000   15.0       1,191,000      3.16
        1945 ...            22.600     206.000    13.1        905.000       3.36
        1946 ... ...........  ~2..El00  303.000   13.3      1,103.000       3.64
        }947....            17,600     211.000    12.0        B36.000       3.96
        1945.....           16.200     272,000    16.8       LOBS .000      <.00
        I!WI.               15.S00     222.000    14.3        892.000       4.02

        1938.               7.900      134.000    17.0      li 251,000      1. 87
        19::19.             7.700      126,000    16.4        260.000     • 2.06
        1940 ..............  9,200     153,000    16.6        375.000       2,45
        1941.               13,900     227,000    10.3        645,000       2.81
        1942.               13,500     223. 000   16 ..'5     676,000       3.03
        1943.               14.100     202.000    14.3        634,000       3.14
        1944.               14,500     239.000    16.5        762,000       3.19
        1945 ..             12,600     197,000    15.6        695,000       3.5-3
                            12,400     198.000   16.0         764,000       3.86
        1946 .••. : : : : : : : :: : : : 1
        1947., .... " .........  10,900  1.54 .000  14.1      701.000       4.55
        1048....•• .•.......•.  12.WO  209,000    Hi. 7       940,000      4.50
        1949 ..... , ...........  10.400  lM. 000  15.0       705.000       4.52
        1938............   145.400   2.710,000   18.6      • 1,897,000    • 0.70
        1939 .... ..........  122.100  2,483,000  20.3      1,607,000       0.65
        1910          1    104 ...'.iOO  2,144,000  21.0    1,436.000       0.67
        1911.::             86.900   1.7ï3.000   20.4       1,312,000       0.74
        1942                79.000   1.793.000   22.7       1,327.000       0.74
        1943 ..             90,500   1.828,000   20.2       1,536,000       0.84
        1944 ...            8:-1.600  1,513,000  18.1       1.362,000       0.00
        1945 ...            8::1,1.00  1,720,000  20.7      1,617,COO       0.94
        1046 ...            73,200   1.027,000   20.8       1,643,000       0.93
        1947..              91),400  l,fi2a.OOO  15.8       1.918,000       1. 26
        lO4R... :::::::: .  75.100   1,7:i5.000  23.1       2.206,000       1.30
        1949.               78.000   1,3116.000  20.3       1,'E5.000       1. 20
                              GlUINS Ml1:T~ANG~S-MIXEQGRAINS
        1938. , ....... , .....  142,700  3,472,000  24.3   2,293,000       0.66
        ]939 .. ..... .... ....  1{i8,400  4,7tl3,000  28.3  •2,861,000   • 0.60
        W40 . .. . ........ ..  163.300  ,4,502,000  27.6   2,373,000       0.53
        1941. .. ... .......  191,000  5,530,000  29.0      3,8.'>6.000     0.66
        1942 .... ... . .......  272,000  8,976,000  33.0   6,OH-.OOO       0.67
        1943 ... ....... .....  291,800  7.032,000  24.1    5,766,000       0.82
        1944, ......... ... , ..  26..'.i,700  7,307,000  27.5  5,480,000   0.75
        1945 .. ......... ....  257 ,BOO  Û,~2,OOO  26.5    5,329,000       0.78
        1946 ................  251,400  6,687,000  26.6     .'5,550,000     0 83
        HM7....... ,., ...... ,  275.600  5,!'>B.'l.000  20.2  5,457,000    0 98
        1948..•. , .....• ......  299,000  9,21)9,000  30.8  1O,40û,000     1.13
        1949.. ,....       .'l12.000  8,lU.000   26.0       Il.480.000      1.17
   338   339   340   341   342   343   344   345   346   347   348