Page 168 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 168

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                     Total    •  4.250.103  702,895  821,637  5,n.,6J5  2,257.791  1,319,461  395,372  1,032,000  611,877  562,442  1.178,843  •  4,497,239  777,516  860,441  &'''''115  2,321,837  1,553,082  t58,781  1,425,848  250,459  485,662  e,.15.66S
             1947.  1947.  1

             et      H.~ld  8aiat-Michel  Arch..qe  •  1.356,916  192,772  1,",947  l,IM.6SS  687,184  316,570  72,384  515,222  79,552  346,896  2,017,1107  •  1,428,480  208,842  169,167  ..-  634,114  389,021  75,805  768,098  68,lW9  172,083  2,1.7.910  Otta""a.
             1946  and  1

             Québec,  1946  Htlpit.1l1  1 8ainWalien  •  172,332  3,676  48,377  .......  80,4.16  00,610  24,116  19,591  20,320  31,975  216._  •  217,476  5,284  70,578  293,JJ8  77,038  85,307  35,917  46,672  21,947  28,728  ""109  In8titution8,

             de  Quebec,        238,174  623,640  658,053  189,224  508,228  111,497  278,450  505,867  74.1.493  226.135  26..'5,685  159,703  198,106  M611tal
             province  of Province  H6piW  811Î.aWea.n·  1  de-Dieu  •  1.964,724  2,726,558  1,048,590  229,241  2.7......833  •  1,912,351  2,696,661  1,135,950  Z,7Z1,D7Z  Source:

             nerveuu.,  H6pikl 1 Sain\e-A,nne  •  221,625  8,461  64,881  2M.9G7  35,751  72,672  18,993  142,926  .i4:ÔOô'  ZN,SU  •  261,246  11,415  74,149  .......  31,634  83,616  1~~·612  ,680  ~""'86:745'  147,7Jfl

             et  In.titutlon.,  HoapiW ho"""  IUlUIoe  •  297,513  269.812  39.792  597,117  275,080  153,94.1  74,561  92,906  3,777  48,075  611,9••  •  350,984  273,624  40,680  .......  267,565  176,897  83,798  162,810  _078
             mentale.  Neurologieal  lor B~:~  1  6  "  •  236,993  m,ns  130,170  58,615  16,094  32,114  ~  _  231.993  7  4.  •  326,702  "".  ,,"  126,702  175,536  76,748  19,514  54,903  1__  526,711

             maladie.     {I  1            , . , ..  ...... ,_  I-c=::::  {I  1  ....... ..  "  ....  .  , . , •••••

             pour  and Mental            .  , .••  , ..•.•. ell:penB68..•••..•....  . .  ,., , .• , ••••.  •. UpElnae8••••.•••••••

             in.t!tution.  of  Allowaneel!....•... Patien~8..••...•..........  R60eiptfl..  wages Food......•..........•......•..  water.  and  maintenflnce Improvement.......•....•..••.•.•.... ell:pen6e~........•......••  A1lowanoos  Pat.ientB Reœi.pts.....•....•..•..  wagel'l .• _.••.•.•. Food..........•..• , •.••..  water..• , .'  and  rnainte

             de.  Disbunemenh  R«npt.l:  Government  by  Other  Diabur$grne71~B:  and  Salaries  light  JIf",.e,t,  Other  Other  Reœip!s:  Government  by  P!  Other  Di81l1lrllcmcnfa:  .ILll.d S!l.l.nri€ll!  Iight  Uf".at,  Other  Oth{]r  Ottawa.
             d~bouné.  ÉNUMÉRATION                                               mentales,

             et  and           Gouvernement..  .  .  ti.n~.  Gouvernl'lment  . cau .....  fine.  maladies
             7-Reeette.  7-Reeeiph  patientB.  les  reoott.ell.  'l'OTA.L •.  .  gaged  et Nourriture lnmière,  eau d~penae8 d'enLretien..  d'am~lioraLi()n...  foutr"'B  pour  TOTAL.  du  p"tientB,.  lCB  recettCB....  T(I'l'AL.  gagœ.  et  lumièr~, ,16pen~,e~ d'l;'.Jltl'ctien.  d·lI.Inéiiorntion...  autres  PO'lr  TOTAL.  POUT In.'!!it'll.tIOnJ/

                             Roc~ttf(i:  l"I\lhventi{)~ du  pa.r  Payé  Autrea  DEOO'WTBk:  Salaires,  Autrea  Dépell868  DépeIU!es  R..MHe8:  SuhventiOn!;  par  Pa.yé  Autres  DlbonrsbJ:  Sala.irt',l;  Nourriture,  Autrea  Dépen~es  DépensP1'I  Source:
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