Page 170 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 170


                S-HOSPtCES (:t ORPHELINATS            S-HOMES AND ORPHANAGES
            En 1948, on comptait 143 hospices et orphe-  In 1948 there wero 143 homes and orphanagflB
          linats dans la province de Quéheo: 41 dans la  in the Province of Quebee: 41 in the City of
          eitli de Montrnal, 14 dans la cité de Québec et  Montreal, 14 in the City of Quebee and 88
          &S dans les autres parties de la Province.  Le  Bituated els6where within the Pro"ince.  On
          31 décembre 1948, ces institutions mettaient  Dooember 316t, 1948, of tb. 20.467 beds
          20,467 lits à, la disposition des 18,666 personnes  available in these institutions, 18,666 were
          qu'elles hospitalisaient.             oC<lupied by patients.
            Les "hospices et orphelinats" ne compren-  "Homes a.nd ûrphanages" do not comprise
          nent pM 35 foyers et autres institutions qui  3.') hostels and other institutions caring for
          s'occupent splicialement de L'enfance ablludon-  deserted children and de8t.jtute farnilies,  Or
          néo, des familles pauvres, du servIce social à  proddîng soCIal service either in t.he home or
          domicile ou dans certaines institutions, et qui  in an institution or placing children in foster
          organisent des servioos de placement.  homes.

                  IO-Statistiques de. hospices et oJ'phelinats, province de Québec.
                    IO-Statistics of Homes and Orphanages, Province of Quebec.

                          DESIGNATION                                 Hl47    1948
                                                      1935-39  1940-4A
          ]n~1:itutioI1fl ayant fait rapport.. ..... lIUlt.itutioIlB reporting........  " ......  1  141  138
          ~·ombre d'institutions......  . .Number ot institutiou~ ........  .. .... .....  14<  143
          Kombrtl de personnes:  Nllmber of penoue:
            Pr6i>entee te 1er jau\·ier........ ...  Present ou ht January. .....  15,771  11'1,066  19,003  18,362
            Admise" dumnt l'ann~e. ... .....  Admitted during )·ear.  ...  11,003  Il ,083  9,815  10,250
            Sorties durant l'amree. ...........  Released ...................  11,647  10,Qal  10,466  Q,946
            Présentes le 31 d~cembre . .....  Present an 31Bt December.  15,727  16,218  18,362  18,666
          Kombre de lita.. ......... .... ..... Kumber 01 bed8... ...........  17,442  17,332  20,215  20,oi67

                 li-Etat financier des hospices et orphelinats, province de Québec.
              lI-Financial Statement of Homes and OrphBnBges, Province of Quebec.

                          ENUMERATION                ----             lQ47    lQ48
                                                      1935-39  194()..44
                                                        •                      •
          Recettee:              Receipts:                      •      •
          En caill8e le 1er janvier... ...  .Cash on 16t January ... ..  1.38,279  197,934  620,175  623,061
            Payé par penaion.n.aires ...........  Paid by boarders .. ...  880,829 l,i01.oi80 2,180,038 2,250,126
            Oetroi8 ju gouvernerneut........  Government grantB  .  ..  878, SOI  887.783 1,844,SI7 2,065,780
            Octroie ee municipalités ....... ,         211,132  184,~)08  169,811  260,357
            Dona parti~uliel"8...  ....  ~~:~~~bJo~~i~~;~:.I~~~~ :: .  396,6G4  .'>47,627  709,004  667,681
          Autres recettes....... ...  .. .... :Other receipw.... ....... ..... 1. 549, 353 1. 767 ,8:.!3 2,780,408 3,010,704
                   TOTA.L. .... ...... .. .. .... .. ..... ....  ..  4,064,751  "'9&7,564 1:8,25',253  1,106,86'
          Dlibour.sé~:           DisburBernente:
            Salaires des médecins.. ...  Salaries ol phl'siciaWl .....  27.787  33,902  71,923  64,637
            81.laires du personnel. ............  Salaries of staff.... .... . " ..  631,238  868,541 1,4.34.,083 1,403,529
            RemMes etc........  ..... ..  Medicine etc.....  91,343  103,111  144,706  151,341
   ....  Food................... ... 1,056,479 1 317,127 2,009.fi80 2,303,262
            BI&nClhi9s~e et habillement. ......  Lll.UDdry and dotbing....  182,066  204.0SQ  327,193  310,419
   et édairage.......  Heating and ligbting...  341,7:.!7  444,911  598.863  670,473
            Taxcs réparations etc. ..... .. ...        659.410  711.722 1,4.'18,991 1,207,709
            Autres débour~..... ........ . ..  6~1~~ Jî~~~::e~~-~: . : .  99,:L 01 9 1.057,093 1, 46."i.753 2,161,905
                   TOTAL..... ..........  ...... ..... ........ ..... 3,3'6,OU  4,7~4!17 7,631,192 Il.275,77S
            Source: StatùallU~B fif~ HOBpiul ~I Orph~!if(at8, Québec  SOurce: .'3tatis!ù;s of HomM and Orphanar;n, Québec.
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